Cream of the Crop 1
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Date 08-01-91 07:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> You must remmenber that Jesus is still a human. He is not
KK> as divine as he was when in Heaven,
Does 'not as divine' mean not exactly God. I think we agree.
KK> If you haven't noticed in (John 8:58) Jesus claims that he
KK> existed before Abraham; he also applied Gods Holy name to
KK> himself (I AM -- Exodus 3:14). So the Jewish leaders tried to
KK> stone him.
I don't believe Jesus pre-existed his birth. The 'word' that
pre-existed Jesus' birth was the IDEAL of a perfected man.
The Ideal for a perfected woman also exists. So when a perfected woman
does appear it does not mean that she has actually been existing before
her birth.
Date 08-01-91 08:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> We human beings are separated from God by sin, and only
KK> one person in the universe is our mediator and can stand
KK> between us and bring us together again--Jesus, who is both
KK> God and man.
You already told me Jesus lost some of his divine nature.
Date 08-01-91 08:01:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> Because of his unity with God, Jesus lived as God wanted him
KK> to live. Because of our identification with Jesus, We must
KK> honor him and live as he wants us to live.
This clearly brings up the question of how many gods you believe their
are. I believe there in ONE God.
Date 08-01-91 08:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
KK> Paul was teaching that any false doctrines that didn't teach
KK> the doctrines of Christ. Then God-Jesus didn't abideth within
KK> them.
I must have made a mistake. I though you followed the traditional
belief that there is ONE God ?
Date 08-01-91 08:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> ACS 22:9 And they that were with me saw indeed the
KK> TB> light, and were
KK> TB> afraid; but they heard not the voice of him
KK> TB> that spake to
KK> TB> me.
KK> If your trying to prove that Jesus and God are not the
KK> same. Good luck because it can't be done with the WORD OF
KK> GOD. The WORD states over and over again that Jesus is GOD.
I don't claim to be abel to prove my point. You are missing the point.
If Jesus is God then whose voice is he speaking to him ? How many Gods
are there ?
Date 08-01-91 08:09:00
From Terry Blount
To Glen Davis
Subject Divine Principle
GD> TB> There is not another person in this
GD> TB> entire conference that understands or believes the Divine
GD> Principle. TB> EVERY message I have entered for the past year
GD> and half has been TB> written to someone that does not believe
GD> the way I do.
GD> What is it and why haven't I heard of it?
God was probably trying to protect you from the negative publicity.
Keep reading my messages and you will hear of it.
Date 08-01-91 08:12:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Everlasting Lifef
TB> TB> The ONLY way any human can continue to exist after physical
TB> death TB> is in a spiritual state.
TB> Can you please show me this in the Bible. There should be some
TB> thing in there if that is a teaching of the Bible.
ECC 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the
spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
TB> Also, what about the verse in Psalm 37: 29 "The righteuos
TB> themselves will posses the earth. And they will reside forever
TB> upon it." Also read all of the chapter 37 of Psalm's it refers
TB> to those that will live on the earth forever.
What if I told you that Korean people were going to inherit the earth
and reside forever upon it... would that mean that specific Korean
person was not going to grow old and die ?
In other words 'The ritghteous' is a classification of people.
Date 08-01-91 08:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject hypocrisy
TB> When I first got on this open bible echo, I thought that people
TB> were more open mined about what was in the Bible.
Could it be possible that we thought the same thing about you ?
Date 08-01-91 16:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 1/4
WC> Which way do you intend to go, Terry. In one breath you say
WC> that Jesus is not God not you are saying that He is God. Have
WC> you changed your mind on Jesus being God?
Humans have the potential to live in a relationship with God. When a
person perfects his or her relationship with God then God is living in
that person. That person would not fall or commit a sin that would
cause grief to that relationship or risk losing that relationship.
When a person lives in perfect harmony with God, that person becomes the
incarnation of the love of God. This person takes on the same value as
God. When you attack this kind of person it is the same thing as
attacking God. When you love and respect this person, it is the same
thing as loving and obeying God. In a sense this person is the living
representative of God. But nevertheless this person is not really God
who created the universe.
Date 08-01-91 16:27:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 2/4
WC> We can resolve most questions about the Godhead if we
WC> properly understand the dual nature of Jesus. When we read a
WC> statement about Jesus we must determine if it describes Jesus as
WC> a man or as God.
Walter, I have not neglected your messages, but I did not respond simply
because I don't know how to help you see God as the person He really is:
A parent. Jesus could not manifest the fullness of God's nature Only
True parents can do that. The messiah and his bride ( not a mythical
congregation ), together are necessary to manifest the parental heart of
God on earth. It was God that created His children in his image Male
and Female. The image of God can only be fully manifested in a
marriage. I wish you could understand this.
Date 08-01-91 16:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 2/4
WC> moment and then as God the next moment. However, we must always
WC> remem- ber that Jesus is fully God and not merely an anointed
WC> man. At the same time, He was fully man, not just an appearance
WC> of man. He had a dual nature unlike anything we have, and we
WC> cannot adequately compare our existence or experience to His.
WC> What would seem strange or impos- sible if applied to a mere
WC> human becomes understandable when view in the context of One who
WC> is both fully God and fully man at the same time.
I don't know why you continue to disregard all the accounts of Jesus
talking to an external being that he called God.
2JO 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine
of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine
of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
Both What does 'both' tell you ?
Date 08-01-91 16:49:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 3/4
WC> Psalm 110:1. According to Acts 7:55, Stephen looked up into
WC> heaven while being stoned to death and "saw the glory of God,
WC> and Jesus standing on the right hand of God." What does this
WC> phrase mean?
When Stephen says he saw Jesus and God together it means that Jesus was
a separate identity from God.
WC> Does this mean that there are two physical
WC> manifestations of God in heaven, God and Jesus, with the latter
WC> perpetually stationed on the right hand of the former? Is this
WC> what Stephen saw?
NO he saw One manifestation of God and another manifestation of God's
son, Jesus, who wasn't God. I think you are starting to get the
Date 08-01-91 16:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 4/4
WC> Not that I can believe!! However, Satan certainly is making
WC> such an attempt.
Looks like you are picking up a bad habit from Steve Winters. Calling
folks Satan or saying that Satan in working through someone only serves
to make one feel superior. You don't need to do that Walter.
Date 08-01-91 17:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses
DO> Thank you very much for this. If you ever get to where you DO
DO> want two guys in your living room, let me know. I'll send
DO> somebody around! <grin>
Let me know too and I can arrange to have some flowers delivered... for
a small contribution... say 100 bucks ! < grin >
Date 08-01-91 17:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Ken Akridge
Subject Jesus
KA> Can you give the references you are using to come to that
KA> conclusion ? ^^^^
Sorry, I send out over a dozen messages a day and even today I got in 22
at one time so I don't know what 'that' is referring to.
KA> next question: Was Jesus punished for the sins he took upon
KA> Himself. If so what was that punishment ?
Jesus was innocent and therefore deserved no punishment for anything.
When he was rejected, the consequences of the mistake of the people
should have been man's eternal possession by Satan. However, Jesus made
the conscious decision to make an Indemnity condition to prevent this
from happening. Jesus crucifixion was a condition for the messiah to
return and give man another chance in about 2,000 years.
KA> I appreciate the time it takes to formulate a reply and I thank
KA> you for it.
Thanks, Keep reading, I will be posting message about the purpose of
the coming of the Messiah.
Date 08-01-91 17:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Jesus
MS> KA> When Jesus died, did he go to hell ?
MS> TB> Yes, he went into the 'nether glooms' and preached for 3
MS> days and 2 TB> nights. Pretty strong evidence that God intends
MS> to clean up Hell. TB> Hell may not be a place people will
MS> actually spend eternity. And just where in Scripture is that
MS> found, Terry?
You did not ask for references when you posted the message. Why do you
want them now ? Do you dislike my answer ? <grin>
Date 08-01-91 17:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Messiah
WC> TB>Looks to me like Abraham did something wrong.
WC> You cannot know this from the relating of the above event.
WC> It is extra-biblical.
So you are trying to tell me that God condemned Abraham's descendants to
400 years of slavery without a reason ? Sorry Walter, I can't buy
Date 08-01-91 17:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Messiah
MS> It doesn't matter to you that while the New Testament agrees
MS> with the Old Testament, your "new revelation" doesn't agree with
MS> either of them, and insteadscompletely contradicts them?
MS> Doesn't sound the same to me....
That is because you are on the outside looking in.
Date 08-02-91 08:27:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Jesus' Resurrection
DO> COMFORTAhoused on this planet, I have seen some. The exponential
DO> nature of the populatiogrowth puts a very significant percentage
DO> of all humans ever born alive
DO> right now. The way that man has ruined the earth makes these few
DO> seem to be overcrowded. You are perhaps incapable of seeing how
DO> Jehovah could put
So you are trying to tell me that there would never come a time in all
eternity that the earth would be over populated ? You got to be
kidding. With people reproducing then those children reproducing... do
you know what geometrical progression is ? Eternity is a long time
and if only 1 woman had a baby every 5 years, before eternity is
finished if no one died the earth would still run out of standing room.
How can you grow something to eat with a man standing on it ?
Call me a materialist of simply practical... at least I'm thinking.
I do have a little admiration for people who can follow blind faith.
Date 08-02-91 14:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject What A Guy!
DO> This is how you keep your mouth in check? You take the same
DO> egotistical attitudethat the Pope takes in assuming God's role.
DO> Satan has the same desire. You
DO> think you have the power to judge who is a better human? Jesus
DO> even restrained
I have nothing to say about this topic, but I do wonder what it is
between a Catholic and a Jw that sparks so much animosity ?
I understand that almost every faith believes they are the chosen
'elect' that will live in heaven while the rest will be denied the
honor, so why so much friction ?
Date 08-02-91 16:47:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> > KK> We human beings are separated from God by sin, and
KK> only > KK> one person in the universe is our mediator and can
KK> stand > KK> between us and bring us together again--Jesus,
KK> who is both > KK> God and man.
KK> TB> You already told me Jesus lost some of his divine nature.
KK> Thats true, But he regained it after is resurrection when he
KK> returned to Heaven.
So where was this lost nature while Jesus was in the flesh ?
You now should see that a lie requires anothere lie to cover up it's
shortcomings. Why not simply believe the truth ?
Date 08-02-91 16:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> This clearly brings up the question of how many gods you
KK> believe their TB> are. I believe there in ONE God.
KK> Guess what your RIGHT! There is only ONE GOD! Jesus was the Body
KK> of God, And God is the Spirit, and Know Jesus is the Holy
KK> Spirit. Confussed Yet?
JOH 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship
[him] in spirit and in truth.
ACS 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and
with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that
were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
Date 08-02-91 16:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> I must have made a mistake. I though you followed the
KK> traditional TB> belief that there is ONE God ?
KK> I Do! there is only ONE GOD! Jesus and God are ONE!
Why does scripture refer to them as 'both' ?
2JO 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine
of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine
of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
Date 08-02-91 17:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> If Jesus is God then whose voice is he speaking to him ?
KK> TB>How many Gods are there ?
KK> His Spirit, the Father! When Jesus Died he temporarly lost
KK> his divine attributes. Thus the need to Pray to his Spirit.
Where did it go ?
KK> Don't try to prove
KK> the Bible wrong just accept His Word. We are taught by the
KK> WORD and the SPIRIT that Jesus and God are ONE and you should
KK> accept that.
Looks like that's what you did. I'm sorry I cannot accept an
irrational doctrine.
KK> If you want to believe other wise read a WT translation.
You lost me. Are you promoting the Wt ?
Date 08-02-91 17:11:00
From Terry Blount
To Vlad Tepes
Subject Intelligent Plan or Natur
VT> In the arctic circle, there isn't much sunlight, and persons
VT> with dark skin soon become ill due to a vitamin deficency.
I suppose black people shouldn't work in a coal mine ?
Date 08-02-91 17:12:00
From Terry Blount
To Vlad Tepes
Subject Intelligent Plan or Natur
VT> These small changes accumulate over time, resulting in
VT> differences great enough that we call them different species.
Well I do understand variation. But when you start comparing me to a
monkey, I really have trouble believing he is my ancestor. Don't you ?
Do you really believe that something as complex as a human being can be
created through random action/selection ? I would venture to bet that
if you took a million monkeys and put them in an area with a million
typewriters, their random selection of keys would NEVER even duplicate
this message. If something as simple as this message could not be
duplicated randomly how would something as complex as human life evolve
without the guidance of a supreme being ? I'm sorry, I find it highly
illogical that I am here by coincidence.
Date 08-02-91 17:20:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1 part 1/2
WC> TB>Are you going to fall for that eternal life in the flesh
WC> stuff? Like the Jw's teach ?
WC> The Bible clearly teaches us that Jesus had a physical body
WC> after He arose. It also teaches us that we will have bodies like
WC> Him. There- fore we will all receive resurrection bodies which
WC> are immortal. They will resemble the ones we have not but will
WC> not be the same.
Oops, looks like they got to you before I did. < grin > ...and we
got so many flowers we were counting on you to sell before they wilted.
Well at least you do say the resurrected body will not be the same.
There is still a little work left for them to do on you. < grin >
Date 08-02-91 17:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1 part 1/2
WC> TB>Every day we see animals that have grown old die. This is
WC> not a TB>result of sin. No animal ever sinned. Likewise man's
WC> physical TB>death is not related to sin.
WC> God never claimed that they did. God gave Adam dominion over
WC> all things on the earth. When Adam sinned then sin and death
WC> entered into the world.
The death that resulted from the fall was separation from God. It is
not related to the ageing and decaying of flesh.
I think I am finally beginning to see the difference in our thinking.
Every time I try to teach you something you don't understand you label
it as Extra-Biblical. And when I read your interpretation of scripture
the word that comes to my mind is 'Irrational'. What we have here is
the struggle between faith and reason. I can't see why a person would
believe something that is an obvious contradiction to reason. You can't
understand why a person would want to have rational faith.
This conflict between faith and reason has been going on for who knows
how long. Do you think we can resolve it ?
Date 08-02-91 17:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1 part 1/2
WC> Sure you have, Terry. You have repeatedly said that Jesus
WC> did not come into the world to die. Yet I have given you
WC> Scriptures which clearly prophesied the He did come to die for
WC> our sins. Either you are the Scripture are wrong.
Or the third possibility 3. You have not understood me yet.
Jesus did not come to die. The people rejected him and he was forced to
take an alternative course. At this point Jesus mission was to go the
way of the cross.
Can't you see Walter ? Like this... you start out for New Orleans,
you come to the last exit before the long bridge then notice you are
really low on gas. You stop and get some. Your deviation from your
original destination was a result of a situation that developed along
the way.
Same with Jesus. He came to be Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The
people did not recognize him and rejected him. He then went the way of
the Suffering Servant.
Date 08-02-91 17:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1 part 2/2
WC> Nope. There is absolutely NO provision for grandchildren in
WC> Scripture. There is only provision for children. God does not
WC> now nor will He ever have grandchildren. He will have only
WC> children.
WC> TB>How else can He have grand children unless two sinless mature
WC> TB>adults of the opposite sex are married with His blessing, get
WC> TB>together and have children ?
WC> He could but speak the word and there would be hundreds of
WC> mil- lions of perfect adults yet He has not. God is not
WC> interested in grandchildren. His interest is in children. In
WC> ancient times there was not even a word for "grand"
WC> (children/father/mother). Since the He- brews were God's chosen
WC> that in itself should tell you something.
You are big time wrong on this one Walter.
Let me simply re-quote myself:
Date 08-02-91 17:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1 part 2/2
WC> II Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God
WC> with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath
WC> said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be
WC> their God, and they shall be my people. ^^^^^^^
WC> ^^^^^^^^
WC> There you are straight from Scripture. A very definite clear
WC> statement to the church that we are the temple of God. The
WC> context was not future but present.
Humm, Doesn't 'will be' and 'shall be' refer to the future ?
Date 08-02-91 17:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> TB>Now you know they were VERY mistaken and confused.
WC> We know that some were neither. The knew and were not
WC> confused. They just did not care.
And what if they had cared ? Would God's plans to have Jesus murdered
possibly been foiled ?
Date 08-02-91 17:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> As I have already stated, I have received the gift of the
WC> Holy Spirit which will lead me into all truth. My beliefs are
WC> entirely Scriptural.
So were those of the Jewish people who could not see Jesus for who he
really was.
WC> TB>I agree. I told you some things were a new revelation.
WC> Since it contradicts the written word where is the
WC> demonstration of power and authority which God always sends to
WC> authenticate such things?
Well at least I'm in good company !
MAR 1:27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among
themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new doctrine
[is] this?
ACS 17:19 And they took him, and brought him unto Areopagus, saying,
May we know what this new doctrine, whereof thou speakest,
Date 08-02-91 17:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.5
WC> TB>Because Adam and Eve did not believe God's Work, they could
WC> not TB>establish the Foundation of Faith and they fell.
WC> It was not God's Work that they did not believe. It was
WC> God's word that if they ate of the fruit of the tree of
WC> knowledge of good and evil they would die.
OOPs, I made a typing error. I think 'k' and 'd' are the same
position just different hands. Well, now the secret is out.. I don't
know my right hand from my left. ...but I do know ALL truth < grin >
Date 08-02-91 18:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.6
WC> No human being has ever had the capability to prefect
WC> themselves. Scripture very clearly says the we are not saved by
WC> our works. You have just told us that Adam and Eve had to
WC> prefect themselves. This was not then nor is it now a
WC> possibility. Only God can prefect man and that will happen only
WC> after death.
You can write this kind of message every day, 50 times a day, for the
rest of your life, but you know that you have an individual
responsibility that God isn't going to fulfull for you. You will
determine where you spend eternity. Not God.
Date 08-02-91 18:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.6
WC> As stated this was an impossibility from the very start.
WC> God's children already have power and authority over angels.
So why can't anyone simply cast out demons ? You are involved with
this kind of stuff, have you ever commanded a demon to leave someone
under the name and authority of Walter Coups ? Try is sometime.
You may learn that you will have to call Ghost Busters and get a little
back up support. You know who the real Ghost Buster is don't you.
Date 08-02-91 18:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.6
WC> It is extra-biblical and contradicts Scripture. Either
WC> you are correct and God lied in His word to us or God is correct
WC> and you are wrong.
Ouch ! Must have touched a nerve.
Whenever you feel such a reaction, you can bet that you are hearing
something that Satan doesn't want you to know. Count on it.
Date 08-03-91 08:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> 1.) Now Who was the WORD? _________
The 'word' means IDEAL. God had the vision of an Ideal man from the
very beginning. Adam failed to fulfill the ideal so God Jesus was born
to fulfill the positon. There is also the 'word' or ideal for a
perfected Woman. But that does not mean she pre-exists her birth.
Date 08-03-91 16:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ
WC> This is another of those places where you contradict
WC> Scripture. God's spirit indwells a person when long before they
WC> are perfected. One cannot prefect himself. It is only via the
WC> power of God that this can be done. Only those who have the Holy
WC> Spirit dwelling within them have the power to overcome sin.
Then the Holy Spirit is not dwelling in anyone. Who is without sin ?
Your teaching is Extra-Biblical.
Jesus clearly said the responsibility for aperson's salvation is decided
by that individual:
MAT 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into
the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father
which is in heaven. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Date 08-03-91 16:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ
WC> This is nothing more than a variation of the lie which Satan
WC> told Eve in the Garden when he told her that she could become
WC> god. It was not true then and is not true now.
Satan told a half truth. Man can indeed become like God. It is only
the method that Satan taught that was the lie: illicit sexual conduct.
Date 08-03-91 16:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ
WC> TB>Walter, I have not neglected your messages, but I did not
WC> respond TB>simply because I don't know how to help you see God
WC> as the person TB>He really is: A parent.
WC> The only way you can convince me, Terry is to show me in
WC> Scrip- ture where I am wrong. So far you have only offered me
WC> extra-biblical stuff which contradicts Scripture.
Try the Lords Prayer you can't get any more Biblical than that:
MAT 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in
heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
LUK 11:2 And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art
in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Date 08-03-91 16:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ
WC> TB>The messiah and his bride (not a mythical congregation),
WC> together TB>are necessary to manifest the parental heart of God
WC> on earth.
WC> The Bible does not teach anywhere that Jesus will ever marry
WC> and father children. It does teach that the body of believers is
WC> the Bride of Christ.
Correct, this is the part I am trying to teach you that is a new
revelation. There is certainly nothing in the Bible that contradicts
the Messiah becoming a father. Where does it say Jesus had to die
without a wife ?
Don't you wonder why a central theme of Jesus' speech in the New
Testament is the 'Bridegroom' ? How can you have a bridegroom without
a bride. Such an idea is IRRATIONAL.
Date 08-03-91 17:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.7
WC> TB>God's central dispensation of preparation for the Messiah is
WC> TB>clearly shown in the Old Testament. Right at the beginning,
WC> God's TB>dispensation for Adam's family was frustrated by Cain's
WC> slaying TB>Abel.
WC> No, Terry, the problem started in the Garden, not with Cain
WC> and Abel.
I think you misunderstood. I was saying that the process or providence
for restoration began with Cain and Abel. Do you find any evidence
that God began the work of restoration directly with Adam and Eve ?
Date 08-03-91 22:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> So where was this lost nature while Jesus was in the flesh ?
KK> TB> You now should see that a lie requires anothere lie to cover
KK> up it's TB> shortcomings. Why not simply believe the truth ?
KK> In him, and in Heaven, present in God Spirit...
KK> It is not a lie, God is spirit, and is omnipresent. He
KK> can be anywhere at anytime. If 1000 people pray to him
KK> at the same time, they all are answered at once. does
KK> this make 1000 Gods? Of course not.
You sure ducked that question ? Why didn't you talk about where Jesus'
lost nature went ? Your reply has no relevance to the question. I'm
beginning to wonder if you can respond in a rational manner and stay on
Date 08-03-91 22:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> ACS 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy
KK> Ghost and TB> with power: who went about doing good,
KK> and healing all that TB> were oppressed of the
KK> devil; for God was with him. Correct, The Spirit of god
KK> is present everywhere, He is in you and I and all over.
KK> This doesn't make us Gods. But proves that God is
KK> omnipresent. He can be anywhere, in Jesus who is god
KK> manfested in the flesh, in You, in Me and in Heaven all at
KK> the same time.
So is there any difference between Jesus and us ?
Date 08-03-91 22:20:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> You still have yet to find IRAFUTABLE Scripturial evidence
KK> that Jesus is not God. Yes Jesus and God are seperate
KK> forms, and yes Jesus prays to God. This doesn't
KK> prove anything. You are neglecting scripturial evendence
KK> that says he IS God. You just searching verses to
KK> degrade him.
I didn't expect to find 'Irafutable' evidence. You are going to see
only whatever you want to see and filter out the rest.
What do you mean Jesus and God are 'separate forms' ? Things that are
separate are not the same. By your own definition you are admitting
belief in two Gods.
There is nothing degrading in saying Jesus was not God. The Messiah,
Christ, is not God, he is the Mediator between man and God... haven't
you read ?
1TI 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and
men, the man Christ Jesus;
Why don't you say the Bible degrades Jesus by calling him the last Adam?
Was Adam God ?
God's image is Male and Female NOT male OR female. So the only way you
can have the full manifestation of God on earth is in a marriage. Had
Adam and Eve grown to maturity and become one with God and been blessed
in marriage, they would have been the FULL manifestation of God. But
they FAILED. And when Jesus came to restore their failure he was
MURDERED before he could restore a woman to fulfill Eve's position and
responsibility, marry her and have Sinless children.
Christ will return and we will have the Marriage supper of the Lamb...
you do know the Lamb is symbolic for Christ don't you ?
Should Jesus come back and marry some religious institution ? Can he
fulfill the second blessing and bring sinless children into the world
through an institution ?
When it comes to understanding EXACTLY what the messiah must do in order
to take the dominion of this world away from Satan, you are lost and
But I can help... Christ will come, born of a woman as predicted in
Rev. 12:5 and grow up to become a man and then restore a woman and
Marry her as predicted in Rev 19:2. Then they will have Sinless
children.... God's first Grand Children. Then fallen man can be adopted
into that family.
Why is it so difficult to understand that Satan doesn't want the Messiah
bring sinless children into the world ? It should be obvious to anyone
that understands that Satan exists... the last thing Satan wants is
lots of sinless children roaming around all over the earth and reeking
havoc on his kingdom of hell and suffering. Just look what one sinless
child did ! Is it any wonder that Satan wanted Jesus dead ?
Date 08-03-91 22:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> Looks like that's what you did. I'm sorry I cannot accept
KK> an TB> irrational doctrine.
KK> You can not accept the Word of God, or The Holy
KK> Spirit teachings? Then what do you accept?
The easiest way to answer this is to recommend that you keep reading my
Just one observation... you seem to want to label everyone that does not
interpret the scripture like you do, as people who reject the Word of
God. Is that what you expect those who disagree with your interpretation
to do with you ? In other words would it help you if I started
telling you that you do not accept the Word of God and the teaching of
the Holy Spirit ? You should have learned by now that everyone who
participates in this conference has a belief that they are convinced is
correct. It is just plain silly to start telling everyone that because
they disagree with my understanding that they are rejecting the word of
God. I would suggest you consider this too.
Date 08-03-91 23:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Chris Boerma
Subject Messiah
CB> Now if I get what your saying, and correct me if I'm wrong,
CB> but your saying that God is not All-Powerful. Is this what your
CB> trying to get across?
CB> If so, the reason used is invalid. Please tell me if this is
CB> what you mean and I'll tell
CB> you why your reasoning doesn't work.
As I was saying... the nature of the relationship God wants with man is
based on love. If love is to exist in a relationship then both parties
are limited. Neither can impose a situation upon the other that would
take away freedom. Because when freedom is lost a condition of
slavery is the results. In a condition of slavery, the relationship
becomes Master-Slave and the potential for the Parent-Child relationship
(which is much deeper) would be lost.
What was God's motivation for creating man ?
Does God need man ?
Date 08-04-91 07:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject Christ
MJ> Who designed the sexual organs in the first place???
MJ> God...therefore, God and Satan are one.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
Date 08-04-91 07:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject Jesus' Resurrection
DO> You seem to have a problem with taking Jehovah's word for
DO> things.
Now you know it is not Jehovah's word that I'm having trouble with...
It's your interpretation of Jehovah's word that needs correction.
DO> You want to decide what is possible and what is not.
Aren't you doing the same thing ?
DO> Hetold Adam and Eve to fill the earth. He did not say to overfill
DO> it as you imply. Why is it so hard for you to accept
DO> Jehovah's promises? He has demonstrated his ability to perform
DO> things that may seem like miracles to us. Are you so impressed
DO> with your own wisdom that
DO> you are sure that Jehovah is incapable of further doing the
DO> things that he has promised?
No. I am happy that God gave man the ability to think rationally. I
find the greater mystery being that God's children can come up with the
most illogical ideas and expect others to go against reason and accept
them. There is no rational reason God would create the Spiritual
World if not for a place for man to dwell after life on earth.
Do you realize that the earth is like a womb for your physical body ?
Just like you left your mother's womb, you will some day leave the
earth's environment and go into the next world. You seem to be like
baby that is screaming "I don't wanta leave" ...."Put me back in there"
Date 08-04-91 07:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject RESTORE.7
MJ> believe God had this planned. But, the question that pops into
MJ> my mind is: since God
MJ> is alledgedly "pure good", how did that which he declared good
MJ> turn "bad"?
You have a good question that deserves a good answer. If you read my
messages that I will be posting on fall.1 thru fall.7 you will find
the answer.
To be brief and give you something to be thinking about, I would like to
know if you think fire is good or is it evil. If fire in under control
it is valuable to keep man warm, transport him through the control of an
internal combustible engine, cook his food, make synthetic clothing and
help in the manufacture of building materials... etc.
However out of control, fire can be quite destructive.
Now that you think about the potential uses for fire, what would you say
of me if you knew that I created fire. Would that make me evil ? Would
it make me good ?
Let me make it easier for you. Suppose I wrote a program that would
delete files from your hard drive. If you used it to kill old messages
and make room for new stuff, you would appreciate my program... on the
other hand if you misused my program and wiped out everything on your
drive, would I be the one to blame ?
Date 08-04-91 07:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject RESTORE.7
MJ> if this were all pre-ordained we must face the fact that God
MJ> deceived man
When I read that God was Sad after man fell, it tells me that God did
not preordain the fall. Would conjuncture that God created man to
experience happiness. It simply does not make sense that God would
ordain something to bring Him grief.
Date 08-04-91 07:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject What A Guy!
DO> Perhaps you could do a little research on the role of the Roman
DO> Catholic Church during WWII. The Catholics took a lead (though
DO> they did not at all stand alone) in persecuting Jehovah's
DO> Witnesses. Thousands were murdered in Germany because
DO> they refused to join the Catholics and Protestants in supporting
DO> Hitler. The Catholic Church continues to try to use it's wealth
DO> to try to stop the flow of truth that comes from Jehovah's people.
Well, reguardless who is in the wrong, such animosity and hatred is not
the solution. One chruch or the other must learn something:
ROM 12:21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Date 08-04-91 13:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> Hahahehe, Mormonism! I haven't had a good laugh like that
KK> in a long time, How in the word did you come up with that?
KK> Are you a Mormon or what? Jesus/God created all and you
KK> claim that Adam was before him? (Colossians 1:16)
If I were not such a nice Christian I would call you an IDIOT ! But I
won't. Don't you know that I am promoting the teachings of Rev. Sun
Myung Moon ?
Now to clear up some more of your confusion, notice that Jesus is the
last Adam. You have to be extremely irrational to come up with an idea
that the last Adam created the first one. Now you got me laughing.
1CO 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living
soul; the last Adam [was made] a quickening spirit.
Date 08-04-91 21:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> KK> TB> So where was this lost nature while Jesus was in the
KK> I though I answered that. In the Spirit!
What Spirit ? Looks like you came up with 2 gods again.
Date 08-04-91 21:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> So is there any difference between Jesus and us ?
KK> Of course NOT,
Did you really mean this ? The rest of your message didn't follow your
Date 08-04-91 21:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> No, you will never become a God, nor will you ever be
KK> equal.
Well you will probably agree that in some areas I am equal to God. At
least my imagination is as big. You seem to think that is where my
doctrine is coming from. < grin >
Date 08-04-91 21:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> There is nothing degrading in saying Jesus was not God.
KK> Then why do all cults not admit this then?
By the way are you in the 'trinity' cult, or are you a member of the
'oneness' cult ?
What is a 'cult' ? It appears to be a derogative label that people
who feel superior to others put on the people they feel superior to.
You know... like when the majority seeks to oppress the minority.
KK> TB> Christ, is not God, he is the Mediator between man and
KK> TB> God... haven't
KK> TB> you read ?
KK> TB> 1TI 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator
KK> TB> between God and
KK> TB> men, the man Christ Jesus;
KK> He in the Mediator, and is God
Now you have Jesus in a position greater than God.
JOH 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come
[again] unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I
said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.
How can this be God talking ?
I certainly glad I don't have to teach you Boolean algebra. You have
a weak understanding of equal to, lesser than, and greater than.
Date 08-04-91 21:34:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> Sinless Children? No suchthing as sinless anything on this
KK> earth as long as there is sin, and Satan. And Jesus didn't
KK> Fail at ANYTHING. Lets see some scriptures on that one..
First, I challenge you to find any quote from me that says Jesus failed.
If you want to draw that conclusion it is up to you. I clearly said the
people who were prepared to receive and support Jesus failed their
mission. This left Jesus out on a limb just like a coach who might lose
his team before the Super bowl. What kind of person would blame the
coach if his whole team got killed in a plane crash before the final
game. Do you think they would select a few folks who came to watch the
game and then tell the coach he had to play the opponents with such a
second string ? In fact Jesus didn't even have a second string. NO one
would stay awake and pray with him, or keep faith at the final moments.
Don't you know that if any of Jesus' apostles would have gone to the
cross with him, God would have resurrected them also ?
Next, you say that there is no such thing as a sinless... I don't
think I have ever seen any animal committing a sin... Have you ?
How about Jesus wasn't he sinless ?
Date 08-04-91 21:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> Rev. 12:5
KK> Sorry, but is is his first comming not the second.
So the book of Revelation is about the first coming ? Now you got me
laughing. I thought I was dealing with someone who had done a little
homework... better talk to your minister on this one.
Date 08-04-91 21:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> Jesus is comming to Marry is Church (All followers in
KK> Christ).
Ha ha ha How does one marry an institution... and which church it is
? NO let me guess... could it be the church you belong to ? They
really got you duked... how much money have you given them ?
Date 08-04-91 21:49:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> What faith does this belief come from anyway?
This comes from the revelation Jesus Christ gave to Sun Myung Moon,
beginning on Easter Sunday 1936 when Rev Moon was 16 years old.
Date 08-04-91 21:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> You are rejecting the scriptures that I have put on your
KK> screen with your beliefs of which I have seen no scripturail
KK> evidience. All you need is a little time reading the
KK> Word and Hopefully receiving The Holy Spirit. I'll be the
KK> first to admit that with out his teaching man can be
KK> EASILY mislead. I am NOT comdeming you, I'm writing to you
KK> so you may not be one of the misslead. The doctrines that I
KK> have been reading from you are not of God's Word. And I'm
KK> hear to prove it, so you will learn the truth for yourself.
KK> Thats why I write to people who the Spirit tells me that
KK> need His help. Can you understand this?
I understand your heart and appreciate your motivation. You are having
your first encounter with a new revelation that God has given to man.
Just like the Jewish people found it difficult to understand Jesus'
message, Christians will have difficulty understanding the truth
revealed in the last days. All I can ask is that you pray and try to
understand the things I am telling you. Did you ever notice that when
God works it is usually a giant leap. For example scientist are looking
fro the missing link between man and the apes. But they won't find one.
Just as there is a great leap in the faith and doctrine between people
who understand and accept the New Testament, and the people who adhere
to the Old Testament alone, there will be a similar gulf between
Christians and the people who encounter and understand God's revelation
to man in the last days. I would truly like to say this in a humble
way: The same difficulties you are having in understanding my faith can
be paralleled when you try to explain your faith to a person of the
Jewish faith. Lots of things happened and the relationship between man
and God jumped to a new level because of the work and sacrifice of his
son. People with a Jewish upbringing have great difficulty understanding
you. Likewise you have great difficulty understanding me.
Date 08-04-91 22:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> Do you think I'm a Jehovah's Witness ? Better be careful
KK> TB> they may be
KK> TB> listening !
KK> No, I think your more like a Mormon.
I forget that you are new to this conference. I have been here
explaining the Divine Principle ( and confronting heresy ) < grin > for
a year and half. Just remember this you read my messages:
The Moon is the Son !
Date 08-05-91 08:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject Christ
MJ> yeah, i just said that...so why don't we just get off the "holy"
MJ> stuff and
Do know what conference you are in ? Open Bible is a conference about
"Holy Stuff" If that bothers you and causes you stress, then maybe you
would fell better if you didn't pass by.
Date 08-05-91 08:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject RESTORE.7
MJ> EVERYTHING "good"--"perfect"--then He turnaround and declares
MJ> the actions of his works "bad". He has described Himself as
MJ> "righteous and without the hint of evil"
MJ> but yet that which eminates from Him is declared evil (?) IE:
MJ> mankind is sinful. He made mankind with all of its thoughts. If
If you become a parent you will know that children sometimes do things
that are against their parent's wishes. Do you know that God gave man
the power of co-creativity ? Man has a part to play in his own
perfection. The rest of the creation grows to perfection automatically
but man has the responsibility to obey God's word.
MJ> He as omniscient One knows from the "start" the "finish", why
MJ> would He start something that turns out "bad, evil,
MJ> or sinful", especially, if He is "all righteousness and without
MJ> the hint of evil"??
First God's knowledge is limited to the possibilities. He does not know
the outcome. He doesn't know if you will be a good little boy or if you
will flip out and go murder someone. Simple logic would tell you that
God would ordain nothing to make him grief but if you read about God's
feelings after man fell or after Saul became king, you will find that
God was disappointed. How can anyone be disappointed when something
they planned and ordained becomes reality ?
MJ> Also, since God is omnipotent--nothing is impossible, is it
Oh contrair ! There are plenty of things that God cannot do. He can
make a big rock and he can lift a big rock but can he make a rock so big
he can't lift it ?
MJ> being the Source of Evilness? I hope I haven't confused you,
MJ> but think about it!
Well, just like you know whatever you believe, I also know what I
believe. I doubt either of us will get confused.
Date 08-05-91 08:30:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject RESTORE.7
MJ> ok ok...so we eliminate Calvinism and pre-ordination! But, that
MJ> leaves us with the nagging question of how did "evil" and "sin"
MJ> get introduced into a "closed system of righteousness"--a system
MJ> of which God is the Creator?
Obviously it is/was not a closed system.
Date 08-05-91 10:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject RESTORE.7
MJ> His mind regarding what was "good and bad" we cannot rationally
MJ> allow that God is Perfect,
In a sense I agree with you. Since Man and God exist in a subject
object relationship, man's perfection is in a way God's perfection.
I believed that God designed the system to perfect itself if man would
follow the instructions. There is no other way God could have designed
the system and still experience a relationship of love with man. If God
had maintained direct control over man then the level of love between
man and God could never exceed the master servant relationship. If you
think about your relationship with things, the level of happiness you
can experience is limited by the object. For example you may have a
guitar that you play and it brings you a level of happiness. You also
may have a dog named spot that you can play with that brings you a
degree of happiness, but if you want to experience the greatest level of
joy you have to find an object that is more like yourself. In the end
you will seek another human because when you want to philosophize, spot
can't cope. <grin>
I suppose you already know that the idea that God may need man is one
that will make fundamental christians faint. They have placed God so
distant that He is unapproachable. In other words they have put God in
solitary confinement. God may very well be sad and lonely and they
aren't helping by pushing him farther away.
Date 08-05-91 11:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject RESTORE.7
MJ> also found it necessary to create mankind). If God were
MJ> complete, He would have not needed to create mankind to render
MJ> Him adoration--isn't that vanity, too, to just
MJ> make creatures who will simply give you adoration and praise?
MJ> By His own standards God is not Perfect, and by reason God is
MJ> not Perfect.
I agree with the part about God needing man, but I have to ask you: Do
you create out of vanity ? I write programs because it makes me happy
to create something that has a useful function and I can share it with
If you study how to be successful in business, you will eventually
realize that you have to find something called the 'win win situation'.
If you can't find a way to benefit the person you are doing business
with then you are better off to avoid the deal. If you are the only
party to benefit, it will do you more harm in the long run than the
short term profit you may gain.
Seems to me God created man with the potential for man to experience the
same degree of joy that He had hoped to gain by creating man. What do
you see in that to indicate vanity ?
I have to say that responding to you message is a nice change from the
shallow subjects that I normally have to deal with. It does appear that
you have the ability to respond to logic. You are probably going to get
a few rebukings if you hang around a while. < grin >
Date 08-05-91 12:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject What A Guy!
DO> Good point. I have at last found something from you to take as
DO> good counsel.
DO> Undaunted in my effort to spread the truth though, I must ask
DO> you this: Where
DO> does the Unification church stand on involvement in earthly wars
DO> and politics?
I'll sum it up like this: All that is necessary for evil to flourish is
for good men to do nothing.
Rev. Moon and the Unification got off to a very bad start with the media
when the U.C. was just getting started in the U.S. because of the
involvement with Nixon. It would been easier and safer for the church
to avoid the whole issue and stay away from politics, however Rev. Moon
initiated a campaign in which the members of the church fasted for 7
days and asked America to Forgive, Love, and Unite. Rev. Moon had a
special meeting with the moslem religious leaders before the war in the
gulf, encouraging them to advise their governments to find a peaceful
solution. He also spoke through the Washington Time and requested that
President Bush delay the invasion for another week after the pull out
deadline. When Bush invaded anyway, the U.C. supported the president.
Rev. Moon founded the Washington Times and has spent millions of dollars
supporting it so that God's voice could be heard by the leadership of
the most powerful government in the world.
According to the Divine Principle, everything, including Government is
in need of restoration. We cannot sit back and wait on God to fix the
institution of government. Rather we must get involved and make the
foundation for God to work through us. And I don't mean only the U.C.
When I say us, I mean people who love God. We see God working where
ever men and women of conscious and high moral standards seek to lead
the world toward righteousness.
There is no one in the history of America that has come to this country
and given more support and sacrifice for this country than Rev. Moon.
But his efforts have not been appreciated, in fact he was thrown in
prison, and portrayed by the media to be some kind of alien monster.
Do you suppose we could be persecuted like the Jews have been for
missing the time of their visitation ? You know the Messiah should have
come in the early 1900's ...maybe he did. Maybe Jesus did visit Rev.
Moon and give him a mission. You are going to have the last laugh
because the revelation of your founder about the return of Christ was
correct ?
Date 08-05-91 19:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> Spirits exist! Within the invisible spirit realm, there are
CR> both good and bad spirits,
Where did they come from ?
CR> Are they persons who have lived and died on earth ?
CR> No, they are not.
How quickly you forget about Moses and Elijah's appearance with Jesus at
the mount of transfiguration.
LUK 10:21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank
thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
Where is this other place the God is Lord over ? We know where earth
is. Could it be the spirit world ?
JOH 14:2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so],
I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
2CO 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of [this] tabernacle
were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made
with hands, eternal in the heavens.
Date 08-05-91 20:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> Later, other angels turned bad. These angels noticed the
CR> good-looking women
CR> on earth and wanted to have sexual relations with them. So they
CR> came to the earth and materialized in human bodies. Then they
CR> took the women for themselves.This
CR> was against God's purpose. Genesis 6:1,2; Jude 6.
Guess who was the first to do this ? You got it ! Lucifer ! Who was
this woman ? You got it too ! Eve !
Date 08-05-91 20:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> It also caused much trouble for mankind. The wives of these
CR> angels bore children, but they were not normal children. They
CR> grew to be violent and
Oh, now you are getting silly. Angels can't get women pregnant. You
were sleeping during biology class or you would have known that
fertilization requires a sperm. Are you really trying to convince us
that angels can produce human sperm cells ? Do you think an angel can
get you pregnant ? I mean do you really believe this ?
Date 08-05-91 20:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> on earth and wanted to have sexual relations with them. So they
CR> came to the earth and materialized in human bodies. Then they
CR> took the women for themselves.This
Well they actually didn't materialize into human bodies... humans have
a spiritual body that can enter into give and take with the spiritual
realm. It was Eve's Spiritual Body that entered into the sexual
relationship with Lucifer, not Lucifer becoming a human.
Date 08-06-91 09:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> Terry how many times do I have to answer this. There is
KK> there will Allways be ONLY ONE GOD! The SPIRIT the FATHER,
KK> and SON all makeup ONE ALLMIGHTY
Yes but you keep indicating that they EACH have a mind and will of their
own. This simply constitutes more that one being. Now if you say that
Jesus couldn't think or exist apart from God or that God couldn't exist
apart from Jesus, or that the Holy Spirit was not a separate identity
that could exist apart from the others then I would be inclined to agree
with you. However you have not done that.
If a being, person, or spirit can exist independently and of itself AND
exhibit a distinct nature of it's own how can you rationally think it is
something else ? This is what you clearly have done with God and Jesus.
You keep trying to convince rational people that these two distinct
beings are the same. Sheer nonsense. They do have a lot in common, but
so does birds and airplanes. I suppose you will next try to convince
me that because they both fly they are the same thing.
Why don't you take a little time out and discover the differences
between Jesus and God ? Are you and your father the same person ?
Date 08-06-91 10:12:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> KK> TB> So is there any difference between Jesus and us ?
KK> TB> KK> Of course NOT,
KK> TB> Did you really mean this ? The rest of your message
KK> TB> didn't follow your
KK> TB> conclusion.
KK> NO! you tock it out of context, that IS NOT the question I
KK> responed too.
Believe me you have enough flaws in your doctrine. I don't need to take
your answers out of context to find more. If I'm having trouble
understanding your replies, maybe you could chop up the quotes so as to
help avoid confusion. Thanks
Date 08-06-91 10:16:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> By the way are you in the 'trinity' cult, or are you a
KK> TB> member of the
KK> TB> 'oneness' cult ?
KK> I am NOT a member of a Trinity Cult. I'm a Pentecostal
So when did this 'oneness' thing get started ? Never mind, I'll look it
up myself...
Humm, interesting stuff... The grandfather of Pentecostalism is rooted
in Methodism ( John Westley ). Then in Topeka, Kansas around 1900 the
first pentecostal doctrine was formulated. Then in 1906 in Los Angeles a
three year long meeting was the launching pad of twentieth century
This describes you best: "Pentecostalism has been rigidly
fundamentalist and anti-intellectual."
This is exactly what I was telling Walter the other day: The root of
our disagreements is the struggle between faith and reason. Rational
faith is clearly not a priority in your movement. Well that sums it
Now time for your medicine:
JOH 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers
shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the
Father seeketh such to worship him.
Since you are worshiping God in Spirit and I am worshiping God in both
spirit and truth (reason) I suppose God loves me more than your ? <grin>
Please don't be offended if I have made my point too strongly. I really
don't believe that God loves me more than you. If you 'see through' (
I hope Justin doesn't read this part <grin > ) the words that people
are posting, you clearly can see they believe God loves them more that
the person they are writing to. Take the Jw's for example... what
could possibly the purpose of their emphasis on knowing God by his first
name. When you consider that their relationship with God is on a first
name basis and yours is not, it is like saying .... "The other day when
I was at he White House.. George tole me..." Get the idea ?
Have you ever noticed that Hell is the place other people go ? Why do
other people go to hell ? Could it be because God loves me more that
He loves you ? Since God loves me more, I will go to Heaven and you
won't... This is the kind of thinking people have. Do you know why ?
The fall of man was a result of Lucifer comparing the love he was
getting to the love that Adam and Eve were getting. Since He was in the
position of Servant and Adam and Eve were in the position of God's
children, when he compared the love he was getting it seemed like God
was loving him less. God's love for Lucifer hadn't changed but because
Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, God could experience a
deeper level of Give and Take with them than He could with Lucifer.
So what did Lucifer do in order to supplement the love he felt he was
missing from God ? He went to Eve and seduced her. In doing this,
Lucifer left his proper dwelling and in the process contaminated Eve
with unprincipled love. This was the first phase of the Fall of Man.
If there is one lesson we can learn it is to avoid comparing the love we
are receiving with the love we think someone else is getting. This kind
of thinking results in jealousy. I suppose Proverbs says it best:
PRO 6:34 For jealousy [is] the rage of a man: therefore he will not
spare in the day of vengeance.
It is ironic that the person who is really closer to God is the one God
will always sacrifice for those farther away. So if God really loves
you more, you will be pushed out/down into hell and asked to suffer more
than anyone else. So in the end Hell isn't really the place other
people go unless they are saving you.
Date 08-06-91 11:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> think I have ever seen any animal committing a sin... Have
KK> TB> you ?
KK> Never heard of a Dog killing a child or attacking one?
And then repenting afterwards ?
Date 08-06-91 11:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> How about Jesus wasn't he sinless ?
KK> He is the ONLY HUMAN that will ever has been or EVER will BE.
1JO 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet
appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall
appear, we shall be like him;
I thought you believed scripture? < grin >
Date 08-06-91 11:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> The WORD clearly states the Jesus will be comming from
KK> heaven directly, not from birth again. That WAS the first
KK> comming.
There is ABSOLUTELY no record in the Old Testament of Christ coming
twice. You have to use your imagination to conjuncture such an idea.
Date 08-06-91 11:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Did Jesus have a prepreh
TB> Hello Terry
TB> Thanks for your earlier reply. I am glad that you are still
TB> willing to talk to me.
You have to go pretty far ( like accusing my wife of fornicating with my
minister ) in ordered to get on my bad list. So far only 2 people have
displayed such a mean spirited that I resulted to shaking the dust from
my feet. The other 2 people I have insulated were put there for
refusing to use their real name... or a name that appeared to be real.
My BBS doesn't support alias names.
Date 08-06-91 11:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Did Jesus have a prepreh
TB> you do not mine, may I ask from what faith or religon you are
TB> from?
I believe in the Divine Principle, the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Date 08-07-91 18:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> between Jesus and God ? Are you and your father the same
KK> TB> person ?
KK> No, My Spirit and my Body are though. And that is exactly was
KK> Jesus is to God.
Irrational. Your spirit mind and your physical mind has the exact same
thoughts. Jesus and God could and did think differently.
Didn't Jesus ask God to let him stay alive ? Clear evidence that Jesus
had a mind of his own.
LUK 22:42 Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me:
And here is MUCH greater evidence that Jesus had his own spirit. If
Jesus' spirit was God then how could Jesus deliver HIS OWN spirit to
God ?
LUK 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father,
into thy hands I commend my spirit:
Date 08-07-91 18:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> What doctrine, I don't follow any.
You have been entering messages containing your doctrine since day one.
Don't tell me you didn't know it was your doctrine.
Date 08-07-91 18:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Christ part 2/3
KK> TB> This describes you best: "Pentecostalism has been rigidly
KK> TB> fundamentalist and anti-intellectual."
KK> You call the Spirit of God un intellectual, Well you also
Don't get riled up. I was quoting EErman's Handbook of the History of
Christianity. This book is used at every theological seminary in the
world. Where should I have gone to get some background.
When the author of the section on the Pentecostal faith said anti-
intellectual. I didn't think he was saying 'stupid' or 'ignorant'. He
was only pointing out that it was not important for your faith to be
supported by reason. The struggle between faith and reason has been
going own for a very long time. Your branch leans toward the emotional
end of the spectrum while others leans toward the intellectual.
I suppose you know that mine is in the Center. Well balanced by
intellect and emotional experience. < grin >
Date 08-07-91 19:30:00
From Terry Blount
To Dalton Phelps
Subject Christ
DP> Can't any of you people pick up the bible and read it with an
DP> open mind...and quit making up assumptions.....
I suppose I have the same question about your ability to read my
DP> There's noway GOD and SATAN are the same person....If you
DP> believe that then
See ! You can't read my messages. I never never even hinted that God
and Satan are the same person. You obviously sent this message to the
wrong person.
Date 08-07-91 19:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Dalton Phelps
Subject Cults..
DP> Witnesses are an occult..I'm sorry, but all these man made
Your reply really makes you look stupid. Don't you know the word 'cult'
and 'occult' are not the same ? What 'occult' do you belong to ?
DP> religions are nothing but a lie from satan...I happen to believe
DP> in my Lord Jesus Christ...and I believe that anyone who believes
DP> and confesses his sins is saved...
This is obliviously not all you believe. Why don't you post some of
those ridiculous ideas about a virgin having a baby, or God setting up
the murder of His son, or the really wild one about floating in the air
and let me take a crack at your man made nonsense nonsense.
DP> You people are all the same...you all have the answer and if
DP> noone follows you're exact ways you point the finger at
DP> them.....
Your message is the one pointing the finger and calling folks names.
Mat 7:1
Date 08-07-91 19:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Phil Reynolds
Subject Shame On Who?
PR> When I first got involved in
PR> these exorcisms I permitted the demons to speak. When they did,
PR> they always tried to make us feel sorry for them as if we were
PR> really hurting them by making them vacate their "home." This
PR> attitude is a ruse of Satan. Even the demons in the man
PR> possessed by the legion tried to make Jesus feel sorry for them
PR> for punishing
PR> them "before their time" and begged Jesus to find them a new
PR> home. There was another fellow in this echo who took great
PR> offense at some of us mentioning the activity of demons -another
PR> of Satans's greatest ruse is the fact that many do not believe
PR> in him and he can continue to work covertly.
You are 100% correct. I have never had anything to do with exorcism but
my experience and understanding of the covert work of Satan is enough to
recognize that you know what you are talking about.
The disbelief in spiritual activity of the deceased is exactly like what
communism did. When they said there was no God the idea of Satan was
cast aside also. This created the perfect place for Satan to hide. He
went where they didn't believe he exist and got away with murdering over
500 million people. That was the cost, in human lives, of the experiment
with the communist doctrine.
Date 08-07-91 20:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Rafae'l Nathan
Subject Spirits of the dead
RN> You should read the rest of the bible where we are commanded not
RN> to communcate with dead spirits.
I have heard this but I can't find it. Can you be more specific ?
I think this is good advice because most people who have died were not
saints and this would mean that the chances of getting good advice would
be rather slim. However I do wonder how I would react to an event like
the one described in Matt 27:53 ? You do have access to the book
called the New Testament don't you ? < grin > Shalom
Date 08-07-91 20:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject What is a Christian?
DO> I have expressed my grievance with you on several occasions for
DO> what I precieve to be a "running ahead" of Jehovah on your part.
I like that idea: "running ahead of Jehovah" ! Yes, in my opinion
that is exactly what Rev. Moon is teaching. Can you come up with any
scripture that discourages man to take the initiative against evil ?
Do you really think that if Jesus returns and finds the world cleaned up
he would be sad, disappointed or angry with us ? I simply can't
understand the attitude that says: 'Leave the room a mess... else the
maid won't have anything to do and she could lose her job.'
Jesus isn't worried about losing his job !
DO> I have repeatedly asked you by what authority you contradict the
DO> commands given to Christians from the Bible.
I have never agreed with you that I have contradicted any commandment
given by God. It is your MISS-interpretation of those commandments that
I sometimes oppose.
DO> What did Jesus' words to Peter instructing him to put away his
DO> sword not mean?
It meant that the foundation for Jesus success in establishing the
Kingdom of God on earth at that time was lost.
DO> What did Jesus mean when he said that those who
DO> live by the sword will
DO> perish by the sword? When Jesus said that his kingdom was NO
DO> PART of the world,
You must not know what the Lord will do when he returns. Let me look
it up for you:
ISA 11:4 But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove
with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite
the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of
his lips shall he slay the wicked.
MAT 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not
to send peace, but a sword.
LUK 12:53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son
against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the
daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her
daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother
in law.
DO> what part of the world can a follower or Moon have and still be a
DO> Christian? When he said that we must be "without spot from the
DO> world" how can involvement
DO> with the worldly political system be practiced and one still be
DO> in favor with Jehovah and his son Jesus?
We want it ALL ! Yes we are greedy for God. There is no place that is
going to remain sacred for Satan.
It appears to me you are like the other guy that wants to give a lot of
things over to Satan. Can we let Satan have the government, the
schools, the businesses, and the media ? You apparently have attempted
to restore at least one of those areas with a publication called the
Watchtower. Do you really think God wants to sit around peacefully at
the Kingdom Hall and meet a few folks once or twice a week while Satan
is out there dominating the rest of the world ?
DO> Jesus said that you could recognize his followers because they
DO> would have love among themselves. Could you go to Iraq and kill
DO> a Iraqi soldier if he was a member of the Unification Church?
LUK 9:47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart,
Let me ask you: "Do you still beat your wife ?"
Just answer yes or no.
Date 08-07-91 20:47:00
From Terry Blount
To Alan Smith
Subject Intelligent Plan or Natur
AS> It's not the logic that's flawed
Thank God.... or whoever I got it from ! <Grin>
AS>- only your ability to comprehend the ability
AS> of "natural selection" to pick out the good from the bad, thus
AS> increasing the likelihood of something that is otherwise very
AS> highly improbable to be probable.
So when folks dig us up in 10,000 years and find the horse carriages,
Model t's, VW's, Chevrolet's, and Mercedes, then conclude that these are
all modes of transportation evolved through natural selection, should
they assume that this happened without creative input from an outside
force ?
All I would like you to do is recognize that evolution does not advance
without an input from an external consciousness.
AS> If you let those million monkeys type just a few characters,
AS> take the best of these ("selection"), and then let them type a
AS> few more characters and select those that add well to the
AS> previous best, etc., you will have an intelligmessage.
See you are taking charge of the situation and putting intelligent
management into the system.
AS> This is the way evolution works. You would be selecting the
AS> best messages (based on appearing intelligent) as nature selects
AS> the best mutations, based on their survivibility.
I have to conclude that you have simply replaced the term God with your
term 'nature'. We probably agree after all.
Date 08-08-91 07:30:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Christ part 2/3
EM> >Sounds like you came up with two gods again
EM> This can be explained by Trinitarianism--Jesus, Jehovah and the
EM> Holy Spirit
I'm sure it can. This original question was posed to a Pentecostal that
believes in the oneness doctrine.
While you are explaing how three separate identities are relly one
identity, work these scriptures:
MAR 13:32 But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not
the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the
JOH 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship
[him] in spirit and in truth.
JOH 8:54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing:
it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he
is your God:
1TI 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and
men, the man Christ Jesus;
COL 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which
are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
JOH 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I
say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what
he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth,
these also doeth the Son likewise.
1JO 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the
Son [to be] the Saviour of the world.
2JO 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine
of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine
of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
GEN 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
2CO 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of
them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious
gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine
unto them.
ACS 22:9 And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were
afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to
Date 08-08-91 07:34:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Christ part 2/3
MS> Well, gee, aren't we impressed by your Christ-likeness,
MS> particularly since, by your own testimony of promoting Moon's
MS> (1:124/1002.502)
You know it is the mis-guided interpretations of well meaning believers
that I reject NOT Christ's teachings.
Date 08-08-91 07:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Christ part 2/3
MS> You did. But Terry refuses to see things clearly, or to see
MS> things that correctly refute the teachings of his beloved
MS> "Perfect Father"...
You can have a 'Perfect Father' TOO ! Once you can grasp the
possibility that God's goal is to have grand children. The rest of the
Divine Principle will be easy to understand.
Date 08-08-91 07:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Chris Boerma
Subject Messiah
CB> TB> What was God's motivation for creating man ?
CB> In all honest, I don't know. Could it be were like a work of
CB> art to him?
But what motivates/inspires an artist ? You seem to be hinting that
art has no real/useful purpose ?
CB> TB> Does God need man ?
CB> No. God doesn't need us to continue, He existed before man.
CB> He wants our love,
How is love experienced ? Can God feel love if He has no one to relate
to ? Why is solitary confinement one of the most strict forms of
punishment ? Do you thing God could ever be happy while living alone
in solitary confinement ?
Date 08-08-91 08:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Dan Singleton
DS> many stories about this happening in satanic cults; that is,
DS> demons impregnating human women who are members/victims of the
DS> cult. Does anyone have an opinion (or, better yet, a
DS> theological exposition) on this?
Spirits cannot produce human sperm cells. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY a
woman can get pregnant as a result of intercourse with a spiritual
Date 08-08-91 15:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject ADAM.3
WC> You can find no evidence from Scripture that God required
WC> Cain to humble himself before Abel and obey him. This is
WC> extra-biblical and cannot be found in Scripture.
John 16:12 and 16:25
GEN 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou
doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee [shall
be] his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
Date 08-08-91 15:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject ADAM.3
WC> accept his. It was jealousy which drove Cain to murder. God even
Cain was placed exactly in the position Lucifer was in. Lucifer too was
jealous and his jealousy resulted in Adam's death. This is not
complicated. You can understand the parallel.
Date 08-08-91 15:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject ADAM.3
WC> Not possible. The Scripture speaks of the time element. You
WC> have ignored that aspect. Your teaching is extra-biblical on
WC> this point.
John 16:12 and 16:25
Date 08-08-91 15:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject ADAM.3
WC> Academic speculation. The time element was not right.
WC> Messiah was not scheduled to come for several millennia. The
WC> teaching is extra- biblical.
Now how can you know this ? Why do you assume the loving heart of God
did not want immediately rescue his fallen children. What is God's
purpose of asking Cain and Abel to make an offering unless it was a step
toward man's salvation ? You teaching is irrational, illogical and not
to be found anywhere in scripture. Christ DID NOT have to wait several
millennia if the foundation could have been made sooner.
Date 08-08-91 15:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject ADAM.3
WC> God is omnipotent. He certainly has the power and capability
WC> to work through whomever He chooses. Your statement denies that
WC> God is omnipotent and is therefore not biblical.
This goes against your teachings. You said that God would not force
Date 08-08-91 15:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> I have one question which comes to mind at once, which I hope
JT> you will not only answer but--if you have the time and
JT> energy--expand upon. I gather that, since you expect the Second
JT> Coming of Christ (though in terms somewhat
JT> different from
JT> my own expectation), you must also believe that God the Father
JT> raised Him from the dead. Is this your belief? And if so,
JT> could you expound a little on this subject, and on its
JT> significance?
No, I don't believe Jesus was God in the traditional trinitarian sense.
I believe God did resurrect Jesus and would have resurrected any of his
followers that would have gone to the cross with him. The resurrected
Jesus was different, and not easily recognized by the people that knew
him. He apparently walked through walls and did other things like
levitate that a physical body cannot do. Jesus resurrected form was
much like that of Moses and Elijah who were seen with him on the mount
of transfiguration.
JT> I must confess to you that I have a "hidden agenda" in asking
JT> this, but it is in no way a hostile or malicious one.
Hey, we all read messages just looking for a place to insert our
flavour of heresy < chuckle >.
Date 08-08-91 15:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.1
WC> Terry, you are repeating what other people have said. Show
WC> us with Scripture references that it took Noah 120 years to
WC> build the ark.
I suppose this is where it comes from. I don't see why this is
important unless you have some 'inside scoop' you are about to expound
GEN 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with
man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an
hundred and twenty years.
Date 08-08-91 15:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.1
WC> Terry, all this is extra-biblical. You cannot find these
WC> concepts in Scripture.
John 16:12 and 16:25
Date 08-08-91 15:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.1
WC> Genesis 7:24.
I must be making progress if this is the only problem you are haveing
these days. < grin > Either that or your fingers are wearing out ! ha
Date 08-08-91 15:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.1 part 1/2
WC> Wrong again. Satan attempted to thwart God's plan by working
WC> through Cain. By tempting Cain to kill Abel he removed both
WC> individu- als from any possibility of line of succession. God
WC> just simply had a third child born to Adam and the plan
WC> continued.
But you haven't been keeping up... The messiah would have come to
Abel's family. But as you already have seen with Jesus, dead men don't
have children.
Date 08-08-91 16:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Donald Sisco
Subject ONLY 144,000
DS> Come on guys, isn't there even ONE Jehovah's Witness here (or
DS> anywhere) who can produce Biblical proof that ONLY 144,000
DS> people will ever be allowed to enter Heaven?
Looks like heaven is sold out ! They have all gone.
Date 08-08-91 16:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.8
WC> The purpose of the First Advent was that Jesus was to die
WC> and shed His blood for the redemption of mankind. That is what
WC> the prophe- cies of the Old Testament say. They very clearly
WC> speak of His death at Calvary. His mission was to be a sin
WC> sacrifice for all of mankind.
Extra-Biblical and Irrational !
1JO 3:8 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might
destroy the works of the devil.
Date 08-08-91 16:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.8
WC> TB>1. The two-thousand-year period from Adam to Abraham was
WC> invaded TB>by Satan, but was completed by the victory of
WC> Abraham's family.
WC> If this is the case then why do you insist that Abraham blew
WC> it when God told him to make the sacrifice of the animals and
WC> the birds were not divided?
The key here is Abraham's * FAMILY *. Jacob was the first person to
bring a substantial victory for God. You must understand Jacob's course
if you want to know the formula course for restoration.
Date 08-08-91 22:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
PB> They are hybrids. The were physical beings that were a
PB> cross between humans and angels (while the were physical
PB> beings). Think of it as the difference between a horse and a
PB> donkey-- mule.
Where did they go ? Do you have any picutres. I don't allow gif files
on my bbs but if you have one of this 'hybrid' PLEASE upload it anyway!
Date 08-09-91 07:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Did Jesus have a prepreh
EM> If I understand correctly, you thus believe that Moon is the
EM> second coming of Christ. Why so? You have evidence?
EM> I think I asked you this once before, but never got back in time
EM> to get your reply (if any).
Divine Principle doesn't say Rev. Moon is Christ. It teaches that we
are living in the last days and that Christ will return born of woman.
It is up to the reader to pray and reach his or her own personal
conclusion about who will fulfill this role.
Date 08-09-91 07:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Daniel Osborn
Subject What Is A Christian?
DO> and to expend ourselves in the ministry. He specifically told us
DO> to refrain from involvement in the affairs of the world.
If you really believed that you would quit knocking on doors and just
leave everyone alone. You are 'running ahead' of Jesus and trying to
save people yourself.... < grin >
Date 08-09-91 12:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Gerard Trigo
Subject Monkeys
GT> TB> Well I do understand variation. But when you
GT> TB> start comparing me to a monkey, I really have
GT> TB> trouble believing he is my ancestor. Don't you?
GT> Monkeys are NOT ancestral to man. Man, Apes and
GT> monkeys had a common ancestor.
I still don't feel confortable with my inlaws ? <grin> Why didn't God
give them the commandment that he gave to us ?
Date 08-09-91 21:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 1/2
WC> A personal must absolutely make a choice. However, no man
WC> can be saved by his own efforts. Scripture tells us that our
I will agree that no man can be saved by his own efforts ALONE.
But I cannot overlook Matt 7:21 and other such scripture that tells me
that man has a portion of responsibility that exceeds simply believing.
Belief must be translated into action and that action does result in
either developing or losing one's relationship with God... Just as Adam
and Eve's action lead them to lose their relationship with God, and so
did it in Sodom and Gomorrah, and with the angels that fell with
Lucifer etc. etc.
It is simple logic that if salvation were up to God alone then man
would have been restored a long long time ago and we wouldn't even be
talking about this now.
Date 08-09-91 21:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 1/2
WC> There is not reference or implication anywhere in Scripture
WC> in either Testament which will support the view that Adam and
WC> Eve fell as a result of sexual conduct. They were man and wife.
They were naked and unashamed before they fell and then after the fall
they were ashamed of their nakedness. There must be some connection
between what they did and the parts of their body they were ashamed of
Date 08-09-91 21:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 1/2
WC> Where does it say that God intended Him to have a wife?
GEN 2:18 And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should
be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Date 08-09-91 21:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 2/2
WC> There is no need for me to wonder. I already know. The Bride
WC> of Christ is the church--the body of believers--the body of
WC> Christ.
How does an institution bear children for you ? How can sinless children
come into the world through the relationship between a man and an
institution. Why doesn't the King of King deserve a Queen of Queens.
WC> relationship closer than that of man and wife. Jesus was showing WC>
us that our relationship with God is to be very intimate one.
Yes but without a wife, man can never learn and experience the feminine
nature of God. Without a husband, a woman cannot learn and experience
the masculine nature of God. Your spouse is your second messiah through
which you can discover the heart of God that is not familiar to you.
Marriage will be the highest level of spirituality after the marriage
supper of the Lamb takes place. And it already took place in 1960.
WC> There were several other relationships which were given. There
WC> was the parent child relationship and there was also the sibling
WC> relationship.
Yes the family is the university that God created to teach people all
different kinds of love. A person cannot go to the highest realms of
the spiritual world without experiencing all levels of love. This is
why it is crucial to marry and experience conjugal love, then experience
parental love. Then the big one which scares you: Grand Parental love.
Date 08-09-91 21:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 2/2
WC> We can resolve most questions about the Godhead if we
WC> properly understand the dual nature of Jesus. When we read a
But you and I have a dual nature also. It could be developed/restored
so that we become Christ-like. The real difference between Jesus and
You and I is that his spiritual nature was more developed. That is a
big difference, but we WERE created with the potential to become Sons of
God ourselves. When you think it is impossible and it can't be done,
you could be limiting God. Anyway it is my goal to become perfect.
What is your goal ? Remember to read Mat 7:7
Date 08-09-91 22:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Christ part 2/2
WC> I have made 30 Scriptural references demonstrating that
WC> Jesus was both God and man and therefore had a dual nature.
WC> Thirty such refer- ences should be sufficient to demonstrate
WC> that the Scripture clearly teaches that Jesus had a dual nature
WC> and was both God and man. The doctrine is not extra-biblical.
Ok, I agree that Jesus had a dual nature, and his spiritual nature was
God-like. And God could dwell in Jesus, but God was also an external
being that did many things apart from Jesus. What gives me trouble when
I hear your doctrine is that it seem to 'bottle God up' and limit Him.
....like when Jesus was walking around God had to follow along and could
not be anywhere else. Just like I once told you... God could be like
water. 90% of your body is water but Walter is not pure water. Jesus
may have been %100 God but God was not %100 Jesus. God is much bigger
than Jesus, that's why I keep trying to show you that Jesus and his
Bride could be a more complete picture of God. God can more fully dwell
in a marriage and appear to man as parents. Can you understand this
parental concept of God ?
Date 08-09-91 22:11:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Everlasting Lifef
TB> Then how do you understand Psalms 37:29 "The righteous
TB> themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever
TB> upon it."
Just like I would if it said the Koreans would inherit the earth and
possess it themselves and reside forever upon it.
Date 08-09-91 22:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1
WC> I Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and
WC> blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;
I though you took this one literal:
PSA 37:29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for
Which verse are you going to take literal ?
Date 08-09-91 22:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1
WC> The Bible is quite clear about believers receiving a new
WC> body which is incorruptible and is immortal. What I say is not
WC> extra- biblical but has been taught from the very beginning.
So was Jesus resurrected in the flesh, and shall the believers in Jesus
who have died be resurrected in the flesh ?
What if a believer fell off a boat part of him and was eaten by the fish
you ate for dinner last night ? When the resurrection happens who will
get what ?
Date 08-09-91 22:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1
WC> TB>I think I am finally beginning to see the difference in our
WC> think- TB>ing. Every time I try to teach you something you don't
WC> understand TB>you label it as Extra-Biblical.
WC> No, when you tell me something that contradicts Scripture
WC> then I say it is extra-biblical.
No, when something contradicts another's belief's like when scientist
first started saying the earth was not flat, they were not understood
and thus labeled as teaching extra-biblical doctrine. Nothing has
changed the same tactics that have been to oppose higher understanding
throughout history are still used today.
Date 08-09-91 22:34:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1
WC> You may deem it irrational but it is nevertheless in
WC> Scripture.
Not quite, just in your interpretation of scripture. Can't you
understand that scripture is quite like an automobile accident...
everyone that sees it notices something different and had a different
point of view ?
Date 08-09-91 22:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1
WC> Then why all the prophecies telling us how He would die?
Then why all the prophecies telling us He would become Lord of Lord and
King of Kings ?
It should be easy to understand that if he people had accepted Jesus,
Prophecy #1 would have been fulfilled and if they rejected Jesus
Prophecy #2 would be fulfilled. There was not any prophecy of Christ
coming twice. Ask any Jewish person how many messiah's are suppose to
Date 08-09-91 22:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1
WC> You have repeatedly stated that Jesus did not come to die.
WC> Yet the prophets certainly prophesied not only that He would but
WC> very accurate details of how that death would occur. I have
WC> offered 17 different prophecies concerning His death.
I challenge you to see how many prophecies like this one you can come up
ISA 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be
called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The
everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
ISA 9:7 Of the increase of [his] government and peace [there shall
be] no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom,
to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with
justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD
of hosts will perform this.
Date 08-09-91 22:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1
WC> Yes, it would. But the way to New Orleans did not change
WC> regard- less of my actions. God's plan for man has not been
WC> altered in any way. It remains the same from the beginning.
LUK 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and
stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have
gathered thy children together, as a hen [doth gather] her
brood under [her] wings, and ye would not!
1CO 2:8 Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they
known [it], they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
Date 08-09-91 22:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.1
WC> I am sure that you believe that. However, you cannot find
WC> such a teaching in Scripture. You can find that God has made
WC> provision for children but never for grandchildren. That is
WC> because God wants only children. He has no need for
WC> grandchildren. He has and will have only children.
Then simply tell me why God told Adam and Eve to multiply.
Date 08-09-91 22:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> TB>And you are waiting on Jesus to retrun like the space
WC> shuttle?
WC> TB>Illogical! Highly Irrational! Unbelivable!
WC> What saith the Scripture? You had now said that you do not
WC> reject Scripture. The test of rejection or acceptance is whether
WC> Scripture is rejected.
I thought Scripture says that Christ will come as a thief in the night ?
If he comes back like the space shuttle, it will be on the evening
news... they may even break in on the soaps... and everyone will know
about it. What is the purpose of this scripture if Christ's return is
really going to so obvious:
MAR 13:33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time
Date 08-09-91 22:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> his belly on the ground when he jumped." I have already posted a
WC> number of Scripture references (17) which tell us that Jesus
WC> would certainly die and the events surrounding His death. A what
WC> if state- ment is academic. The Scripture clearly foretold of
WC> His crucifixion hundreds of years before it happened. These
WC> prophecies were fulfilled in exact detail and were NOT symbolic.
WC> They were literal in each case and their fulfillment was literal
WC> in each case.
How about this prophecy : ?
GEN 4:6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is
thy countenance fallen?
GEN 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?
Why do you want to paint a picture that makes God responsible for Jesus
death ? Who determined Cain's fate ? Who determined Adam and Eve's
fate ?
Date 08-09-91 22:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> TB>So were those of the Jewish people who could not see Jesus
WC> for who TB>he really was.
WC> One important difference, Terry. They were not filled with
WC> the Holy Spirit.
So what is the conclusion ? Did God with hold the Holy Spirit so they
would MURDER Christ ?
Date 08-10-91 16:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Gary Johnson
GJ> I would VERY MUCH like to SEE a quote from you where it says
GJ> that Satan had sex with Eve. I don't beleive it and wish to see
GJ> the scriptural verse that says that he did.
GEN 3:13 And the LORD God said unto the woman, What [is] this [that]
thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did
Date 08-10-91 16:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR>TB> How quickly you forget about Moses and Elijah's appearance
CR>TB> with Jesus at the mount of transfiguration.
CR> It was a vision, Terry.
So was the appearance of the resurrected Jesus.
Date 08-10-91 16:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> This does not give us any indication that people who have once
CR> lived and died on earth will go to heaven.
Well, I don't know if your belief that the dead are simply sleeping is a
result of someone's fear of dieing, or their fear of being spooked by
spirits, but the spiritual world is real and people do go there when
they die... and some people living in the physical world can perceive
and communicate with spiritual beings that once lived on the earth.
If you want to know something important, dig into Hebrews 11:40.
Date 08-10-91 17:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> Terry, they materialized into human bodies. They had sexual
CR> relations with the women and sons were born to them. What would
CR> you say?
I have to say that you got greater faith than I do if you can believe
something like this.
The truth is: Humans have both physical and spiritual bodies. When
they die only the spiritual body remains. Spirits do not have physical
bodies, and they cannot and have never materialized into physical
bodies. Spiritual beings cannot get physical beings pregnant even
though the spiritual bodies of humans can have contact with the
spiritual bodies of spirits.. like fighting in the case of Jacob, and
intercourse as in the case of Eve and Lucifer.
It is not difficult to understand this. Simply recognize that you
consist of 2 separate parts. You have a
1 mind that is invisible, insubstantial, transcendent of time and space
2. body that is visible, substantial, and limited to time and space
Through your mind you can relate to an idea or emotion that is also
immaterial, invisible, and transcendent of time and space.
Through you body you can relate to the physical world through your 5
physical senses - sight, smell, touch, sound, taste.
Likewise you have a physical body and a spiritual body. Through your
physical body you relate to the physical world and seek to satisfy your
physical needs like food, clothes, shelter... through Science and
Technology. Through your spiritual body, you relate to the spiritual
world and seek to satisfy your spiritual needs like truth, beauty, and
justice... through Religion and Philosophy.
Why do you want to believe that when your physical part/side gets old
and dies, your spiritual side/part will go to sleep or become
unconscious? When you go to sleep at night does your mind shut down ? Or
does it dream and continue to stay aware and even wake you in the case
of a fire or burglars ? Some people have such a clock like mind for
waking up you can tell them to wake up at 7 minutes till 4 am. and they
can do it.
It really is a mystery to me why anyone would come up with an idea that
one's knowledge or ignorance, or one's belief or disbelief would change
reality. You seem to think that since you believe a certain way, you
will not remain in a state of unconsciousness forever while others who
do not accept your belief will forever snooze.
Date 08-10-91 17:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> Bad people on earth will also be done away with. Psalm 37:9,
Better not lay off the Police force just yet.
Date 08-10-91 21:34:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.1 part 1/3
WC> You cannot reference a single Scripture that the succession
WC> was to pass through Ham.
You can't prove it wasn't either.
Date 08-10-91 21:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.1 part 1/3
WC> TB>God took Abraham as indemnity to restore Satan's having taken
WC> Ham, TB>the second son, who had been in a position to be loved
WC> by God.
WC> You cannot demonstrate this from Scripture. All three sons
WC> of Noah were in an equal position to love God and all were
WC> equally loved by God who is no respecter of persons. The problem
WC> was not that God loved or favored one above the other it was the
WC> individual response to God.
When the Israelites fled from Egypt, God smote all the first-born of the
Egyptians, and also of their cattle(Ex 12:29). Also, the Bible says
that God "loved" the second son, Jacob, and "hated" the first son, Esau,
even while they were still in their mother's womb (Rom 9:13). And in the
case of Jacob's blessing of his grandsons, Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob
blessed them by crossing his hands so that the right hand lay on the
head of Ephraim, the second son (Gen 48:14). In each of these cases is
an example of how God place the second-born child in the favored
Date 08-10-91 21:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.1 part 2/3
WC> Scripture does not teach, allude, or hint at the sacrifice
WC> repre- senting a horizontal condition. It is extra-biblical.
LUK 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as
You should be able to see it here. Everytime you can't understand
something you simply label it Extra-biblical. Were you around when they
made the same accusation of scientist who said the earth was NOT flat ?
Date 08-10-91 21:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.1 part 2/3
WC> TB>In Noah's time, the raven symbolized Satan, who was looking
WC> for an TB>opportunity to invade Noah's family right after the
WC> Flood Judgment TB>(Gen 8:7).
WC> Where in Scripture do I find this concept?
A raven is the bird of prey:
GEN 15:11 And when the fowls came down upon the carcases
Date 08-10-91 21:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject ADAM.3
WC> I can assure you that I can bear anything you have to say.
But can you understand ? Ask God for verification.
Date 08-10-91 21:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.1
WC> Not likely. Messiah was not scheduled to come for about 4000
WC> years. Scripture says He came in the fullness of time. There is
WC> no scriptural evidence that Messiah would have come at any other
WC> time that He did.
There is one proof and it will come when you understand the deep love
and parental heart of God.
Date 08-10-91 22:01:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.2 part 1/2
WC> Sorry. It was only necessary for any one of the sons of Noah
WC> to establish a relationship with God. Salvation was and is on a
WC> personal basis. The relationship must be one on one with God.
Yes because the people did not support Jesus to establish a family and
expand the building blocks for the Kingdom of Heaven to the family
level. You really can't go to heaven by yourself. Heaven is for
couples only. Did you know that Jesus was married a few years ago ?
His wife is still living on earth. Talk about an age difference !
LUK 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day
shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Date 08-10-91 22:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.2 part 1/2
WC> Apparently you missed something here. You can absolutely not
WC> demonstrate that Ham was shamed when he saw Noah naked. There is
WC> not hint of such a thing in Genesis or in any other passage
WC> anywhere in the Bible. The thought is extra-biblical. Neither
WC> was Shem and Japheth made ashamed. They rather respected their
WC> father and took actions to prevent him from being embarrassed.
You really put your foot in your mouth here. Now tell us why Noah woke
up and cursed Ham for his actions ?
Date 08-10-91 22:09:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.2 part 2/2
WC> TB>Upon seeing his father's nakedness, Ham was similarly ashamed
WC> and TB>covered him up.
WC> To the contrary. Ham was not ashamed and did NOT cover him
WC> up.
WC> TB>From the dispensational viewpoint, the fact that Ham felt
WC> ashamed TB>of his father's nakedness
WC> You certainly cannot find in Scripture that Ham felt shame
WC> at his father's nakedness. This is extra-biblical.
WC> TB>and directed his brothers to cover him
WC> This is not found in Scripture. The Bible does NOT say that
WC> Ham directed his brothers to cover Noah. In any case Ham was not
WC> in a position to order his brothers to do anything. Shem was the
WC> eldest and held the higher position.
It just occurred to me that you have never read about this... let me
post it so you can know what we are talking about here:
GEN 9:22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his
father, and told his two brethren without. GEN 9:23 And Shem and
Japheth took a garment, and laid [it] upon both their shoulders, and
went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their
faces [were] backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness. GEN
9:24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had
done unto him. GEN 9:25 And he said, Cursed [be] Canaan; a servant of
servants shall he be unto his brethren.
Date 08-10-91 22:12:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.2 part 2/2
WC> Right. That is because the concept you are putting forward
WC> is not contained is Scripture. It is all extra-biblical. What
WC> you have been espousing was NEVER God's plan for man's
WC> redemption.
So it appears that your theory is that God was really just sitting
around for a few thousand years then decided one day it was time to send
Jesus and get him killed and that would solve the problems He had been
I tell you the truth is that God immediately started to set up
conditions for His children to be restored IMMEDIATELY after the fall
and has continued even till the moment you are reading this message. NO
real parent even in the fallen world would abandon their children for
months and years after one went missing ...how much more does a perfect
parent like God want to see His children return home ?
You just don't know the true heart of God. God's love for His children
is much greater than you realize. In fact God is deeply suffering just
as your heart would be breaking if your children were kidnapped,
tortured and were still being held captive by a hostile enemy.
Date 08-10-91 22:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.8
WC> Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with
WC> blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.
MAT 9:6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth
to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take
up thy bed, and go unto thine house. MAR 2:10 But that ye may know
that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to
the sick of the palsy,)
Date 08-04-91 07:54:00
From Terry Blount
To William Gordon
Subject RESTORE.7
WG> Please spare us the commentary on _Divine Principle_!
Are you requesting or suggesting that I should leave this conference?
What have you got to tell us that makes sense ? The wild idea that a
virgin woman had a baby ? That God set up the murder of his son ?
That you are soon going to float away into the stratosphere ?
Go ahead ..make me laugh !
Date 08-04-91 08:01:00
From Terry Blount
To Dan Scarborough
Subject RESTORE.8
DS> Even if a "sriptural justification" of this type of discussion
DS> can be made and accepted by Christians, how will that agreement
DS> serve to bring even one non-believer to the acceptance of sin in
DS> his personal life, a repentance of that sin to God, faith in
DS> Jesus as the "covering" for that sin, and a rebirth in Christ
DS> Jesus?
DS> I ask these questions in love, not to antagonize, but beacause I
DS> love the "lost" and recognize that they very well can remain
DS> "lost" if they are dissuaded from accepting the Gospel because
DS> they observe "Christians in Conflict" with one another.
I see your point. It is not my intention to bring conflict even though
that usually does result from any new teaching. The #1 law of Church
history is to damn the heretic and adopt the heresy. Study the church
councils that arranged and adopted the New Testament for an example of
this law in action.
When Jesus came it was controversial to say the least. Note what he
MAT 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not
to send peace, but a sword.
As for the hope of bringing sinners to Christ, something needs to be
done. If you haven't noticed, Christianity is in a crisis today.
Young people are not finding the inspiration and vision to join or
participate in religion. It is good that you are thinking of this.
Date 08-07-91 17:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Peter Perchansky
Subject ADAM.1
PP> Do you have any sources to back up the information you are
PP> posting?
Fall of Man
Based on the Book of Genesis in the Bible, Christians have
traditionally held that somewhat vague belief that the Original Sin and
root of sin and evil was the first human ancestors' eating a piece of
fruit--the Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (for
brevity, often referred to hereafter as the fruit of good and evil).
However, is the fruit of good and evil a literal fruit, or is it a
symbol, as are many other terms in the Bible?
How could a God of live, the parent of mankind, make such an
attractive fruit and leave it in a place where it could be eaten by his
children and cause them to fall (Gen 3:6)? Jesus said in Matthew 15:11,
"'...not what goes into the mouth defiles a man....'" How then could
something edible cause man to fall? It is also inconceivable that the
God of love created the fruit of good and evil to test man--so
mercilessly as to ultimately cause his death--merely to see whether or
not man would obey His Word. The fact that they ate the fruit, despite
having been told that they would die, indicates that the fruit must
represent something so extremely stimulating that their desire for it
was even greater than their desire for life.
Before we can determine what the fruit of good and evil symbolizes,
we must know what the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was. Yet
the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is mentioned only a few times
in the Bible. So, in order to determine what the Tree of the Knowledge
of Good and Evil symbolizes, we will first study the Tree of Life,
which, according to the Bible, stood with the Tree of the Knowledge of
Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:9, 2:17, 3:3) and is
mentioned in numerous places throughout the Bible.
Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a
desire fulfilled is a tree of life." The Tree of Life is the most
fundamental hope of man. As Revelation 22:14 says, "Blessed are those
who wash their robes [of sin and evil], that they may have the right to
the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates." These
passages show that attaining the Tree of Life will lead to happiness for
fallen man. Then, what is this Tree of Life, such that it was the hope
of the Israelites of the Old Testament Age and the hop of the Christians
of the New Testament Age?
If fallen people are asked what the essence of happiness and hope
is, each person will give a different answer. One person might answer
that it is power, and another that it is wealth or knowledge. Then what
has been the common hop of people of faith throughout the history of
mankind? One thing is clear. If the innermost hope of fallen man is
the Tree of Life, then the hope of Adam before the Fall also must have
been the Tree of Life. The reason is that each person retains his
original nature deep within himself, and thus longs for that which was
originally desired before the Fall, but was lost. Genesis 3:22-24 shows
that Adam desired to reach the Tree of Life, but because of his sin was
not allowed to. Thus, the Tree of Life has remained an only a hope of
fallen man.
Then what was this Tree of Life, that hope of the growing, not-yet-
perfected Adam? Could material possessions have been the basic hope of
Adam in the Garden of Eden, or power, or any external concerns? Since he
was to be lord of the cosmos and to rule all things, there was no reason
for Adam to hope for more material possessions or power. If Adam had any
deep wish while he was still unperfected, it would only have been to
achieve his own perfection. In other words, his desire would have been
to become a man of perfect character--one who has fulfilled the Ideal
for the Creation.
Therefore, the Tree of Life symbolizes the man who has fulfilled
the Purpose of the Creation. If Adam has not fallen and had attained
the Ideal for the Creation, then he would have become the Tree of Life
and he would have established the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, which is
the garden of the Tree of Life. However, Adam fell, and God blocked his
way to the Tree of Life with a flaming sword (Gen 3:24).
Since Adam abandoned the Purpose of the Creation, he became a false
tree of life and bore descendants who were false trees of life, thus
establishing a garden of false trees of life, rather than the garden of
the trees of life. Therefore, in order to establish the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth, which is the garden of the trees of life, a true Tree
of Life must appear in the fallen world and engraft all mankind to
himself. Knowing that the Tree of Life represents Adam, we can then
understand that the Tree of Life in the Old Testament (Prov 13:12)
represents Jesus (1 Cor 15:45), and the Tree of Life in the New
Testament Book of Revelation (Rev 22:14) represents the returning
Messiah. Furthermore, we can understand why the purpose of the
dispensation for salvation is to restore the Tree of Life that was lost
in the Garden of Eden (Gen 2:9) in the Tree of Life that is mentioned in
the Book of Revelation (Rev 22:14).
In the Garden of Eden, God created Adam, and Eve to be his spouse.
If in the midst of the garden there was a tree to symbolize the man,
isn't it likely that there would also be a tree symbolizing the woman?
Yes, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which stood with
the Tree of Life (Gen 2:9, 2:17, 3:3), is this tree.
In the Bible, Jesus is at times symbolically represented as a vine
(Jn 15:5) or an olive tree (Rom 11:17). In a similar fashion, Adam and
Eve are represented by two trees, and through this a clue has been
provided concerning the secret of man's Fall. To assert that there was
a Tree of Life and a Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the midst
of the Garden of Eden does not mean that there were two literal trees in
the geographical center of a literal garden, but rather means that the
two people, Adam and Eve, re the center and nucleus of God's Ideal for
the Creation. God's entire Ideal for the Creation is to be fulfilled
through man. When we see things in these terms, we can see that the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil represented the woman, Eve. We
Date 08-07-91 17:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Peter Perchansky
Subject ADAM.1
PP>Do you have any sources to back up the information you are posting?
In Genesis 3 the Bible shows that it was a serpent that tempted Eve
to sin. However, the serpent referred to there cannot be a serpent in
the literal sense--it must be a symbol.
In Genesis 3 we also see that the "serpent" talked with the woman
and that he understood that God had told Adam and Eve not to eat the
Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In order for the
"serpent" to be able to speak to man and know what God had instructed,
the "serpent" must have been a spirit being. Revelation 12:9 says, "And
that great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called
the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world--he was thrown down
to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him," indicating that
the "ancient serpent" is the Devil. This "ancient serpent" is the very
"serpent" which tempted Eve. Since Revelation 12:9 says that the
"serpent" was thrown down from heaven, we know that the "serpent" was in
heaven prior to being thrown down, and therefore that he must have been
a spiritual being.
Since we know that the "serpent" is Satan (Rev 12:9), we can learn
who the "serpent" was by discovering who Satan is. In order to know who
Satan is, we must discover the identity of the spirit being which was in
heaven before it sinned. It can be argued that since the "serpent" was
originally in Eden before being thrown down from heaven, the "serpent"
must originally have been a being that God created with the nature of
goodness and a being that was not yet perfect, because (1) there was no
being in Eden which was not created by God; (2) God creates only good;
and (3) no good being could commit a sin after becoming perfect.
Some imagine that this spirit being which is symbolized ass a
serpent was a being which existed even before the Creation existed and
was a being whose intent was evil, contrary to that of God. However,
with the exception of fallen man, everything in the cosmos exists
according to one perfect order; so it is not possible that there could
have been from the beginning a source of evil which was contrary to God.
If there had originally been two opposing forces in the universe, their
contradictory purposes would have caused the universe to be destroyed.
It can only be concluded that this spirit being was originally created
for the purpose of goodness, but later, while in the process of growing,
fell and became Satan. This being was able to converse with man; it
knew God's Will; it originally lived in heaven; it had the ability to
tempt man; and this being, after falling and becoming Satan, was still
able, transcendent of time and space, to influence man's mind and
spirit, causing man to lead a life of evil. What being is endowed with
such abilities? No being other than the angel is endowed with such
abilities. One might ask whether angels can commit sins, but biblical
evidence for this is clear. In fact, when we read 2 Peter 2:4, which
says "...God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them
into hell and committed them to pits of nether gloom...," we can clearly
see that angels can and do sin. Taking due note that Revelation 12:7-9,
in saying "his angels," indicates that the "serpent" was in fact a
leader of angels, we can understand that the "serpent" was an angel.
Then what was the sin of this angel? Jude 6-7 says, "And the
angels that did not keep their own position but left their proper
dwelling have been kept by him in eternal chains in the nether gloom
until the judgment of the great day; just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the
surrounding cities, which likewise [like the angels] acted immorally and
indulged in unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a
punishment of eternal fire." The sin of the angel (in the Garden) was
the sin of fornication. Since fornication cannot be committed alone,
there must have been a partner. But who could it have been? The Bible
tells us of only three beings that sinned in the Garden of Eden; the
serpent and Adam and Eve. Let us consider what the sin of the first man
and woman could have been.
In Genesis 3:7 we read that after being tempted by the serpent and
committing sin, the first ancestors became ashamed of their nakedness
and covered the lower parts of their bodies. However, before their fall
Adam and Eve were naked but unashamed (Gen 2:25). Then when we read
that they covered the lower, or sexual, parts of their bodies with fig
leaves after they sinned, we must ask ourselves whether man also
committed the sin of fornication.
It is in fallen man's nature to try to conceal his faults and
wrongs; so if the fruit of good and evil were a fruit in the literal
sense, Adam and Eve should have covered their hands or mouths if they
had taken the fruit with their hands or had eaten it with their mouths.
Yet we find that they covered their sexual parts, not their hands and
mouths. This is an indication that Adam and Eve's transgression
involved their sexual parts. Job 31:33 says, "...I have concealed my
transgression...like Adam by hiding my iniquity in my bosom" (emphasis
added). Job's words indicate that Adam concealed his transgression, and
since we know that Adam and Eve concealed their sexual parts, we can
conclude that their sin involved their sexual parts.
In the Garden of Eden, the only sin that man would possible commit
at the risk of his life was a sin involving love. Adam and Eve were to
grow as brother and sister, and, after perfecting themselves, were to
establish the Kingdom of Heaven by becoming the first husband and wife
and creating God's family, fulfilling the Purpose of the Creation.
However, when Jesus says in John 8:44, "'You are of your father the
devil...,'" he clearly shows that fallen people are descendants of the
Devil. Adam and Eve forsook God, their true father, and became one with
a false father, Satan, which is the reason that Romans 8:23 says, "...we
ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we
wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies" (emphasis
added). The fact that we are waiting for adoption into God's lineage
tells us that we are not of God's lineage. In Matthew 3:7 and Matthew
23:33, respectively, John the Baptist and Jesus called the people a
"brood of vipers"--in other words, the offspring of serpents-clearly
indicating that fallen man is the offspring of Satan. Thus we can
clearly understand that fallen man belongs to Satan's lineage, not
God's. This is the result of Eve's committing the sin of fornication
Date 08-07-91 17:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Peter Perchansky
Subject RESTORE.5
PP> God never changes, Terry.
PP> If God tells us A is true, then A is always true.
PP> Do you believe this to be true?
JOH 16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear
them now.
JOH 16:25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the
time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in
proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father.
Date 08-07-91 17:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Larry Sites
Subject RESTORE.5
LS> I see. I must say, that for the most part your messages agree
LS> with my understanding of the bible. There is a guideline in
LS> science that the most straight forward explaination of something
LS> is to be preferred. What is the benefit of adding the complexity
LS> of your approach to mans relationship with God?
In order to restore something that is broken ( fallen ) it is necessary
to thoroughly understand the problem before a valid solution will be
realized. The Divine Principle is not that complex. Once you can
understand and accept the possibility that God wants Grand Children the
rest fits into place.
Adam and Eve did not have sinless children. Jesus did not become a
father. The messiah must come again and the marriage supper of the lamb
must take place. You can figure out what the messiah and his bride will
do after they are married. Yes, raise sinless child. Who do you
think will oppose the birth of sinless children... Yes, Satan. That is
why he entered into Judas to participate in the murder of Jesus. You
know what sinless children grow to become ? Yes, Messiah's. The last
thing on Satan's wish list is multitudes of sinless children.
Date 08-07-91 17:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Peter Perchansky
Subject RESTORE.7
PP> According to the Infallable Word of God, Mary was a virgin
PP> before the birth of Jesus.
PP> May I ask you, Terry, what denomination you are from?
Unification Church. Founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
And check out the word virgin... it means 'young woman' when correctly
translated. So yes Mary was a virgin. In the Hebrew context, a woman
is virgin until her first child is born.
Date 08-07-91 17:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Rafae'l Nathan
Subject RESTORE.7
RN> Not at all, check out the birth of Isaac.
Sorry I can find no connection between Isaac and the concept of a virgin
birth ? Can you give me another clue about what you mean ?
RN> >That God set up the murder of his son ?
RN> Yes and No. G-d has His first born son who is suffering for
RN> the sins of the world.
Still not clear here either. Did God originally send Jesus to be
murdered or was this the course that evolved when he could not find
faith and acceptance ?
RN> >That you are soon going to float away into the stratosphere ?
RN> No, when i die i will be buried in the ground so as to return
RN> to the dust from which i came.
Humm, Definitely not a fundamentalist if you aren't looking forward to
the levitation experience.
RN> BS"D Shalom 'alechim, Rafae'l
How does you theology fit into the Christian scheme of things ?
Date 08-07-91 17:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Rafae'l Nathan
Subject RESTORE.8
RN> This is not true of Judaism, it is returning to G-d by leaps
RN> and bounds.
OK, you have to excuse me for not taking the time and effort to find
out where you were coming from. I'll try to write my messages to you in
a manner that will be easier for your to relate to since you aren't
coming from the Christian angle.
Date 08-11-91 07:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Dan Singleton
Subject MOON = SON? (HA!)
DS> I must have been out of town when Rev. Moon came "on the clouds
DS> of the sky with power and great glory." (Matt 24:31) And the
DS> funny thing is I don't remember seeing it on the news either.
LUK 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom
of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom
of God cometh not with observation:
REV 12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all
nations with a rod of iron
Date 08-11-91 10:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Brothers and Children, no
MS> BTW, my Heavenly Father is the Author of Perfection. I don't
MS> need an earthly imperfect faulty copy.
I'm not so quick to throw out Jesus' directions :
MAT 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in
heaven is perfect.
Date 08-11-91 10:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Bethels Hope @ 960/1
Subject Jahovah's Witnesses Msg #
BH> had heard it all. During the study they planted the thought
BH> that he was not serving God in the right way. They bombarded
BH> him with material that brought into question areas of belief he
BH> had never really thought about before. Confusion mounted and
BH> soon the leaders were supplying answers. Of course these
BH> answers assumed acceptance of all previous teachings. They set
BH> a schedule of study that left little time for anything else. Of
BH> course, the leaders endorsed this by pointing out that there was
BH> really nothing in life more important than this.
Sounds just like any other church camp meeting/revival when people are
seeking to save the lost. Sounds like you never went to vacation Bible
school ?
Date 08-11-91 10:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Bethels Hope @ 960/1
Subject Jahovah's Witnesses Msg #
BH> idea that God had seen fit to bring Steve into this truth and
BH> the worst thing Steve could ever do was to abandon what God had
BH> so generously provided.
So is your faith one that should be abandoned ? I don't think mine is
either. Scripture is full of advice about backsliding :
LUK 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the
plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
Date 08-11-91 10:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Rafae'l Nathan
Subject Spirits of the dead
RN> This was suppose to be the resurrection of the dead. This is
RN> something added in because they knew that the dead are suppose
RN> to rise after the comming of the messiah. It is obisiouly
RN> faked since if this had of happened then there would have been
RN> 1000 years of peace.
Not only that, but if these people were really physically resurrected
and resurrection means to come into eternal life, shouldn't these
old people be walking around somewhere today ?
Date 08-16-91 21:16:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject -
EM> So you believe these are the end times. Well, they may very
EM> well be, lots of people (whether they listen to Rev. Moon or
EM> not) think they are or may be. Why does Rev. Moon say they are?
I think he read the watchtower when he was a young man < grin >.
Serriously, there will be about 4 or 5 messages posted in about a week
or two on the last days... keep watching !
EM> Do you think Moon is God? Why or why not? I believe he's
EM> claimed that he is.
I don't think Rev Moon is God. Because:
God is bigger than a man : Gen 1:27
Rev Moon did not create the universe: No Scripture necessary <grin>
Date 08-16-91 21:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
>Once again, I am taken by both the internal consistency and the dynamic
force >of your theology. It seems to me that its only weakness shows up
when it >attempts to address traditional (Apostolic) Christian theology
and christology.
Thanks. You are correct in your observation that there is a difference.
>Much of what you say on this subject tends to "miss the mark" by a
small >margin, at least with regard to those understandings which would
be held >in common among Anglicans, Roman Catholics, and Eastern
Orthodox Christians >concerning the nature of Christ.
This difference that you observe may not be quite as far off mark as it
actually is. When you try to pull someone in a different direction that
you believe to be on the correct course, you usually have to lean across
the line.. you know like straightening out a hack saw blade and bending
it past the point you want it to go to when you release it. The problem
with the Jesus is God belief is that it tends to bottle God up in a way
that limits God to sorta following Jesus around. Since Genesis indicates
that God's image is both male and female, the fullest manifestation of
God on earth can only be represented in a marriage. Once I can expand
someone's thinking to agree that Jesus ( being a man ) at most could be
only half God, I can then accept that God can be fully manifested in a
marriage between Christ and a physical Bride.
>Christologically, the same principle applies. Jesus Christ possesses,
within >Himself, the full manifestation of the Divine nature and,
This is where we differ. I think that it is possible that God could
have more love, more wisdom, more power... etc than Jesus. Take the
scripture where Jesus says: "The Father is Greater that I" for example.
I also think God has a feminine ( mother ) nature that Jesus could not
embody. This had lead to ( what 'outsiders' call ) the Mariology
doctrine. I see this as evidence that the absence of a wife for Christ
was supplemented in orthodox theology by Mother Mary.
>The question remains, did Jesus Christ find Himself forced into this
Since I view the mission of Christ as a mission to restore Adam's
failure, I cannot understand how Christ's mission could exclude marrying
and having a family. How could Christ come and fulfill his mission
without multiplying sinless children ? Adam was told to multiply and I
am sure God didn't mean for him to have children with sin in them.
> Or was it His intention from the beginning? We see, in the Gospels,
that >Jesus several times predicted, before witnesses, that He was going
to die >by crucifixion in Jerusalem.
I agree totally that the prophecy was always there that Jesus could be
rejected and forced to go the way of the cross. But I can't understand
why God would work through 2,000 years of Jewish history to prepare
people that were destined to murder His son. Wasn't God taking a chance
that with all this preparation they may believe in Jesus ? Every time
the prophecies of Jesus crucifixion are brought up, I remember the
prophecies in Isaiah 9:6 and 7.
>If His plan were for Him to avoid that death and continue to live,
My #1 problem with the idea that God sent Jesus to die is the fact that
it makes God dependent on Satan to support this plan and enter Judas and
fulfill the mission of betraying Christ. If I correctly understand the
relationship between God and Satan, I can't believe that God would put
Himself in a position to rely on Satan. Do you see why I am confused ?
I found this message by accident. A portion of it was saved to a
notknown.msg file. I wrote a program to chop up messages, so they
would not be lost, but it cannot correctly count lines for every format
that is used on fidonet. I don't know what kind of text editor you are
using, but it is saving your message in one of the formats I haven't
learned to deal with. Out of a possible 1,000 to 1,500 messages I
imported during the last couple of weeks, this one was one of the only
TWO that my program did not work on. If you can limit your message
length to about 90 lines it will insure they don't get lost if they are
posted on a Spitfire BBS, or any other BBS that has a 99 line limit on
Maybe I'll figure out how to chop messages entered with the kind of
reader you are using.
Date 08-16-91 21:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Brothers and Childredren
MS> MS> BTW, my Heavenly Father is the Author of Perfection. I
MS> don't MS> need an earthly imperfect faulty copy.
MS> TB> I'm not so quick to throw out Jesus' directions :
MS> TB> MAT 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father
MS> which is in TB> heaven is perfect.
MS> Neither am I, but I'm not the one claiming that Moon is
MS> perfect.... If he were to preach the Bible, I could claim him
MS> as a brother. But because of his hereaies, he is nothing but a
MS> false prophet and antiChrist.
Where did I write that Rev Moon was perfect ? You keep writing all
kinds of erroneous messages... you told someone I said that Jesus
failed... even after I posted a message explaining to you that the
PEOPLE failed to understand and support Jesus so he could not get
married under those circumstances... Now you try to imply that I have
claimed that Rev Moon is perfect. I never said this.
Why are you so worked up about Rev Moon anyway ? If I want to make
him MY messiah that shouldn't bother you. You aren't too bothered by
people who have made drugs and crime their messiah !
You are simply ignorant of what Rev Moon is trying to do, and who he is.
Ignorance is curable.
Date 08-16-91 21:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Gary Johnson
GJ> They rely on people's **OWN** thought processes to get them to
GJ> believe in Christ, not in a bunch of "programming" and
GJ> hogwash...
So I'm brain washed ? Must make you feel mighty superior ?
Date 08-16-91 21:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Bethels Hope @ 960/1
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses Msg #
BH> I would like to summarize the messags of the last several weeks
BH> to take a practical look at the workings of those groups that
BH> use mind control to prey upon the unsuspecting. Groups like
Why don't you stop trying to control my mind. This conference is for
discussion of biblical subjects. Have you read the Bible ? Why don't
you post your silly intrepretations and let me have a crack at them ?
Date 08-16-91 21:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Chris Boerma
Subject Messiah
CB> Art has a use to the Artist. Its a way in which he can
CB> express himself. I don't think art is nesassary in our world. It
CB> helps to make it interessting,
CB> but isn't needed.
Did you ever stop to think that man has two natures ? One side that
seeks to be satisfied throught the physical senses... the material
world. The othe side seeks truth, beauty, love etc through the
spiritual senses ? After you get a full belly and sit by the warm fire,
you are ready to pull up your keyboard and philosophise with someone
that can stimulate your artistic, creative nature....
Date 08-16-91 21:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Chris Boerma
Subject Messiah
CB> Yes it would be anguish for a person to have to live alone,
CB> but not impossibl(Hermits?). God though, even be himself is not
CB> alone. He is THREE persons together!
Well apparently three persons weren't enough to satisfy God :
Gen 1:28 ....and MULTIPLY !
Date 08-16-91 21:46:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> TB>MAR 13:33 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when
WC> the TB>time is.
WC> See I Thessalonians 4:13-18. When He comes for His church it
WC> will be as a thief in the night. He will not set foot on the
WC> earth but just call out His own. At the end of the 7 years of
WC> tribulation He will return in power and glory. It will be
WC> similar to the way He ascended.
Can you see that there could be just a little bit of a chance you are
making the same mistake the Jews made when they read Danile 7:13 and
expected Jesus in the clouds ? You are doing the same thing that they
did but you are using Thessalonians... Don't take a chance on being
fooled twice ! If you don't eliminate the possibility that Christ may
come born of woman, then if you are checking both places you have a
much better chance of finding the messiah than if you look up all the
Date 08-16-91 21:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> TB>Why do you want to paint a picture that makes God responsible
WC> for TB>Jesus death?
WC> Since Jesus is Jehovah God then God determined the fate of
WC> Jesus.
So your doctrine concludes that Judas is a hero for fulfilling God's
will in desposing of Jesus ? This would also make Satan a good guy for
supporting Judas ? I don't think it has occurred to you that God
wanted Grand Children not a crucifixion. Why didn't God just send Jesus
to Adams' family and then Cain could have killed Jesus and Abel ? That
would have saved thousands of years of humans coming and going without
the option for salvation. Sorry I drifted off to rational reasoning.
Date 08-16-91 21:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> The Holy Spirit was not given until the Day of Pentecost in
WC> Acts
Humm, looks like you are way off on this one. This event took place
long before Pentecost:
LUK 4:1 And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan,
and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,
Date 08-16-91 21:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject RESTORE.3
WC> John 10:15 As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father:
WC> and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 And other sheep I have,
WC> which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they
WC> shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, [and] one
WC> shepherd. 17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay
WC> down my life, that I might take it again. 18 No man taketh it
WC> from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it
WC> down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I
WC> received of my Father.
WC> The Bible says that Jesus lay down his life for His sheep
WC> (be- lievers). What do you say? Did Jesus die for us? How do you
WC> reconcile verse 18 with your statement about murder?
This is a good question. It's been over a year now an you have not
understood me yet. Originally God planned on Jesus being accepted and
then he would have been able to marry and raise sinless children... this
was the favorable option #1.
However there was the 2nd option that was a possibility: the people
would not have faith, they would reject Jesus... who was in the Abel
position and they would too would have to deal with sin and overcome
it.. and if they failed, the Cain - Abel story would repeat itself,
rather than the successful Jacob - Essau version that was such a victory
for God. Since the Cain - Abel unity between Jesus and John the
Baptist was not established, the secondary course was all that was left
for Jesus to follow. In order for a condition to be made so that the
messiah could return, Jesus had to give his life. The situation should
never have come to this point but since it did, Satan was in a position
to claim mankind forever BUT Jesus went the way of sacrifice and gave
his on life so fallen man could still have a chance for salvation.
Date 08-16-91 22:09:00
From Terry Blount
To Dan Singleton
DS> You have falsely equated this with the Second Coming which
DS> (according to Matthew 24) is loaded with signs to be observed.
So why pray and stay awake for such an event that will obvioulsy be
reported on the 6:00 news ? You don't know the Biblical meaning of
'clouds' let me help you.
Jesus said, "'No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from
heaven, the Son of man'" (Jn 3:13), indicating that he came from heaven.
Yet, as we well know, Jesus was born on earth from his mother, Mary.
Why then did he say he came from heaven?
The word 'heaven' is frequently used in the Bible. It is
repeatedly used as a metaphor to connote great value, sacredness, or
goodness. Thus, we can interpret what Jesus said to mean 'I was born
like all of you, but I am very different in the motive and origin of my
birth; I am born of God'. With this understanding of the word 'heaven',
the prophecy that Jesus is coming on the clouds is not incorrect.
However, it is a mistake to interpret it literally.
In a similar way, John the Baptist, who was born in the family of
Zachariah according to God's special dispensation, was not merely born
of this earth, but had a great mission (Lk 1:15-17, 76). Regardless of
the form of his birth, God was the direct cause, and thus John had "come
down from heaven" representing Elijah, and had the same mission of
The Second Coming of Christ Takes Place through his Birth on Earth
From what is shown in the examples of Elijah's second coming and
Jesus' coming, both of which were the direct work of God, one cannot
help but give serious thought to the prophecies for the Second Coming.
In summary, the New Testament not only contains prophecies that say
Christ will come as a judge amidst glory on a cloud from heaven, but
also some that say he will come again just as he did the first time,
quite contrary to the other type of prophecy of his coming on the
We read in Luke 17:24,25 that Jesus, anticipating what was going to
happen at the Second Coming, said," '...so will the Son of man be in his
day. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this
generation.'" If the Lord should come again amidst power and glory,
with the trumpet call of the archangel, who would dare deny and
persecute him? Would you persecute him?
Today, many faithful Christians and churches are looking up to the
sky, waiting for the Lord to come on the clouds. If he were to come on
the clouds, there would be no reason for him to be persecuted. However,
if he does not come on a literal cloud, and instead comes in the flesh,
as at the First Coming, then it becomes apparent why Jesus said he would
first suffer before finally being recognized (Lk 17:24,25).
Revelation 12:5 says," ...she brought forth a male child, one who
is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught
up to God and to his throne." The man who will rule the world with a
rod of iron is the coming Lord. In this verse, it says that he will be
born of a woman. When the Pharisees wanted to know the time of the
Second Coming, they asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God was coming, and
he answered,"...'The Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be
observed...'" (Lk 17:20). Everyone can gaze up at heaven, but Jesus
said that the coming of God's Kingdom, in other words, the Second Coming
will not be visible. Why is that so? It is because the Messiah does
not come on a literal cloud. In Luke 18:8, Jesus said, " 'I tell you,
he will vindicate them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man
comes, will he find faith on earth?' "Jesus was prophesying that he
would not find faith on earth at his second coming. This means that
when he comes, there will be almost no one who will be saved by their
complete faith. Why is this so?
Of course, not all believers on earth have perfect faith, but there
are people all over the world who are going the way of true faith. Then
why did Jesus imply that he would not find faith? Furthermore, who
would fail to recognize the Lord coming on a literal cloud? Certainly
even non-believers would recognize him and have faith in him. Will
people lack faith because someone will prevent them from having it?
Certainly not. Difficulties do not necessarily weaken a person's faith.
We interpret Jesus' saying that he would not find faith on earth to mean
that he is going to come in the same manner as at the first coming.
When Jesus came two thousand years ago, there was great faith - of
a sort - among the people. Some prayed day and night in the temple, and
they memorized the commandments. They tried hard to keep all of the
commandments and laws that God had ordered them to keep. They
faithfully offered their tithes, and they fasted. In this sense, they
had great faith in God, yet there was no true faith. Why didn't they
have a faith that would allow them to believe in Jesus as the Messiah
sent by God?
From this viewpoint, Jesus could not find any faith on earth!
Similarly, today there are millions of good Christians waiting for the
Lord to appear - on the clouds; but if he comes in the same way as he
did before, will he find the faith that will enable Christians to
recognize him?
To emphasize once again, based on the Bible passages quoted above
and on the lessons learned from God's work in history, the Second Coming
will occur as the first coming did, with the Messiah's being born in the
flesh on earth. Indeed, he comes as the Son of man.
Date 08-16-91 22:14:00
From Terry Blount
To Gary Johnson
GJ> Thanks for sending the quote, at least I have a better idea of
GJ> where you are coming from, though I still don't see any
GJ> indication of sexual relatiojns at ALL.
Check out "naked and unashamed" before the fall and the "ashamed of
their nakedness" after the fall. Also think about what kind of fruit
is really more desirable than life ? Could it be a real fruit ?
Date 08-16-91 22:16:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> But this is what the Bible tells us. Are you saying that you
CR> refuse to believe the Bible?
NO way I would ever refuse to believe the Bible... but I frequently do
disagree with some peoples intrepretation of the Bible. This happens
to be one of them. I can't even find the word 'materialized' ?
Date 08-16-91 22:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Spirits of the Dead
CR> > The truth is: Humans have both physical and spiritual
CR> > bodies. When they die only the spiritual body remains.
CR> > Spirits do not have physical bodies, and they cannot and
CR> > have never materialized into physical bodies.
CR> What about the two angels that visited Lot? They spent the
CR> evening at his home and they ATE with him. They HAD materialized
CR> into human bodies.
Date 08-16-91 22:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Bethels Hope @ 960/1
Subject Jehovah's Witnesses Msg #
BH> Message (6)
First there is no need to make innocent Terry Blounts pay for posting your
messages in triplicate. You are clearly a selfish individual that is
taking advantage of the generosity of others.
Second you are hereby insulated from this bbs for failing to use your
real name.
Date 08-16-91 22:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject NOAH.2 part 1/2
WC> Obviously Jesus is not married because He has not returned
WC> to the earth as you have suggested. When He returns we shall all
WC> know about it. Since only a select few seem aware of this
WC> supposed marriage a few years ago it is in direct violation of
WC> Scripture which says that everyone will know about it.
Everyone will know in time. Wouldn't you rather be among the first to
know ?
Date 08-17-91 10:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Everlasting Lifef
TB> TB>> Then how do you understand Psalms 37:29 "The righteous
TB> TB>> themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside
TB> forever TB>> upon it."
TB> TB> Just like I would if it said the Koreans would inherit the
TB> TB> earth and possess it themselves and reside forever upon it.
TB> Then you are saying that it is a figure of speech. And it is
TB> not literal. And you believe that they will not reside forever
TB> on the earth. Or that they well not inherit the earth? Can you
TB> elaborate Terry?
Yes, the righteous shall possess the earth and reside forever upon it.
But the righteous are a GROUP or Clasification of people. It does not
mean one particular person. I may say that the Bentley's shall live
forever, but that would mean that you would always heave descendants,
not that you personally would live forever.
Date 08-17-91 10:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Joel Comm
Subject The Jehovah's Witnesses A
JC> Right in believing that the Bible is the Word of God
JC> Wrong in thinking that the Bible cannot be understood apart from
JC> the literature published by the Watchtower Society
Are you telling us that your faith has no doctrine of faith ? No other
material you use to teach from at Sunday School ? I don't believe you
are without extra-biblical publications. What faith are propounding.
JC> RIGHT in believing in creation rather than evolution
JC> WRONG in believing that Jesus Christ is a created being
Jesus did not create the world. He wasn't even born till about 2,000
years ago.
JC> RIGHT in teaching the ressurection of Christ
JC> WRONG in teaching that he was raised as a spirit person
They are right here again and you are wrong. Jesus was not easily
recognized after the resurrection. He walked through walls and
levitated against the power of gravity... just to mention a couple
things that physical bodies don't do. If Jesus had the same body
before the ressurection and after, there is no way the nails could have
held him on the cross.
JC> RIGHT in believing that Jehovah is the true and living God
JC> WRONG in rejecting the doctrine of the trinity
The trinity doctrine is a polytheistic belief that strives to find a way
allow people to believe in more than one God. How many gods are their?
JC> RIGHT in believing that Jesus is the son of God
JC> WRONG in not believing that He is GOd the Son
You must not read your Bible:
1TI 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and
men, the man Christ Jesus;
JC> RIGHT in believing in the corruption of Christendom
JC> WRONG in thinking that all Christians who are not WTS fail to
JC> worship and serve the true God
Well, this is a mistake that everyone makes. Who believes that they are
in the wrong religion ? If you believed your religion was not the right
one then you would change.
JC> RIGHT in believing in unity
JC> WRONG in thinking that the WTS is the one true religion
What religion is the one true religion ?
JC> RIGHT in recognizing the importance of Good Works
JC> WRONG in believing that works are a condition of salvation
MAT 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall
exceed [the righteousness] of the scribes and Pharisees, ye
shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Looks like the Jw's are reading the scripture a whole lot more than you.
JC> RIGHT in teaching the second coming of Christ
JC> WRONG in believing that Christ returned in 1914
Well finally we agree... the date was actually 1920 !
JC> RIGHT in believing in the kingdom of God
JC> WRONG in believing that it is being established through the WTS
Yes, we agree here too... The Kingdom of God will be established by
TRUE PARENTS, and the ideal families that will emerge from the fallen
society after the Marriage supper of the Lamb.
JC> RIGHT in believing that the Jewish Law taought against drinking
JC> blood WRONG in their teachings against blood transfusions
Yes, they made a mistake about transfusions... but they made the same
mistake about organ transplants and later corrected it... give them some
time and they will most likely fix this mistake too.
JC> RIGHT in translating the Word of God
JC> WRONG in perverting the New World Translation to suit their own
JC> doctrines Jeus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth
JC> will set you free."
I would like to see ANY doctrine, faith, or belief that does not
interpret the scripture to suit their own ideas. There in none !
Date 08-17-91 14:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject ABRAHAM.3
WC> MJ>Excuse me??? but, do normal people hear voices??? I don't
WC> think MJ>so. Maybe schizophrenics and neurotics but not
WC> ordinary, normal, MJ>mentally-stable persons.
WC> You are an expert on how God speaks to people? What do you
WC> know about the methods that God uses to communicate with people?
WC> There are a number of us on the echo that have been present when
WC> God spoke and a number of others have has God speak to them. Why
WC> must it always be in an audible voice. That sounds like a
WC> preconceived idea on your part.
Very good Walter. You may want to point out that normal people may
not hear voices from God because once God speaks to someone, what is
normal for the rest of the world often becomes abnormal for the person
who has communicated with God.
I would think that the view of the messiah being some kind of abnormal
super human is not accurate. Actually the messiah is probably just a
normal man but everyone around him is abnormal thus he appears to be a
very strange individual. Maybe someday everyone can become just as
strange and abnormal as the messiah ?
Date 08-17-91 14:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 1/2
WC> TB>Jacob brought about Esau's voluntary submission
WC> No, this is not biblical. Esau never voluntarily submitted
WC> to Jacob at any time.
GEN 33:3 And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the
ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.
GEN 33:4 And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his
neck, and kissed him: and they wept.
In the course of restoration there comes a time when you must understand
the voluntary submission of the person in Cain's position to the person
in Abel's position. The episode of Jacob and Esau is the only victory
of this sort you will find in the entire Bible. Since John the Baptist
could not/did not unite in this fashion with Jesus, the results for
Jesus was the crucifixion... much like the same results for Abel.
Just remember that Satan hates humility and he cannot humble himself. If
you want to go to God you first must make a condition to separate from
Satan and this can be done by doing what Satan can't do.... sacrifice
for others. If you read Gen 32, you will find that in order to gain the
voluntary submission of Esau, Jacob gave everything he had, his entire
fortune to Esau, and then bowed down to him.
Since Adam and Eve fell at the cost of their own life, Jacob had to love
Esau more than he did his own life and Esau had to overcome the same
feelings and situation that Cain had to deal with when God told him that
sin was crouching at his door.
When I pointed out that Jesus taught of the two conditions/commandments
that must met, you did not understand. Jesus said Love God with all
your heart. This makes the vertical condition. Then love your neighbor
as yourself. This makes the horizontal condition. In our terminology
it is called the foundation of faith ( vertical relationship with God )
and the foundation of substance ( horizontal relationship with a person
in the Abel position ). Unless these two conditions are met, the
commandments Jesus taught are not fulfilled and Satan still has control
over fallen man.
I have to say that even though you have disagreed with nearly everything
I have posted, it does make me happy that at least one person in this
conference can understand these ideas enough to allow me to start to go
into some detail. Thanks for reading and replying to my post.
Date 08-17-91 15:31:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 1/2
WC> This is extra-biblical. Esau never submitted to Jacob.
GEN 33:3 And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the
ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.
GEN 33:4 And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his
neck, and kissed him: and they wept.
Date 08-17-91 15:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 1/2
WC> TB>Then, from this starting point, God raised and developed a
WC> chosen TB>people.
WC> No, Jacob is not the starting point. The starting point for
WC> the Hebrews is Abraham. Isaac and Jacob received their position
WC> as a result of the unconditional covenant God made with Abraham.
Who was given the name 'Israel' ?
Date 08-17-91 15:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 2/2
WC> TB>Now, let us examine the meaning oh the verse in Romans 9:13,
WC> where TB>we read that God "hated" Esau even while he was in the
WC> womb. This TB>verse simply means that God was working to fulfill
WC> his Dispensa- TB>tion for Restoration through indemnity
WC> according to the principles TB>of the Dispensation for
WC> Restoration by placing Esau in the posi- TB>tion of Cain.
WC> No, it simply means that Esau had a bad attitude. He did not
WC> esteme the things of God. God is omniscient. He knew Esau's
WC> personali- ty before he was born. Esau was never placed in the
WC> position of Cain.
You sure have a deep theology. You read all about Jacob and Esau and
then conclude the only meaning is that Esau had a bad attitude. I am
sure a lot of information and insight slipped by you. Better read it
WC> TB>he would have been in the position of restored Cain and would
WC> TB>eventually have received the love and blessings of God (Gen
WC> 36:7).
WC> Esau never was in the postion to restore anything. God's
WC> promise did not pass through Esau. Therefore, it was not
WC> possible for Esau to restore.
The Bible is a record of God's attempt to restore man. Everyone
mentioned has a part in this historical effort to restore man from the
fallen state of sin.
Date 08-17-91 15:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 2/2
WC> TB>So, though Isaac's descendants had established the Foundation
WC> for TB>the Messiah,
WC> I thought you said that Jacob did all this.
Jacob is Isaac's son ( descendant ).
Date 08-17-91 15:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 2/2
WC> TB>Externally, however, Isaac's descendants still had to undergo
WC> four TB>hundred years of oppression as indemnity for Abraham's
WC> failure.
WC> Not really, they forgot God. God did not deliever them until
WC> they began to cry out to Him.
GEN 15:13 And he said unto Abraham, Know of a surety that thy seed
shall be a stranger in a land [that is] not theirs, and
shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred
Don't you find it strange that they cried out and Moses lead them from
slavery in Egypt 409 years after God pronounced this judgment to
By the way the exact same thing happened to christianity after the
MURDERED of Christ. Christianity suffered 400 years of persecution till
392 A.D. when Emperor Theodosius II ended it.
When people fail, INDEMNITY conditions HAVE to be met !
Date 08-17-91 15:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.2
WC> TB>Because of the Fall, even man's dead body belongs to Satan.
WC> Can you give us scriptural reference for this statement? The
WC> physical body is dead. There is no life in it. It returns to
WC> dust or ashes if cremated. Satan has not use for a dead body. He
WC> cannot use it.
ROM 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law
of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin
which is in my members.
Date 08-17-91 16:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.2
WC> What must I do to be saved? All this stuff is of no value if
WC> I die lost. After salvation then all the other stuff can be
WC> added.
1. find the messiah
2. follow the messiah
This stuff is very important. Sorry you are having such a difficult
time understanding it. More prayer Walter.
Date 08-17-91 16:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.3
WC> What must I do to be saved? There may not be time for all
WC> this. Salvation first then theory and theology.
There is plenty time. If you are living at the time of the messiah and
do not find him don't count on going to sleep as the Jw's have tried get
us to believe... there is nothing more important to you than
understanding the course of restoration. If you don't know the way to
church you will never get there either. You must first FIND THE
MESSIAH, then follow the messiah. Pray Walter. Find the truth.
You and I are living in the greatest of times. The messiah may actually
be walking the earth. Seriously ask God to show you what He has shown me.
Date 08-18-91 12:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 1/2
WC> supposed to restore "the Foundation of Substance." In fact this
WC> term is not found anywhere in Scripture. The teaching is
WC> extra-biblical.
The term 'extra-biblical' is not to be found anywhere in Scripture but
you love to ues it when you don't understand something.
Date 08-18-91 12:34:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 1/2
WC> TB>Through his forty years in the palace, Moses fulfilled the
WC> forty- TB>period of separation from Satan and restored the
WC> Foundation of TB>Faith.
WC> Moses spent his first forty years in Egypt as a son of
WC> Pharaoh's daughter. If Egypt represents sin then Moses certainly
WC> could not be said to have separated himself from Satan during
WC> that time period. Rather to the contrary he was symbolically in
WC> sin because he was still in Egypt (symbolic of sin). Therefore
WC> while in Egypt he could not have fulfilled a 40 year period of
WC> separation.
Ok Walter, what do you interpret the meaning of the number 40 to
symbolize ? It is used in many places like 40 days of rain on Noah, 40
days fasting with Moses twice, and 40 days fasting with Jesus, and 40
years of the Israelites in the desert, and 400 years of slavery when
Abraham failed to complete the offering, and 400 years of preparation
for the messiah after Malachi, and lots more places that are not on the
top of my head right now. By the way did you know that Korea was
occupied and oppressed by the Japanese from 1905 to 1945 ? There is
another 40 for you to ponder.
Date 08-18-91 12:40:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 1/2
WC> TB>In establishing the Foundation of Faith,
WC> Terry, this term is not found in the Bible. It is
WC> extra-biblical.
Look again :
LUK 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as
Loving God is the foundation of faith ( vertical ) loving thy neighbor
is the foundation of substance ( horizontal ). Only Jacob and Esau
have fulfilled both these conditions, and the Messiah came is Jacob's
lineage AND Jacob was give the name Israel do you know what that means?
Date 08-18-91 12:43:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 1/2
WC> TB>Moses at the same time qualified himself for the Abel
WC> position in TB>the Foundation of substance.
WC> There is nothing in Scripture to support this statement.
WC> Abel was slain by his brother. Moses was not killed by anyone.
I simply can't see why you can't understand the concept of the Abel
person. Able's offering was accepted by God meaning that he was closer
to God. Moses was in the Abel position to the Israelites people. God
spoke to them through Moses. Jesus was in the Abel position to John the
Baptist and the Jewish people. Jacob was in the Abel position to Esau.
God always chooses a central figure then works through that person. If
people unite then all will be blessed:
GEN 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?
Date 08-18-91 12:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 1/2
WC> TB>The Israelites, who were in the Cain position, had to
WC> faithfully TB>submit to and obey Moses, who was in the Abel
WC> position.
WC> This is based upon the false premises of the Cain and Abel
WC> story. It is not found in Scripture and is extra-biblical.
So you want me to believe that God supported Moses in the working of all
those miracles so the people would NOT submit to and obey Moses ?
I'm showing you a much deeper meaning to these stories in the Bible.
Many, many people have read and searched these scriptures and never
understood these things. You should pray more to understand the
opportunity that is at hand.
Date 08-18-91 12:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 1/2
WC> TB>After seeing Moses act in such a way, the Israelites should
WC> have TB>trusted and united with Moses.
WC> Why should they have trusted Moses? In their eyes he was not
WC> one of them. They had no way of discerning his motives. He was
WC> an Egyptian prince in their eyes regardless of his birth.
Yes, one of them that turned sticks into snakes, and parted the sea, and
was followed around by a cloud in the daytime and a pillar of fire at
night. < snicker > I couldn't resist a cheep shot. < grin >
Date 08-18-91 13:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 2/2
WC> TB>The Israelites witnessed these and came to realize that Moses
WC> was TB>the true leader sent by God.
WC> If this were so then why did they reject his leadership and
WC> complain and mummer against him so much? They did this from the
WC> very beginning when the confrontation of wills between God and
WC> Pharaoh was in progress.
Fallen nature inherited from Satan. The same fallen nature that
repeated itself when fallen man MURDERED Christ.
JOH 8:44 Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and
abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
1JO 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the
truth is not in us.
I think you are catching on... keep reading. Your questions are
getting much better.
Date 08-19-91 15:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject ABRAHAM.3
WC> P.S. Did you ever figure out why SFMAIL refuses to recognize the
WC> Open Bible Echo?
Humm, I didn't know this. I have been very busy... trip to Philadelphia
and then one to Monroe so I haven't had any free time to 'tweek' the
Date 08-19-91 15:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 1/3
WC> TB>In the course of restoration there comes a time when you must
WC> TB>understand the voluntary submission of the person in Cain's
WC> posi- TB>tion to the person in Abel's position.
WC> This is not a teaching of Scripture. It is not a part of the
WC> plan of salvation. It is extra-biblical. In any case it was
WC> Jacob being submissive to Esau and not Esau to Jacob.
Yes this is very scriptural. There are many examples of God setting up
a condition of selecting a central figure then giving the people the
chance to get blessing, avoid judgement, and even attain salvation by
uniting with His chosen representative.
This is the one un-changing principle, formula, pattern that God follows
in order to help man make a condition to come to His side. Jesus said
that Man is to rule the angels, but when we read about the fall of man
we can see that an angel dominated man and rather than receiving love
through Adam and Eve, he reversed the proper order and caused the fall.
God loved Adam and Eve more than He did Lucifer and Lucifer's jealousy
prevented him from following the proper order and receiving God's love
through them.
In the next generation after the fall, God again chose a central figure,
Abel, and set up a condition for Cain to do what Lucifer couldn't do....
receive God's love through the person God loves most. But Cain and Abel
could not unite and Cain killed Abel. It is pointless to blame either
Cain or Abel because BOTH of them are responsible for making unity. We
do not find any example of Abel sympathizing with Cain and offering to
help him get his offering accepted.
Later on with Jacob and Esau, we see them in a similar situation. God
loved Jacob more, thus Esau was supposed to receive God's love through
God's chosen central figure. Esau went out to meet Jacob with 400 armed
men and was intending to kill him. However, Jacob did what Abel did not
do: He sacrificed himself and everything he had to subjugate Esau with
love and help him overcome the feelings of resentment. Rather than
killing Jacob, Esau overcame and they embarrassed.
We can find many other examples of this principle God has used in the
process of salvation, but the rest of them, except in Joshua h's case,
followed the pattern of rejection like Lucifer and Cain did.
Noah's children did not unite with him even after he had saved them from
the flood judgement. Rather than loving Noah and obeying him
unconditionally, they judged him for laying naked and were cursed.
The people of Sodom and Gomorrah would not obey Abraham and were
When Moses tried to lead the people they grumbled, complained, lost
faith and were denied entrance into Canaan.
When Jesus came he too was rejected by the people in the position of
Cain to him. Jesus was in the position of God to the people and they
had do what Satan cannot do: Humble themselves and receive God's love
through Jesus, God's central figure. But they MURDERED him.
MAT 10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy
of me:
LUK 4:24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted
in his own country.
LUK 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless
when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the
Today we have a representative of God among us, but how is he received?
Do you know the consequences of failing to recognize God's central
figure, uniting and receive God's love through him ? The results is
that the fallen people remain under Satan's dominion.
Date 08-19-91 16:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 1/3
WC> The victory was that two brothers were reconciled. It is not
WC> a particularly big deal. It happens all the time today.
You are missing a very important principle if this is all you come away
from this story understanding.
Date 08-19-91 16:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 1/3
WC> TB>Since John the Baptist could not/did not unite in this
WC> fashion TB>with Jesus, the results for Jesus was the
WC> crucifixion... much TB>like the same results for Abel.
WC> There is nothing in the Bible which even suggests that they
WC> should have done so.
What leads you to think that John didn't need to follow Jesus ? Do you
think John was perfect ? You must not have any idea of how many times
Jesus told people to 'Follow Me" ?
JOH 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am,
there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him
will [my] Father honour.
MAT 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go [and] sell
that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have
treasure in heaven: and come [and] follow me.
The above verse clearly explains why John the Baptist will be lesser
than the least in the Kingdom. John did not follow Jesus.
Show me one, just one, example of John the Baptist following Jesus.
In fact John contradicted Jesus and in effect called Jesus a liar: Jesus
said John in Elijah ( Matt. 11:44 )
John said he was not Elijah: JOH 1:21 And they asked him, What then?
Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he
answered, No.
The only place we find anyone humbling themselves to God's chosen
representative and making a condition of receiving God's love through
God's central figure is when Esau united with Jacob. This is the one
thing Satan CANNOT do. In order to separate from Satan, fallen man must
unite with God's champion. But seldom does it happen:
LUK 4:24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted
in his own country.
You should at least begin to understand the Cain - Abel relationship and
how important it is to one's salvation. You have invested a tremendous
amount of heart and effort in studying and practicing a spiritual way of
life. That puts you in the Abel position to people who have never
experienced God or taken the time and made the effort to understand the
spiritual side of life. As the person in the Abel position, you can
lead people who are in the Cain position to find and accept Christ. But
at the same time you are in the Cain position to other people who are
closer to God. Just as people in the Cain position to you must be
humble and receive God's love and truth through you, you must do the
same to the people in the Abel position to you. We all want to be in
the Abel position and be loved the most, accepted, and favored by God,
but we don't think about the requirements of sacrifice, the burden of
misunderstanding and persecution such a position requires. When you
read about the 21 years of suffering in Haran and the condition of total
unselfishness that Jacob made for his brother, then you can understand
some of the requirements for the person in the Abel position. Jesus
suffered much more than Jacob, but unlike Esau, the people would not
embrace him.
Are you going to embrace the central figure God had chosen for our time
when you find him ? This person will certainly appear abnormal by
ordinary human standards. He won't be popular either. Few have
succeeded in humbling themselves to receive God's love through the
person God has chosen as His representative. Yes, the way is narrow
and now you know why... you must do what Satan can't do. You must gain
your own personal victory over the fallen nature you inherited from the
fall of man. If you don't bear fruit do you know what will happen ? May
I suggest you read Mat 21:19
Date 08-19-91 17:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 1/3
WC> TB>and this can be done by doing what Satan can't do....
WC> sacrifice TB>for others.
WC> That is not what the Bible says. The only sacrifice needed
WC> is Jesus. He is our sacrifice. He paid the sacrificial price the
WC> we could not pay.
This is what the Bible says:
MAT 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any [man] will come
after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
MAR 8:34 And when he had called the people [unto him] with his
disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him
deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
LUK 9:23 And he said to [them] all, If any [man] will come after me,
let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
2TI 2:13 If we believe not, [yet] he abideth faithful:
he cannot deny himself.
If we believe not, he cannot deny himself.
Date 08-19-91 17:30:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 2/3
WC> You see, Terry, your teaching on faith is contradictory to
WC> what Scripture says. You are telling us that man can establish
WC> faith by his own works. The Bible says it is all in Jesus.
Are trying to teach us that everyone already loves God and wants to
serve Him ? My believe is that it is much easier to act selfishly than
to be God like and sacrifice for others. Effort therefore must made to
make a foundation of faith ( a vertical connection to God ).
Date 08-19-91 17:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 3/3
WC> The Bible is the progressive of God's revelation of Himself
WC> to man. That does involve a lot of history and the relationships
WC> of people to each other and to God. It is not record of God's
WC> "attempt." The word suggests that God is fallible. He is not.
If you knew the heart of God you would know that God has wanted to
restore man since day 1 after the fall, but Salvation is not entirely up
to God. Man made the choice to disobey God, so Salvation requires man's
conscious effort to obey God.
Date 08-19-91 17:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 3/3
WC> was not continuous in nature. Besides, under persecution those
WC> who truly believe are quickly weeded out from those who only pay
WC> lip service to God. The true believers continue while the others
WC> fall
AMEN ! Why don't you join the Church that is most severely persecuted
at this time in history ? ( I don't mean you should go to the Kingdom
Hall, or the Temple with Maroni on top... I think I know where there is
more persecution... even their minister has been imprisoned by the U.S.
Government ).
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄y now.
Date 08-19-91 18:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 1/2
WC> Scripture does not agree with your view that Judas deposed
WC> Christ. Neither does it call him a hero. It rather condemns him
WC> for betrayal.
But your teaching requires someone to do what Judas did. Why wouldn't
that make that person a hero ? If Judas had failed, then Christ ssed.
I wonder myself. Maybe it is just too easy to put a label on people who
have different beliefs than it is to try to understand and discuss
their doctrine on the merit of the ideas and opinions they have formed.
WC> I will probably be somewhat limited in my time on the echo
Wait ! I'm just getting started. The really good stuff will be coming
up soon. < grin >
Date 08-19-91 18:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject RESTORE.1
MJ> AHA!! So, you admit that Jesus spoke of "love" and practiced the
MJ> opposite!
Humm, I find this particularly strange since I have been corresponding
with Walter for about a year and I don't recall him ever mentioning
Jesus practicing hate. Walter certainly doen't agree with much of my
doctrine, but he never told me that Jesus practiced the opposite of
love. I'm sure I would have picked up on that b weeded out from those who only pay
WC> lip service to God. The true believers continue while the others
WC> fall
AMEN ! Why don't you join the Church that is most severely persecuted
at this time in history ? ( I don't mean you should go to the Kingdom
Hall, or the Temple with Maroni on top... I think I know where there is
more persecution... even their minister has been imprisoned by the U.S.
Government ).
Date 08-19-91 18:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 1/2
WC> He has already come born of a woman just like Scripture said
WC> he would. He will come back the second time in the clouds in
WC> glory just like Scripture says or we can conclude that God has
WC> lied to us. I do not believe that God lied to us.
Neither do I, but that does not rule out the possibility of mis-guided
interpretations either does it ? Why can't you accept the possibility
that the clouds in this scripture could be symbolic of purified people
(believers) ? After all, other scripture says the waters are fallen
people and we know that clouds are purified water. AND how about this:
HEB 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses,
You do know that when the Bible says our Father who art in heaven, it
does not mean that God lives in the literal sky.
Date 08-19-91 18:30:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 1/2
WC> Actually it was Judas supporting Satan. Judas made a choice
WC> of will.
True, and it was not God's will !
Date 08-19-91 18:30:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 1/2
WC> There is absolutely not one single Scripture in the Bible
WC> that tells us that God wants Grandchildren.
Sure there is ! Haven't you read that God told Adam and Eve to
multiply ? Who's kids did God really want Adam and Eve to have ?
....His or those of the Snake ?
We know they had children that manifested Satan's character and nature:
JOH 8:44 Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning,
Some things are so obvious to me I can't see why they aren't clear to
everyone. If Perry Mason was going to represent you in a movie, do you
think it would be necessary to ask if you were going to be found guilty?
Date 08-19-91 18:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 2/2
WC> I have understood what you have been saying. However it does
WC> not harmonize with Scripture and in some cases is directly
WC> contradicted by Scripture. I have posted a number of Scriptures
WC> which contradict you theology. I have yet to see any attempt to
Not in my eyes, the scripture you posted was intended to prop up your
WC> harmonize what you believer with what God has to say. Neither
WC> have I seen any demonstration of power and authority whereby you
WC> can claim to contravene the written word of God.
What's the point of this demonstration of power and authority ? Did
such a demonstration help Moses ?
NUM 16:41 But on the morrow all the congregation of the children of
Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron, saying, Ye
have killed the people of the Lord.
DEU 1:27 And ye murmured in your tents, and said, Because the LORD
hated us, he hath brought us forth out of the land of
Egypt, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to
destroy us.
And how about Jesus ? How did his audience respond to his
demonstrations ?
MAR 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He
hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he
out devils.
LUK 11:15 But some of them said, He casteth out devils through
Beelzebub the chief of the devils.
Date 08-19-91 18:49:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 2/2
WC> TB>Originally God planned on Jesus being accepted and then he
WC> would TB>have been able to marry and raise sinless children...
WC> this was the TB>favorable option #1.
WC> Yes, you have said this before but it does not harmonize
WC> with Scripture. There is absolutely no prophecy anywhere in the
WC> Old Testa- ment telling us that Jesus was supposed to marry and
WC> raise sinless children. I have, in fact, posted you a number of
WC> Scriptures which prophecy the First Advent of Jesus as a baby
WC> and His death on the cross. These prophecies are in considerable
WC> detail. We have yet to see these address and harmonized with
WC> your theology.
Just try thinking ! It was prophesied that Jesus would become King of
Kings... what kind of King has no Queen ? What kind of King has no
descendants to inherit his Kingdom ? How could Jesus fulfill the
second blessing and MULTIPLY without a Bride ? Why are we waiting on
the Marriage supper of the Lamb ? The prophecy of Jesus's death on the
cross was exactly like the prophecy of the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah or Nineveh. It was a possibility if the people failed to
repent ! Every prophecy is dual in nature. If Adam and Eve had not
taken the forbidden fruit, they would have lived.
Date 08-19-91 18:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 2/2
WC> TB>However there was the 2nd option that was a possibility: the
WC> TB>people would not have faith, they would reject Jesus...
WC> No. God is omniscient. He knew from the beginning what would
WC> happen. If not then how do you account for the scripture which
WC> says: "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him,
WC> whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb
WC> slain from the foundation of the world" (Revelation 13:8).
So are you teaching us that some of us are saved and some are not,
regardless if we accept Christ or not ?
Date 08-19-91 18:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 2/2
WC> TB>who was in the Abel position and they would too would have to
WC> deal TB>with sin and overcome it..
WC> This is clearly contradictory to New Testament teaching.
WC> Jesus was never in the "Abel position." Neither does the New
The one in the Abel position is the one favored by God. Wasn't Abel's
offering accepted ? Didn't God love Jacob ? Didn't God love Jesus ?
God always sacrifices the person in the Abel position (closest to Him)
for those father away ( in the Cain position). You know you may be
called upon by God to sacrifice yourself for those who do not know Him.
You could be asked to become a missionary in a foreign land, or stand
on the street corner and sell flowers to raise funds to build the
Kingdom of Heaven. You are in the Abel position to a lot of people and
God will work through you and ask you to be an offering to bring others
closer to Him.
WC> Testament teach any such thing anywhere. It is extra-biblical.
WC> The New Testament is very clear that we are saved by faith and
WC> not works. You are certainly advocating salvation by the works
WC> of men.
Well be it. If God calls you to sacrifice your family, your job and
even to do like Abraham and sacrifice the one thing you love more than
your own life ( your Isaac ) and go to a foreign country and become a
missionary, tell God He is advocating salvation by works and it is not
necessary !
Date 08-19-91 19:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 2/2
WC> Jesus and John the Baptist were cousins not brothers. The
WC> unity which was supposed to be established was. There is nothing
WC> in the New Testament to say different. John even stated by the
WC> inspiration of the Holy Spirit that he must decrease and that
WC> Jesus must increase.
They had the same father:
LUK 1:5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a
certain priest named Zacharias,
Date 08-19-91 21:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Paul Lenzmeier @ 960/1
Subject Bethels Hope
PL> I think you just lost them, Daniel. You do have a hangup with
PL> names, don't you. First Jehovah, then Tim Of_Angle (you made a
PL> big stink out of that one with your phone book and all), and now
PL> Bethle Hope. You are sure a paranoid being when it comes to
PL> names. I guess that could be another sign of a cult, huh.
Either that or abiding by Fido network rules ? What are you trying to
hide ?
Date 08-19-91 21:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Gary Weaver
Subject Integration 1 of 9
GW> My name is Gary Weaver. The file you are about to read,
GW> Integration and Interracial Marriage, was downloaded from a BBS
GW> in Florida. It is...
...most likely one that R.S. and his KKK buddies opperates.
Date 08-19-91 22:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Dave Jones
Subject Holy Spirit
DJ> Why do you suppose Jesus shows himself as praying to the Father
DJ> and also shows himself as in submission to the Father?
You may as well give up.... the trinitarian and even the oneness folks
will never answer this question. I have seen them being asked about
this over and over and the only time they dared to reply the conclusion
was obviously pointing to a polytheistic doctrine.
Date 08-20-91 07:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Dan Singleton
DS> in Noah's time, that it will be destroyed by fire at the day of
DS> the Lord?
JAM 3:6 And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the
tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth
on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
LUK 12:49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it
be already kindled?
Date 08-20-91 07:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Chris Boerma
Subject Messiah
CB> Are you saying then that God can not exist without us?
No, I am saying that God created us because He wanted to experience Joy
and Happiness and to be Loved. These feelings can not be experienced in
solitary confinement. God created man in His own image to have an
object that could respond
CB> Doesn't that take away from a All-Powerful God? I agree that he
God created man to be equal to Him and share His power. I know this is
not a popular idea. I should have learned from Jesus that this would
get me into trouble:
JOH 5:18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he
not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was
his Father, making himself equal with God.
CB> wants us in his universe and gains plesure when we serve him
CB> (he'd just destroy us if he didn't), but Does that mean
CB> he NEEDS us??
Yes God NEEDS man, if God didn't have a need for man then we may as well
give up our search for Him because if he doesn't need us we would never
find Him.
You apparently have missed the most fundamental aspect of God's nature.
God is first and foremost a parent. What parent could say: "Gee these
kids sure are bad, let's just kill them and make some more" ?
CR> There is a difference I think. Yes God wants us,
CB> but no God doesn't need us.
Think about the subject - object relationship some more. Can a husband
be a husband without a wife ? Can a parent be a parent without
Children ? In any situation where love where is expressed, you will
find a subject - object relationship in effect. God does need man.
Date 08-20-91 14:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.2
WC> WC> TB>Because of the Fall, even man's dead body belongs to
WC> Satan. WC> Can you give us scriptural reference for this
WC> statement? The WC> physical body is dead. There is no life in
WC> it. It returns to WC> dust or ashes if cremated. Satan has not
WC> use for a dead body. He WC> cannot use it.
WC> TB>ROM 7:23 But I see another law in my members, warring against
WC> the TB>law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law
WC> of sin TB>which is in my members.
WC> I'm afraid that you havae taken the Scripture out of
WC> context. It is not speaking of a dead body.
If your physical body in under the influence/dominion of Satan while you
are alive, what is dieing going to change to bring your corps to God?
Date 08-20-91 14:16:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.2
WC> nal life. Whatever Romans 7 means, in view of the strong
WC> teaching of chapters 6 and 8 it cannot mean the sinful nature
WC> still controls Christians or forces them to sin on a regular
WC> basis.
Regular or irregular, ...still imperfect and therefore under the
influence of Satan an sin. God is perfect therefore the objects of His
direct dominion must also be perfected. While we are in an imperfect
state we cannot directly communicate with God ( except under rare
circumstances), therefore God must guide an teach us through indirect
methods, like scripture, and the messages I've been posting.
Date 08-20-91 14:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.2
TB>1. find the messiah
TB>2. follow the messiah
WC> Unfortunately you answer tells me nothing that can be used.
WC> Why not offer the answer which is contained in the Scripture?
MAT 10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall
receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous
man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous
man's reward. < He who findeth neither gets no reward. >
JOH 12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am,
there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him
will [my] Father honour.
Date 08-20-91 14:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.3
WC> TB>there is nothing more important to you than understanding the
WC> TB>course of restoration.
WC> But there is, Terry. That is personal salvation.
To be saved means to be RESTORE. How can you be restored if you don't
know the method and pattern God has been using to subjugitae Satan
through the course of history. Would you attempt to fly a jet plane
with no training or prior knowledge of how it works ? Yet you think
you can just up and leave Satan's dominion and stroll over to live with
God. It is not that simple, you have to FIRST confront and defeat Satan
on a personal level. If salvation were really so easy as you have us to
believe everyone would be saved. But your teaching is Extra-Biblical
because the Scripture says the way is narrow...
MAT 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed
[the righteousness] of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in
no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
MAT 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter
into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my
Father which is in heaven.
Date 08-20-91 14:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.3
WC> John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he
WC> will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of
WC> himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak:
WC> and he will shew you things to come.
That's exactly the prophecy I have been fulfulling by guiding you into
all truth. You just haven't seen the light yet. You will though.
WC> The Spirit of truth is the Holy Spirit. Those who are filled
WC> with the Holy Spirit and are led by the Spirit (sons of God)
WC> will be guided into all truth.
Could that Spirit be the Messiah ?
Date 08-20-91 15:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.3
WC> will come back in like manner in which He ascended and that
WC> every eye will behold Him. Since this is what the Bible says the
WC> true Messiah cannot be walking around on the earth.
Why ? You have seen him. You quickly forget that Jesus said he
ASCENDED from heaven the first time but we know he was born of Mary.
You should be more careful in your evaluation of what it means to
Date 08-20-91 15:07:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Why You Can Trust The Bib
CR> While some may claim the Bible contradicts itself, has anyone
CR> ever shown you an actual example? We have never seen one that
CR> can withstand scrutiny.
Scrutinize this one:
GEN 7:1 And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house
into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in
this generation.
Was Noah Righteous ?
ROM 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
Was Noah Righteous ?
Date 08-20-91 18:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Gary Johnson
GJ> I guess I get my back up when I hear someone intimate (for lack
GJ> of a better word) that because I am a Born again believer, that
GJ> I am in a cult. Knowing something of cults i general, and one in
GJ> particular, I guess I am too touchy on this.
You should know that when someone uses a term lie 'cult' they are
usually tyring to put a label on someone they feel superior to just like
biggots use terms like Nigger, Spick and Gook. None of them know the
reality that their faith began as a cult.
Date 08-20-91 18:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Gary Johnson
GJ> -> Check out "naked and unashamed" before the fall and the
GJ> "ashamed of -> their nakedness" after the fall. Also think
GJ> about what kind of -> fruit is really more desirable than life
GJ> ? Could it be a real fruit? OK I will check that out. I had
GJ> always thought the the shame of their nakedness you refer to was
GJ> the result of eating of the tree of life, when they ate, they
GJ> realized this. But still, I am in a haze just yet. But rest
GJ> assured I will delve into it and let you know what i find out,
GJ> ok?
If they were eating they should have covered their mouth. It is man's
nature to hide what he does wrong and what he does it with.
And while you are digging, see what you come up with on the tree of
life. Is it a literal tree or symbolic ? I think there are 4 other
mentions about the tree of life in the Bible. If you do conclude it
could have been symbolic, it will be obvious that real fruit doesn't
grow on symbolic trees. Anway the only sin that Adam and Eve would have
committed at the cost of their life was probably not eating. Most
likely it was a sin involving love. After all, love is the only thing
more desirable than life, and we know the fruit they ate was more
desirable than life because they took it even though God told them
clearly that if the did eat it they would die.
Date 08-20-91 20:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject Polytheism? Gimme a bre
PV> Oh, com'on Terry. You know that's not true. Orthodox
PV> Christiniaty believe in one God. As Man, Jesus prayed to the
PV> Father and was subject to Him. As the Word, He was God from the
PV> beginning. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit share
PV> one divine Nature. This Nature is incommunicable to creatures.
PV> It's unique
PV> to the Deity. Now, if we say that there are THREE divine
PV> natures, then we would be polytheistic. We don't say that, so
PV> we aren't.
They certainly tell everyone they believe in one God but it takes three
beings with distinct personalities and characters to make up this one
God. The real question should be: If God really consists of these
three beings, then how could God exist before the 'son nature' was
manifested in the flesh. In other words how does a three legged stool
stand with one leg missing. Jesus was only a physical man on earth for
33 years. If your doctrine stands that is the only period it really has
three legs to stand on.
No, my friend, the only way God can be manifested on earth is through
the establishment of God centered parents. It takes both a man and
woman joined in marriage to fully represent God on earth.
GEN 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
Did you forger to read page one ? < smile >
Date 08-20-91 20:49:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject Polytheism? Gimme a bre
PV> "That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity;
PV> nei- ther confounding the Persons: nor dividing the
PV> Substance. For there is one Person of the Father, another of
PV> the Son: and anoth- er of the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of
PV> the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost is all one:
You can certainly say that 3 = 1 but don't expect the IRS to belive it.
( unless you are sending in 3 dollars for every 1 you owe )
Your math is incorrect this program would never compile either.
Date 08-20-91 20:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Pedro Vega
Subject Polytheism? Gimme a bre
PV> the Substance of his Mother, born in the world: perfect God
PV> and perfect Man: of a reasonable soul and human flesh
PV> subsisting; equal to the Father, as touching his Godhead:
PV> and inferior to the Father, as touching his Manhood. Who,
PV> although he be God and Man,
Check your math ? You have both equal to and not equal to in the same
equation. It should be obvious why intellectual people like Mormons,
Jw's and Unificationist have trouble with this. They have read
MAT 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? [there is]
none good but one, [that is], God: but if thou wilt enter
into life, keep the commandments.
MAR 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? [there
is] none good but one, [that is], God.
LUK 18:19 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none [is]
good, save one, [that is], God.
Date 08-20-91 23:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject Holy Spirit
LW> Because He is not God the Father, He is God the Son.
^ ^
1 + 1 = 2
Finally you have come out of the closet and admitted you are a
Date 08-20-91 23:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> >JAM 3:6 And the tongue [is] a fire, a world of iniquity: so
LW> is the >tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole
LW> body, and setteth >on fire the course of nature; and it is set
LW> on fire of hell.
LW> Terry
LW> This would be good if the tongue was the ONLY fire mention in
LW> the Bible.
In the Bible fire frequently used symbolizes truth. Did Jesus strike
matches ? ha ha ha
LUK 12:49 I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it
be already kindled?
Date 08-21-91 09:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Michael Jones
Subject RESTORE.1
MJ> Sort of lost here, but Jesus spoke of "love" while speaking of
MJ> destruction too. Mercy while expediting vengance. Etc. He
MJ> wove a wonderful web of contradictory concepts that leaves the
MJ> question--how can God be love and hate? how can God
Could it be that you may have interpreted God's wrath as hate ? To love
means that one always follows a pattern of unselfishness, therefore to
hate would be some form of selfishness. Do you see any evidence that
God has ever acted selfishly ?
MJ> be mercy and justice? how can God be slow to anger yet swift in
MJ> punishment?
Maybe you aren't a parent, but if you can view the relationship between
man and God as a parent - child relationship, it can help explain God's
Date 08-21-91 21:03:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Brothers and Childrldre
MS> But you do hold up his _divine principle_ as being not only on
MS> par with the Bible, but also superior to it. And _dp_ makes all
MS> those claims: that Moon is perfect,
Why don't you tell me what page this info can be found on ?
TB> Why are you so worked up about Rev Moon anyway ?
MS> If I want to make TB> him MY messiah that shouldn't bother you.
MS> Why? Because he is a false prophet that you are holding up as a
MS> messiah. And that bother me because of regardless of what you
MS> have said and believe, you are still a fallen descendant of
MS> Adam, just as I am, and need the salvation that only
MS> Christ and His sacrifice can give you. And as long as you are
MS> listening and following Moon, you will be following something
MS> completely contrary and foriegn to the message of Christ.
Isn't this exactly the same warning that given about following Jesus ?
You should find out what kind of reputation Jesus had in his day:
MAT 12:24 But when the Pharisees heard [it], they said, This [fellow]
doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the
MAR 3:22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He
hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he
out devils.
LUK 7:34 The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say,
Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of
publicans and sinners!
MS> TB> You are simply ignorant of what Rev Moon is trying to do,
MS> and who he is.
MS> TB> Ignorance is curable.
MS> Then why don't you open your eyes, and read the Bible for
MS> yourself, without the sufficating filters of the Unification
MS> Church in front of your eyes? I know what Moon is doing. He's
MS> leading you straight down a road to Hell....
You said it best, I'll just quote you:
MS> Be careful of judging things you have no knowledge of.
You really don't want to discuss Biblical issues or you would reply to
at least some of the messages I enter on a daily basis. All you seem to
be interested in is bashing my minister.
ACS 5:38 And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them
alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will
come to nought:
ACS 5:39 But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye
be found even to fight against God.
ACS 5:40 And to him they agreed: and when they had called the
apostles, and beaten [them], they commanded that they should
not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.
ACS 5:41 And they departed from the presence of the council,
rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for
his name.
Date 08-21-91 21:32:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Cults: Addition
KK> Also Brigham Young said, "If our Father and God should be
KK> disposed to walk through these aisles, we should not know
KK> Him from one of the congregation.
This is beautiful. Makes me want to be a Mormon. I would like to live
in a world where everyone was so perfected that even God would not
stand out in the crowd. I think God would like this situation too.
Date 08-21-91 21:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Cults: Addition
KK> The Bible says that Jesus created everything in heaven and
KK> earth.
Your imigaination is running away with you. It was God the father that
created everything.
Date 08-21-91 21:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Cults: Addition
KK> LDS believe that God is now on a planet near the star Kolob,
Humm, isn't Kolob located at the right hand of the father ?
You want to make this look silly but if you tell someone where you think
Jesus is it sounds just as foolish to them to say he is at the right
hand of God.
Date 08-21-91 21:44:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Jehovah'S Name Vs. R.
KK> You have to question the intelligence of any JW. I
KK> just wish they knew the Holy Spirit, he would set them all
KK> straight.
Sounds like a pentecostal is questioning the intelligence of a Jw ? We
must be in the last days if pentecostals are getting intellectuals. I
though faith and reason did not need to be reconciled in your faith ?
Date 08-21-91 22:58:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> What is this fire? It was said that Jesus would baptize with
LW> fire.
Fire is truth... hasn't your mother ever scolded you ?
Date 08-23-91 08:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Cults: Addition
7KK> Your forgeting the Bible says Jesus and God are one whether
KK> you like it or not. But, since your in a cult, I don't
KK> think you'll accept this.
You make it sound like I got a disease. ha ha ha
You are in a cult too. Is that what impedes your understanding ?
I doubt it, it is most likely your hard headedness.
By the way this is what the Bible says about God and Jesus:
MAR 13:32 But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not
the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the
If they were really one, they would know the same things.
JOH 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship
[him] in spirit and in truth.
Jesus came in the Flesh.
JOH 8:54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing:
it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he
is your God:
Jesus said his Father was God.
1TI 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and
men, the man Christ Jesus;
This is too obvious to comment on.
COL 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which
are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
So, how can God sit at his own right hand ?
JOH 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I
say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what
he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth,
these also doeth the Son likewise.
Jesus couldn't do whatever he wanted. Doesn't sound much like God to
1JO 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the
Son [to be] the Saviour of the world.
God sent Jesus... Why didn't it say God sent Himself ?
2JO 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine
of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine
of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
Does both mean one ?
GEN 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
Jesus was a man but God is both male and female.
2CO 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of
them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious
gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine
unto them.
Did you see that ? 'Image of God'... Go to D.C. and check out the image
of Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial and ask is this Abe himself ?
ACS 22:9 And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were
afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to
So is God talking to Himself ?
You can clearly see why 'cult' members are confused... they are reading
the Bible.
Date 08-23-91 08:12:00
From Terry Blount
To Eugene Humbert
Subject Cults: Addition
EH> > No but the beliefs of the Trinity are everywhere in Bible.
EH> Prove it. You are making a statement of faith, not of fact.
He doens't know the difference. Most likely a pretty young dude...
Date 08-23-91 14:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Jehovah'S Name Vs. R.
KK> How do you gain salvation?
1. Find the messiah
2. Follow the messiah
When you become an extension of the messiah, you must do as he does...
Sacrifice yourself for the sake of the world.
MAT 5:46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do
not even the publicans the same?
LUK 6:32 For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for
sinners also love those that love them.
All of your messages to me make me feel like you are twiddling your
fingers in my face while saying "I'm saved... too bad for you." Is
this the way I'm supposed to feel in the presence of a saved person ?
Date 08-23-91 16:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> implied, and then they will say, "But that's not Orthodox!"--and
JT> you've lost the debate right there
JT> and then. No matter how well-reasoned your arguments, they fall
JT> now upon deliberately deafened ears.
Yes, this is pretty much the way it is. But today's heresy is
tomorrow's 'Orthodoxy'. Remember the #1 law of church history is to
damn the heretic and adopt the heresy. Just browse the conclusions of
the church councils of Nicea (325), Ephesus (431), Chalcedon (451), II
Constantinople ( 553), and III Constantinople (680) concerning the
Christological issues raised by Nestorius to see this law in effect.
Date 08-23-91 16:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> real validity. In fact, it might even be suggested that one of the
JT> greatest strengths of your doctrine is the HUMAN need for God to
JT> have a wife, totally irrelevant to the issue of whether God,
JT> Himself, needs one.
Unlike the Mormon belief that God has a wife, the Divine Principle
teaches that God has within Himself both masculine and feminine
characteristics that were divided as His image was projected into the
creation. This would mean that God can only be represented in the flesh
as parents. Since not only Adam fell, but also Eve, there must be a
woman-christ to fulfill the position of true mother. An important theme
of the New Testament is the bride and bridegroom. Jesus knew it was
important to marry and was looking forward to the day he could restore a
woman to fulfill the position Eve had attained before the fall. Since
he was crucified, we are still awaiting the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit Christians can be born again. Since
birth implies parents, rebirth also implies parents. Jesus, in the
Father position, and the Holy Spirit in the Mother position supply the
necessary conditions for fallen man to be born again. However, true
parents must be physically established on earth so that fallen man can
go beyond rebirth to the stage of adoption into the Messiah's physical
Now from Satan's viewpoint this is the beginning of the end. In other
words the last days. The last days are not only the last days of evil
but also the First Days of goodness. Even though fallen man can never
do enough to restore himself, by engrafting to Christ and becoming
adopted into his family, the condition is made for fallen man's children
to be in the messiah's lineage. Get the picture ?
If Jesus had married, then what would he have told his followers ? Could
he say "you are sinful and must remain single and celibant" ?
Obliviously such a teaching would be crippled. Jesus would have been in
the position to bless his faithful followers in marriage. Now if Jesus
said it was ok to marry, would it have been ok with God ? ( since you
view Jesus as God, you have to agree that it would be ok with God <grin>
Once people like Peter and Paul were married, when they started having
children of their own, can you see the problem Satan would have in
claiming these children ? If God blessed your parents in marriage, then
Satan could not say that you belonged to him. His kingdom would be on
the way out. And the last thing Satan wants is lots of God's children
coming into his dominion... because they can manifest the true love of
God and the true love of God makes self-centered satanic love far less
attractive. In fact, once fallen man starts to experience the true
love of God, the most powerful drugs like crack and heroin aren't strong
enough anymore. God created love as the most powerful force in the
universe, so when it is experienced in the purest form, it is very
Date 08-23-91 16:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> Church to have a wife! Christ at best only half God? But that
JT> can't be true--He's consubstantial with the Father; also, the
JT> prayers of the Church speak of Christ our God! So I'm sorry,
JT> sir; your ideas are interesting, but they simply must
JT> be wrong, because clearly they are not Orthodox.
Well Orthodoxy changes... and the time is coming when people will
realize that families not individuals are the building blocks for the
Kingdom of Heaven. Look at the success of family centered religions
like Mormonism for evidence of God's blessing. God created the family
as the institution to teach people about love. In the family you can
learn about vertical love ( piety ), horizontal love ( sibling and
conjugal ), and parental love. Without passing these required courses,
a person cannot qualify to graduate.
You are correct that celibacy is the highest form of spirituality before
the Marriage of the Lamb, but I believe that marriage took place in
1960. So great changes are underway. Once the spiritual world realizes
the marriage has take place, the spiritual support for choosing an
um-married life will dwindle. You can see this has become a reality in
just 31 years. When the spiritual world no longer supports Orthodoxy,
it is doomed to become heresy.
Date 08-23-91 17:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> No malice at all, no resentment, just a simple certainty that
JT> can never hope to be complexified into open-mindedness.
Yes, I know. Btw I got all your messages this time. Whatever you did
seems to help... maybe the message was just shorter ? What is
happening to the Rime conference you were talking about ? I got
censored and put on probation for my unpopular interpretations of the
scripture in the Rime Bible echo and ended up shaking the dust and
dropping it from my BBS. Seems they are content in practicing
spiritual masterbation and felt threatened my intellectual superiority
< grin >. Well it is like someone said, "The human mind treats a new
idea like the body does a new protein; it REJECTS it !"
Date 08-23-91 17:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> This third alternative, quite simply, is to stipulate that God
JT> is vastly wiser than Satan, and not too proud to "use" Satan for
JT> His own ends, in other
JT> words to manipulate Satan the way a con-man manipulates a mark,
JT> to motivate him, using his
JT> own greed, ignorances, and other vices and weaknesses, to force
JT> him to do precisely what his manipulator wants him to do.
My problem with this is: If God wanted Jesus to come and get killed,
why let so many people know He was sending His son. After all, Adam
and Eve disappointed God, couldn't the Jewish people have done likewise?
If God wanted Jesus killed, He should have secretly sent him to a
barbaric tribe or even as Cain's brother rather than take a chance the
people would find faith. The idea that God knew before hand that the
Jewish people would absolutely crucify Christ is absolute
predestination. I don't think you believe in absolute predestination
do you ?
Date 08-23-91 17:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 1/2
WC> Prior to the Law man sacrificed animals. The Law specified
WC> which animals were acceptable as a sacrifice. Blood sacrifice
WC> did not end until Jesus died on the cross. Therefore the
No, ask any person of the Jewish faith and they will tell you that when
the angel of the Lord stopped Abraham from killing Isaac, that was the
end of the age of 'blood sacrifice'. You should know this.
Date 08-23-91 17:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 2/2
WC> No, the Israelites were instructed personally by God to
WC> build the tabernacle in the wilderness. The tabernacle came
WC> first. The temple was built upon the pattern of the tabernacle.
WC> The building of the temple was not God's command. It originated
WC> with David.
How can people who are moving on a daily basis take a temple with them ?
God is practical you know.
And here is why they had to wonder in the wilderness 40 years:
NUM 32:13 And the LORD'S anger was kindled against Israel, and he made
them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the
generation, that had done evil in the sight of the LORD, was
Date 08-23-91 17:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 2/2
WC> Where is your Scripture reference that the tablets
WC> symbolized Jesus and the Holy Spirit?
1CO 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank
of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was
Date 08-23-91 17:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 2/2
WC> TB>For this reason, God found it necessary to create an object
WC> of TB>faithwhich would never change, even though man might
WC> change.
WC> Sounds good but what is the scriptural reference for this
WC> thought?
EXO 30:16 And thou shalt take the atonement money of the children of
Israel, and shalt appoint it for the service of the
tabernacle of the congregation; that it may be a memorial
unto the children of Israel before the LORD, to make an
atonement for your souls.
Date 08-23-91 17:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4 part 2/2
WC> There is no such thing in the Bible as "the national
WC> Foundation of Substance." The concept is extra-biblical. It is
Sure there is: You see, since the satanic world had advanced to a
national level, God needed a national foundation to be able to work on
the same scale. What do you think God raised up the nation of Israel ?
GEN 12:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless
thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
GEN 15:14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge:
and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
You mentioned you are going to school... are you going to take any Bible
courses? Are you going to depend on me to help you with all the
answers ? < grin >
Date 08-23-91 23:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Cults: addition
MS> Makes it hard to know who to worship then....
Not really unless you don't know God as a parent. A parent loves it
when their children love each other. Even to the point of worhsip !
You do know who said this:
JOH 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another;
as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
JOH 13:35 By this shall all [men] know that ye are my disciples, if ye
have love one to another.
JOH 15:12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have
loved you.
JOH 15:17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.
Date 08-23-91 23:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> And what is the purpose of this fire? [John 17:17]
PRO 25:21 If thine enemy be hungry, give him bread to eat; and if he
be thirsty, give him water to drink:
PRO 25:22 For thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head, and the
LORD shall reward thee.
Fire is used symbolically to mean 'purification' by the word of God.
JOH 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
JER 23:29 [Is] not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD;
Word, Truth, Fire... are all similar... they bring judgement upon
Date 08-23-91 23:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Moon
MS> I know what kind of rep Jesus had in His day. But I also
MS> understand the authority of Scripture, something Moon likes to
Yes and the Pharisees and Sadducees knew the 'authority of Scripture'
but they didn't recognize the messiah did they ?
JOH 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal
life: and they are they which testify of me.
I still can't see why you won't talk about issues from the Bible. This
conference isn't about Rev Moon but you can't quit talking about him.
Has he gotten you that shook up... never mind don't answer. Just read
my messages and reply to the places in scripture you disagree. You won't
find me or the Divine Principle saying that Jesus failed. It was the
people who failed. The person who doesn't love unselfishly is the
failure... that surely rules Jesus out.
Date 08-24-91 20:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
WC> TB>to the people and they had do what Satan cannot do: Humble
WC> them- TB>selves and receive God's love through Jesus, God's
WC> central figure. TB>But they MURDERED him.
WC> You cannot love someone through someone else. Love is direct
WC> or it is not anything.
If your son or daughter was getting married wouldn't you prefer that
their spouse demonstrated their love for you through your child ? Take
more time to think about the heart of the parent and you can answer
these kinds of questions.
WC> Matthew 24:23-24 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here
WC> [is] Christ, or there; believe [it] not. For there shall arise
WC> false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs
WC> and wonders; insomuch that, if [it were] possible, they shall
WC> deceive the very elect.
And there shall arise among you the true Christ and he will be
persecuted by the people he came to save... just as I was hated by the
people I came to save. When he comes will he find faith on earth ?
WC> I did get the central point of the story. Jacob swindled
WC> Esau out of his inheritance and stole Esau's spiritual
WC> inheritance. Esau in- tended to kill Jacob and thus Jacob fled.
Then why did God give such a scoundrel His blessing and name His chosen
nation after Jacob ? Second only to Jesus, Jacob is the greatest man
that had ever lived.
WC> It was a physical impossibility for John the Baptist to
WC> follow Jesus.
Who came to make straight the way of the Lord ? John had the mission of
preparing the way for the messiah. The only preparation John made
resulted in getting Jesus killed. What if you were an ambassador and
the president sent you to a foreign nation to prepare the way for his
visit. Then when the president went there he was greeted with the warm
reception Jesus got ? What a miserable failure you would be. Same
with John. I can't figure out how you can be so familiar with scripture
and yet you haven't identified the heroes from the failures ?
Should I make a list for you ?
WC> John the Baptist told the people that he must decrease and
WC> Jesus must increase (John 3:30).
How stupid. How can anyone decrease if they follow Christ ? John
didn't follow Jesus at all !
WC> John's ministry lasted for a
WC> total of 6 months. He was beheaded by Herod. When Jesus came on
WC> the scene John already had a reputation as a prophet. This
WC> reputation did not develop overnight. Jesus came on the scene
WC> near the end of John's ministry.
When Jesus came that was the beginning of John's ministry. He prepared
his whole life to meet Christ why shouldn't he follow and support once
he knew who Christ was ? It is obvious that Satan attacked John and
murdered him when John failed to follow Jesus. That's why I keep
telling you that in order to be saved you MUST:
1. Find the Messiah
2. Follow the Messiah
Trust and obey there's no other way... haven't you ever sang any
christian hymns ?
Date 08-24-91 20:53:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject JACOB
JW> fell on his TB> neck, and kissed him: and they wept.
JW> I find Jacob bowing to Esau. Where does it say that Esau is
JW> submitting?
Esau first went out to meet Jacob with 400 armed men but when Jacob gave
him everything he had and then bowed to him, Esau's heart was subjugated
with love and then Esau ran to meet him and embraced him, rather than
fulfilling his original intentions.
The is is the course the person closer to God ( in Jacob's position )
has to follow to bring victory for God and gain the voluntary submission
of those who are father away from God. Without this kind of unity, the
foundation is not established to bring fallen man back to God. This is
the reason it is absolutely essential that fallen man ( in the position
of Esau ) unite with Christ ( who is in the position of Jacob ).
Date 08-24-91 20:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
WC> It is our individual conduct which determines our relation with God.
While this true, it is also true that our relationship with God is one
dimensional. Before Christ came the highest degree of salvation fallen
man could attain was the Master-Servant relationship. But after Christ
came the relationship with God that was open to fallen man was elevated
to the adopted child level. When Christ returns the relationship that
fallen man can attain with God will again be elevated so that man can
return to his original position as true son and daughter of God. So the
first advent of Christ and the second advent of Christ did open up a new
possibility that our individual conduct alone could not change.
You notice Walter, this message puts me on the side you are normally on.
I'm now telling you that works alone can't save you.
WC> TB>But Cain and Abel could not unite and Cain killed Abel. It is
WC> TB>pointless to blame either Cain or Abel because BOTH of them
WC> are TB>responsible for making unity.
WC> You have no scriptural basis for this. It is extra-biblical.
WC> There is no record that the two were on the outs prior to the
WC> murder. In fact, we find that Cain wanted to talk with Abel.
WC> Abel was willing and went with him and was murdered for his
WC> efforts. There is no blame on the part of Abel.
Why do you assume that Abel did not display arrogance and provoke Cain
while Can was in this stage of his "countenance fallen" ? It seems
obvious to me that Abel may and probably did have the same attitude that
many Christians have today: "I'm saved... too bad for you." This
attitude makes it nearly impossible for God to work.
WC> TB>central figure.
WC> There is no scriptural basis for this statement. It is
WC> extra- biblical.
Who sold who their birth-right. Your concept is the extra-biblical
WC> TB>Esau went out to meet Jacob with 400 armed men and was
WC> intending TB>to kill him.
WC> The Bible does not say that Esau went with his men to kill
WC> Jacob. You cannot find this in Scripture. It is extra-biblical.
GEN 32:6 And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to
thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four
hundred men with him.
GEN 32:7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed:
Seems Jacob was aware of Esau's intentions even more that you are. Your
teaching is again- once more - the extra-biblical one. Get with the
program Walter, you are striking out.
WC> It would have been impossible for Noah who was asleep to
WC> know that Ham had seen him asleep except there was evidence of
WC> some sort.
Well, there must have been some evidence:
GEN 9:24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son
had done unto him.
WC> TB>The people of Sodom and Gomorrah would not obey Abraham and
WC> were TB>destroyed.
WC> Why were they supposed to obey Abraham? Scripture does not
WC> tell us that there was ever any relationship between these
WC> people and Abraham nor does Scripture tell us that there was
WC> ever supposed to be such a relationship.
So are you saying that Abraham was not preaching to the people and
calling on them to repent ?
Date 08-24-91 20:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
WC> God TB>follows in order to help man make a condition to come to
WC> His side.
WC> No, Jesus met all the conditions for us. We need only
WC> believe on Him as the Scripture saith.
You can't be saying fallen man can come back to God without a condition
of humble obedience to Christ ?
WC> Satan to receive love through anyone.
So who was Satan supposed to receive love through. Man is to rule the
angels, therefore the angels are to receive God's love through man.
WC> If this were the case then God would not have held Adam and
WC> Eve responsible for their disobedience. However, God did kick
WC> them out of the Garden for disobedience.
Who did God give the commandment to ? Man is responsible.
WC> TB>jealousy prevented him from following the proper order and
WC> receiv- TB>ing God's love through them.
WC> Lucifer had fallen before Adam and Eve were created. There
WC> is no scriptural reference anywhere in the Bible telling us that
WC> he was supposed to receive love through Adam and Eve. This
WC> concept is extra- biblical.
No there is no scriptural evidence that Lucifer fell and became Satan
BEFORE man fell. Your concept is the extra-biblical one on this point.
WC> central TB>figure, Abel, and set up a condition for Cain to do
WC> what Lucifer TB>couldn't do
WC> This is not taught in Scripture. The concept is
WC> extra-biblical. You cannot find a single Scripture anywhere that
WC> says God chose Abel to set up such a condition.
Once again your idea is the one that is Extra-biblical. Look here:
GEN 4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of
the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his
How can you read this and say that God did not favor Abel ? Whose
offering was rejected ?
WC> God loves all equally otherwise He would be a respecter of
Why then is Jesus the 'Only Begotten Son of God'. Doesn't this title
infer a special relationship between Jesus and God that fallen men do
not share.
Your teaching is extra-biblical because scripture says our reward shall
be determined according to the person we unite with.
MAT 10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall
receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous
man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous
man's reward.
Date 08-24-91 21:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 3/5
WC> the problem with your theology is that John never had the
WC> opportunity to follow Jesus.
Who sent John to accuse the woman for adultry ? John kept on doing his
own thing. Big, Big mistake. He got snake bit !
Date 08-24-91 21:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 3/5
WC> There seems to have been a typo here. Matthew 11 has only 30
WC> verses in it. Chapter 10 has 42 and chapter 12 has 50 yet 12:44
WC> is concerns a different subject. That's why I suspect a typo.
Thanks for not jumping on me for this mistake. I suppose I better write
a few macros to prevent this kind of error ?
Date 08-24-91 21:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 4/5
WC> TB>You should at least begin to understand the Cain - Abel
WC> relation- TB>ship and how important it is to one's salvation.
WC> Terry, the Cain-Able relationship is not even remotely
WC> related to one's salvation.
Well, Walter You made one Gigantic mistake when you said that God
doesn't want grandchildren and that He will never have any. Now you
have made another mistake of that caliber. Unless you comprehend that
in order to follow God you must unite with the person He chooses and
receive God's love through that person, you will never be saved.
I'll have to think about your 2 big ERRORS and see if I can determine
which one is more serious.
Date 08-24-91 21:11:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 4/5
WC> The theories you advocate are not contained in the
WC> Bible. They are extra-biblical. I have based my salvation
WC> directly on what the Scripture says. I have had the same
WC> experience that the 120 did on the Day of Pentecost and in other
WC> places in Acts. I have seen the gifts of the Spirit in operation.
I understand.
WC> All the evidence that I have witnessed to date is in
WC> harmony with what the Scripture says. Yet you want me to abandon
WC> all this for something with no power to overcome sin. Why should
WC> I do that in the face of the massive evidence I have that I am
WC> correct?
No, I'm not suggesting abandonment, only enhancement. When God opens
up a great opportunity for mankind, many people are called from all the
various forms of faith and worship and asked to unite to make a better
world. I was formally a Southern Baptist, now I am representing my
faith in this movement initiated by God. We sure could use a good man
like you to represent the Pentecostal's. You are especially sensitive
to the activities of the spiritual world. They are going to intensify
and it will be easier to understand and accept the things I have been
telling you. Just remember that God's goal is to establish HIS Ideal
family on earth through the Messiah and his physical bride, and the
cruciality of uniting with the central figure God has chosen for this
time in history.
Date 08-24-91 21:23:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 4/5
WC> Jacob was not being unselfish when he sent all that livestock to
WC> Esau. Jacob was attempting to buy him off. He was in effect
WC> paying Esau to let him live.
Why did Jacob even bother to return ? With all the wealth he had
accumulated, he could have gone anywhere he wanted and have avoided the
whole situation.
Date 08-24-91 21:26:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Abraham.5 part 5/5
WC> TB>AMEN! Why don't you join the Church that is most severely
WC> perse- TB>cuted at this time in history?
WC> I have. Come witness sometimes and see Holy Ghost power in
WC> ac- tion.
Ok, and will you come and sell flowers on the corner with me and witness
the suffering heart of God ?
Date 08-24-91 21:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Brothers and Childrldre
EM> Is Moon God? If not, is he the Messiah? If not, what is he?
JOH 9:16 Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such miracles?
And there was a division among them.
JOH 9:25 He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner [or no], I know
not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.
EM> As always, it is requested that you provide Scriptural evidence
EM> to support your views. (It's also a good idea for
EM> self-preservation--if you don't, you'll have people jumping all
EM> over you.)
Well, after a year and a half in this conference, and getting the boot
from another conference after only 2 wks, I'm so used to being jumped on
I wouldn't know what to do if someone agreed with me.
Date 08-24-91 21:38:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Cults: Addition
EM> Read Hebrews 1:10. And in case your Bible isn't handy, I'll be
EM> nice and quote it for you right here.
EM> [God speaking to the Son] And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast
EM> laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works
EM> of thine hands:
When I read this it appears much like a old man who is truning over all
he has worked for all of his life to his son and saying I did this all
FOR you.
Date 08-24-91 21:52:00
From Terry Blount
To Thomas Bentley
Subject Jehovah (the name)
TB> The truth is nobody knows for sure how the name of God was
TB> originally pronounced. Why not? Well, the first language used
TB> in writing the...
Well, it doesn't really matter anyway because Jesus gave God another
LUK 11:2 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
See, God's name is 'Hallowed'. ha ha ha
Date 08-24-91 21:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.7
WC> Where in the Bible does it say that the 40 day fast was a
WC> separa- tion from Satan?
So Moses was just on a diet. How much weight do you think he lost ?
Date 08-24-91 21:57:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.7
WC> Nope. Only the Messiah can restore fallen man. Those who
WC> believe on Him ARE redeemed. There is not such thing as "the
WC> Foundation of Substance" in Scripture. It is an extra-biblical
WC> teaching.
Is 'Oneness' in the scripture ? Nope, just checked and came up
Date 08-24-91 21:59:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.7
WC> I though that you did not accept prophecy that Jesus would
WC> die.
Not at all. I know ther is plenty of phophecy about the possibility of
Jesus being rejected and MURDERED. But prophecy is always dual in
nature. If you obey God and fulfill your responsibility the good part
happens, but if you lose faith like John the Baptist:
LUK 7:20 When the men were come unto him, they said, John Baptist
hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art thou he that should come? or look we
for another?
Or the Jewish people:
JOH 1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
...the bad part happens.
Date 08-24-91 22:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject RESTORE.1
EM> I dunno about some of the things you believe in, but this much I
EM> think is right on track.
Let me get up ! I just fell out of my chair. This is one message I'm
going to save for those days I get 20 + messages with everyone telling
me I'm wrong. Thanks for your bravery. Agreeing with me is even worse
than failing to supply scriptural support for your ideas.< grin >
Date 08-24-91 22:08:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 1/3
WC> No. But then it is rather difficult how one can interpret
WC> the verse in any other way considering the physical phenomena
WC> which took place when He ascended.
2KI 2:11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that,
behold, [there appeared] a chariot of fire, and horses of
fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a
whirlwind into heaven.
Looks like another candidate for messiahship ?
Date 08-24-91 22:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 1/3
WC> The Old Testament also tells us what will happen when He
WC> sets foot on the earth at the same place where He ascended.
You better take a close, very close, reading of the parable of the
vineyard. And call me in the morning !
Date 08-24-91 22:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 1/3
WC> TB>Why can't you accept the possibility that the clouds in this
WC> TB>scripture could be symbolic of purified people (believers)?
WC> I do not accept the possibility because the clouds at His
WC> ascen- sion were real physical clouds made of drops of H2O
JOH 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down
from heaven, [even] the Son of man which is in heaven.
Jesus claimed he came from heaven, but he was born of woman. Does this
help you understand that he is using heaven symbolically to mean the
motivation for his birth holy and Godly ?
Where is the opposite of Heaven ? Earth ?
REV 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called
the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was
cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with
See Satan was cast to th earth which is symbolic for the ungodly world.
Date 08-24-91 22:45:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 1/3
WC> TB>You do know that when the Bible says our Father who art in
WC> heaven, TB>it does not mean that God lives in the literal sky.
WC> But of course. That is obvious from Paul's comment about the
WC> third heaven. The first heaven for the ancients was the
WC> atmosphere where the birds fly and the clouds are. The second
WC> heaven is the residence of the sun, moon and stars. The third
WC> heaven is where the throne of God is to be found.
God did not create man so that He could continue dwelling in the sky.
Date 08-24-91 23:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 2/3
WC> No marriage in heaven, Terry. The marriage supper of the
WC> Lamb is symbolic of the union of God and His church.
That's right before Christ retruns and marries there will be no
marriages in heaven. ...Just like before Jesus came there was no
Date 08-24-91 23:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 2/3
WC> We are waiting because Daniel's 70th Week has not begun. The
WC> marriage supper will take place then.
Walter, you dummy <grin>, it happened in 1960. Recheck you arithmetic.
Date 08-24-91 23:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 2/3
WC> No. God is omniscient. He know exactly what would happen
WC> before it happened. Prophecy having a dual nature implies that
..man has a portion of responsibility in the fulfillment of God's will.
NUM 32:13 And the LORD'S anger was kindled against Israel, and he made
them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the
generation, that had done evil in the sight of the LORD, was
If God knew so exactly that the Israelites were going to do evil, why
was He so angry that He made them wander in the wilderness forty years ?
This is a typical example of faith and reason having no reconciliation.
God could ONLY have been disappointed because they did no do as HE had
hoped and expected.
Date 08-24-91 23:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 3/3
WC> TB>Every prophecy is dual in nature.
WC> Not so. God told Abraham He would make Abraham's descendants
WC> and numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand of the sea.
WC> He has done exactly that. The promise was independent of man's
WC> actions.
GEN 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou
doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee [shall be]
his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
Here is a dual prophecy even you can't deny.
Date 08-24-91 23:12:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 3/3
WC> God does not favor one individual over another. That would
WC> make Him a respecter of persons. He is not. The difference is
WC> the individu- als response to God not God's response to the
WC> individual.
ROM 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
I thought you said Jacob was the bad guy ?
GEN 4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of
the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his
GEN 4:5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain
was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
Sorry, your teaching is Extra-biblical.
Date 08-24-91 23:18:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 3/3
WC> TB>Wasn't Abel's offering accepted?
WC> Of course it was accepted. Able offered a blood sacrifice.
WC> Cain refused to offer a blood sacrifice and insisted upon
WC> offering the fruit of the fields (crops). That was rebellion and
WC> thus sin.
Walter, you certainly are doing a lot of Extra-biblical tap dancing
tonight ! Where did you find your reason for God rejecting Cain's
offering. You got some 'Other Book' hidden away you are reading from?
Date 08-24-91 23:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 3/3
WC> But Esau did not love God. The response of the individual to
WC> God makes the difference.
More Extra-biblical tap dancing. What is the name of this other book
you are reading from ? Come on I caught you.
Date 08-24-91 23:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 3/3
WC> TB>God always sacrifices the person in the Abel position
WC> (closest to TB>Him) for those father away (in the Cain
WC> position).
WC> You are grasping at straws here. Abel was not sacrificed for
WC> Cain.
No, I'm not grasping at straws but you are correct here. Abel did not
take sacrificial attitude and offer to help Cain get his offering
accepted. The person who is favored by God, in other words God's
central figures like Noah, Moses, Abraham and Jacob, are asked to
sacrifice, fast, build boats, fight with angels, and go to prison, etc
for the sake of the people God is trying to lead/reach through them.
You will understand this if God calls you to become a missionary for
your faith, and leave your luxurious palace in Slidell for some flea
bitten, mosquito infested jungle of who knows where.
Date 08-24-91 23:27:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 3/3
WC> Or counter extra-biblical doctrines on the Open Bible Echo.
WC> <:-)
Yes <grin>, I see you are getting a lot of persecution for setting me
straight. I think more people agree with me, but I would bet you don't
share that belief either < ha ha >.
Date 08-24-91 23:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3 part 3/3
WC> There is not way to construe Zacharias as the "Highest." In
WC> con- junction with the passage from Matthew it is obvious that
WC> Zacharias was not the father of Jesus. Mary had already
WC> conceived when she went to visit Elizabeth.
What's the problem ? How many wives did Jacob have ? How many women
did Abraham have children by ? What's so strange about Zac haveing
children by two women ?
Date 08-24-91 23:32:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject Spirits Of The Dead
JW> I still don't see it there. I don't see any reason to call the
JW> belief that "sex was the problem" anything more than speculation
JW> unsupported by scripture.
I'm not saying that sex per say was the problem. The problem was
misdirected love. Rather than waiting on God's blessing of marriage,
Adam and Eve began their family life while they were still immature and
unqualified for the responsibilities of parenthood. The love they
passed on to their children was self-centered rather that the quality of
sacrificial public-centered love that God wanted them to pass on to His
grand children.
Date 08-24-91 23:36:00
From Terry Blount
To Carey Sullins
Subject the law
CS> I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their
CS> hearts and i will be to them a god and they shall be to me a
CS> people ... Just saying everyone knows in one way or another what
CS> is right if they will just stop fighting long enough and relax a
CS> moment
Not a bad idea, but then let's not get too complacent.
REV 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot,
I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Date 08-25-91 10:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> I was wondering, do you believe that Jesus was the second Adam?
LW> Could you give me some references from your lit. that tells
LW> about the second and third Adam?
This refers to Jesus coming as Adam:
1CO 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living
soul; the last Adam [was made] a quickening spirit.
See the connection between Adam and Christ:
1CO 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made
There is a pattern throughout the Bible of God choosing another person
to continue a mission when the first person He chose could not finish
the project. Examples:
Solomon finally got the temple built after Saul and David were given the
Matthias took Judas' position as one of the 12 apostles.
Joshua lead the people into Canaan when Moses lost faith and struck the
rock of Horeb the second time.
Since Adam was to told to be fruitful and multiply, we can only assume
that God was instructing him to build a God centered family. Certainly
God didn't intend for Adam and Eve to procreate children of sin.
So since Adam failed, God sent his second son Jesus to fulfill the three
blessings, and bring sinless children into the world. But the people
did not support Jesus and murdered him before he could establish the
second blessing and build the God centered family God had originally
instructed Adam to build. Now we are waiting on the second coming of
Christ and the Marriage supper of the Lamb so the second blessing can be
fulfilled. At the second coming of Christ, we will see the first coming
of Miss. Christ. When Mister Christ and Miss. Christ marry, there will
be sinless children. How do you think Satan likes the idea of lots of
sinless children coming into his kingdom ? Big time headaches for the
Snake ! You can see why Satan was so anxious to enter Judas and
promote the betrayal of Jesus before Jesus married.
Date 08-25-91 10:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Moon
EM> "The cross is the symbol of the defeat of Christianity." He
EM> goes on to explain that Jesus failed, but that he's the next
EM> Messiah and will succeed. Who do you think Moon is, and why?
First, I really don't see how my opinions and personal experience
matter. This is an area where each individual has to decide for them
self. I will tell you that I do know for SURE that Rev. Moon is a man
of God.
I don't like to say that Jesus failed. It is much like saying that Abel
failed because Cain killed him. Let me tell you who failed: It was
John the Baptist. John's mission was to make straight the way of the
Lord, but he in reality became a hindrance to Jesus. I know he
originally testified that Jesus was the Christ, but then he lost faith
and even made Jesus look like a liar when he denied he was Elijah after
Jesus said that he was.
JOH 9:16 ...Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do such
miracles? And there was a division among them.
JOH 9:25 He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner [or no], I know
not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.
Date 08-26-91 07:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.2
WC> Any one can certainly communicate directly one on one with
WC> God.
JOH 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Date 08-26-91 07:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.3
WC> I asked previously what I must do to be saved. The Bible
WC> tells us in a single verse what we must do to be saved. No
WC> theology courses are necessary, just simply do what the Apostle
WC> said.
JOH 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
WC> TB>Yet you think you can just up and leave Satan's dominion and
WC> TB>stroll over to live with God.
WC> I John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things [that
WC> are] in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the
WC> Father is not in him.
WC> I John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome
WC> them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in
WC> the world.
WC> TB>It is not that simple, you have to FIRST confront and defeat
WC> Satan TB>on a personal level.
WC> An absolute impossibility. It is only through Christ that
WC> one can overcome sin and Satan. (I John 4:4)
REV 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment;
and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I
will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
Date 08-26-91 08:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.9 part 1/2
WC> Christ is symbolized as a rock as in huge gigantic rock. The
WC> Greek words for such a rock is not the same as that for a stone.
WC> Christ is symbolized in the Old Testament as a rock no a stone.
WC> He is symbolized in the New Testament as the Lamb of God slain
WC> from the foundation of the world.
Let me show you something:
REV 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto
the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden
manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name
written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it].
First this verse supports my position that Man MUST overcome Satan on a
personal level. Even though man cannot do it alone, it is still man's
responsibility. In other words if you had to meet me somewhere and you
needed a car or airplane to get there, it would still be YOUR
responsibility to find the means to get there. Likewise it is your
responsibility to overcome Satan even if ( and you will HAVE to ) use
the conditions and power Christ made available.
Second Rev is in the New Testament and it clearly refers to Christ as a
'White Stone'.
Third, this verse says that Christ will come with a 'new name' ...I am
not the only one who now knows what that 'new name' will be. I think
you know too, even if you don't believe Christ could come again like he
did the first time - born of woman.
Date 08-26-91 08:20:00
From Terry Blount
To Carla Rygula
Subject Why You Can Trust Th The
CR> > ROM 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no,
CR> > not one:
CR> > Was Noah Righteous ?
CR> Yes, he was.
CR> Terry, this gives us a perfect example of what one can believe
CR> when a verse is taken out of context.
No it is a perfect example of what everyone does with a scripture that
doesn't fit their theology. THEY IGNORE IT !
Date 08-26-91 21:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Cults: Addition
KK> Terry, none of the verses you quoted prove anything from the
KK> Bible, It still doesn't dent Christ's deity.
Jesus was God in the sense that he was perfect and therefore could fully
manifest God's love. I think all you really want to tell us is that
you love daddy most. You seem to indicate that my belief about the
relationship between Jesus and God makes me love him less than you do.
Are my perceptions correct ?
Date 08-26-91 21:19:00
From Terry Blount
To Brian Vinci
Subject Jahovah'S Witnessesses
BV> Am I mistaken or did you call christianity a cult ?...
Yes, because christianity is a system of religious worship. The common
usage of the term is more related to the term 'heretic'. Or better yet,
minority because once heresy becomes accepted by the majority it becomes
Date 08-26-91 21:24:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Jehovah'S Name Vs. R.
KK> 1. ADMIT you are a sinner, and that only the Lord Jesus can
KK> save you (Romans 3:23)
KK> 2. REPENT: be willing to turn away from sin and submit to God.
KK> (Luke 13:5)
KK> 3. BELIEVE that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross and
KK> shed his blood to pay the price for your sins, and that he
KK> rose from the dead. (Romans 10:9)
KK> 4. ASK God to save you. (Romans 10:13)
KK> 5. ASK Jesus Christ to be the Lord (take control) of your
KK> life. (Romans 12:1,2)
KK> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
KK> -=-=-= It's that simple, is it the message Jesus taught, any
KK> other road is the wrong path. Any denomination that doesn't
KK> preach this message is a cult and is of the God of this world.
KK> If you do the above you will become saved.
Well I have to disagree because you left off #6. Follow and Obey
MAT 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into
the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father
which is in heaven.
Date 08-26-91 21:28:00
From Terry Blount
To Chris Boerma
Subject Messiah
CB> You assume here that God IS first and formost a Parent.
Exactly. Once you understand that this is the most basic and
fundamental principle in my theology, you can understand ALL of my
messages, even if you never agree with one of them.
CB> I disagree.
Ok, We have something to talk about.
CB> There was a time, was there not when we didn't exist and God did.
CB> He wasn't a parent then was he?
Correct. But if you have ever studied motivation, you would remember
that all action comes from emotional dissatisfaction. God was lonely
and bored. He *NEEDED* someone He could relate to that was in His own
image, with equal ability to give and receive love.
CB> God is many things, including a Parent. But I think
CB> him first and foremost the Supreme Being,
Yes but if you really dig into the essence of various religions of the
world, you will find that the one factor that sets the religion founded
by Jesus apart from the rest is that Jesus' religion is based on the
parent child relationship. Jesus called God his Father, but other
religions call God their master etc. Which relationship do you think
is closer: 1. Master - servant, or 2. Parent - child ? What is the
purpose of religion ? Religion was initiated to bring fallen man back
into a relationship with God. If there had been no fall there would
have been no need for religion.
CB> I wish also to re-make a point that you've
CB> glossed over: 'wanting' and 'needing' are two different things.
CB> I want my car and my radio and other luxuries. I want to be able
CB> to view art and listen to music. None of these things, however,
CB> are needed things. I would survive fine without them.
True, but what is Gods goal ? Survival or Happiness ?
CB> Even in a Parent-Child
CB> situation, and Parent wants his child (in most cases) and wants
CB> good for his/her child.
Absolutely, so then God being the first parent and the greatest parent
wants the ultimate good for His children.
CB> But a Parent does not need a Child in order to exist,
CB> True he or she wouldn't
CB> be a Parent by definition, but that person would still go on.
CB> In fact if a parent were to lose a child, that person could go on
CB> to have more and become a parent again.
Let's stop a minute and think about this scripture:
LUK 15:4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of
them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and
go after that which is lost, until he find it?
LUK 15:5 And when he hath found [it], he layeth [it] on his shoulders,
LUK 15:6 And when he cometh home, he calleth together [his] friends
and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have
found my sheep which was lost.
LUK 15:7 I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one
sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just
LUK 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of
the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
CB> Now I don't think any parent would willingly go throught that
CB> pain, but he or she might have to. God would not willingly cause
CB> harm to his children, but if we were to have World War Three and
CB> everyone on the face of the earth were killed,
CB> God could go on to creat new children, on a different planet.
Forgive me if I sound too harsh, but can any Parent say "These are
really bad kids, let's just kill them and make some more." ?
God isn't going to allow Satan to destroy all His children. Satan would
love to destroy everyone and then he would be in a position to rule over
all the lost souls that in hell forever.
CB> You see, God WANTS us, but doesn't NEED us. Do you see what I'm
CB> saying? God is not ONLY a Parent. He can livwithout us.
This is the clearest example of the difference between christianity
today, and the vision of the ideal world as taught by Rev. Moon.
Rev. Moon personally experienced the suffering heart of God and made his
life's long goal to do everything he could to bring happiness to God.
If one person believes that God doesn't need anything, and another
believes that God created man for the purpose of experiencing happiness
with His children, which person do you think will find God ?
Date 08-27-91 10:26:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
Subject Faith and Works
PB> Agreed. You can not tell if a person has true faith without
PB> looking at his works, but God can:
MAT 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your
good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
It's kinda hard to follow Christ and not Obey him.
Date 08-27-91 12:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> In looking at all the Canons of the Councils you named, and
JT> additionally those of the 7th Council, I find nothing which
JT> shows the least tendency to move toward the Nestorian heresy, in
JT> even so slight a way that the direction would take centuries
JT> to reveal.
You better check the concil of Constantiople ( 680-81 ) again.
Nestorious' ideas were accepted, with some modification, without any
apology to Nestorious. The Council decreed that in Christ "there are
two natural wills and modes of operation without divison, change,
separation or confusion... His human will follows, without any
resistance or reluctance but in subjection, his divine and omnipotent
JT> I think you're way off the wall on this one, Terry. <grin> May
JT> I offer you a ladder?
Well since you are coming from an Eastern Orthodox position, and the
Council at Chalcedon offended Eastern churchmen who cherished Cyril's
one-nature portrayal of the incarnate Christ, why should I expect you to
agree ? < grin >
Everyone seems to think that Christ is something strange and unusual,
but acutally if there had been no fall, everyone would have the same
relationship with God that Christ, being perfect, had. Actually Christ
is normal, everyone else is strange and abnormal.
Let's consider what perfection really is:
When we examine the fall of man, we can see that man adopted the wrong
set of priorities. In order for man to perfect himself, he had to obey
the commandment. But rather that following the public priority, man
chose the individual priority. Perfection therefore requires man to
get his priorities in order.
Man's individual purpose is to preserve and maintain his existence. On
the other hand, he as a whole-oriented purpose of life ...to make a
certain contribution to his family, society, and nation as a member of
these bodies.
Not only human beings, but everything from the universe to the smallest
sub-atomic particle has dual purposes. The individual purpose and the
purpose for the whole are not independent, but rather are related and
The purpose for the whole is also secondarily a purpose for the
betterment of the individual. The individual purpose is not separate
from the purpose for the whole, and the purpose for the whole cannot
continue to exist without guaranteeing the individual purpose. The
Creation is an organic body intertwined with dual purposes.
Of all the purposes directed beyond the self, the supreme purpose for
all things is to serve man's needs, in other words, to give joy to man,
and the supreme purpose for man is to offer joy to God. Therefore man
and all things have the purpose to serve God and give joy to him.
Perfection then means to get our priorities in proper order.
If a person places their family on a higher level of priority than their
individual needs, the family will prosper AND the individual will
prosper, but if the individual is only interested in supporting their
own needs then the family declines and the individual will decline with
it. The same principle applies on a national and world wide level.
Once this principle is understood, it is clear how rediculous it was for
John the Baptist to say "He must increase and I must decrease." John
was not thinking about the whole purpose. Had he really supported
Jesus to realize the Kingdom of Heaven, they both had proclaimed was at
hand, he would have increased far beyond his meger position of 'a voice
crying in the wilderness.'
How would you like to be Vice-Messiah ?
Thanks for stimulating me to think about these things again.
Date 08-27-91 13:16:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> As to your explanation of the purposes of Christ, as given
JT> above, I would only say that they must stand and fall on the
JT> actions of Jesus Christ following
JT> His Resurrection; and His only recorded word, specifically to a
JT> woman who was eminently
JT> an eligible candidate, was "Touch me not: for I am not yet
JT> ascended to my Father".
< chuckle > Well at least you are going to take some of the heat off me
for my position against the misuse of sexual love.
Date 08-27-91 13:21:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> BTW> What's the "Rime Bible Echo"? Neither this nor "Rime"
JT> itself are things
JT> I'm familiar with. From what you say, I'm not missing much.
JT> The echo which
JT> we're trying to put together, here in Colorado Springs, will
JT> hopefully go on the FidoNet
JT> backbone, if we can get up enough interest in it to justify
JT> that. If not, we'll consider alternatives; but this "Rime"
JT> thing doesn't sound like an alternative we should explore.
Well, it is the second attempt to get a Bible conference going on RIME.
The first one failed miserable and the founder attempted to bring a law
suite against the network. He ( Steve Winters ) was her for about a
month and really made waves in his attacks against Catholics and
tradition of calling ALL non Pentecostals SATAN. There is a Religion
conference on rime, but it seldom had much to do with the Bible when I
picked it up. It was mostly about politics and religion ...and
sometimes evolutionism vs creationism.
JT> For one thing, if they'll kick you off for expressing your
JT> views, they would
JT> likely do the same to us; for another, we'd probably lose the
JT> chance of your
JT> participation, which would be especially a shame if otherwise
JT> unnecessary.
Well, I wasn't actually kicked out, I was put on probation and not
allowed to enter messages for 5 days. And clearly told not to post
anything about my beliefs again. How can someone participate under
those conditions ? How can I write any message without my viewpoint
being expressed ?
Anyway, I don't think such a conference that doesn't allow diversity in
beliefs will ever amount to anything. They will eventually get bored
with telling each other 'We're saved.' At least it should become
evident that Othodoxy NEEDS Heresy in order to exist itself < grin >.
You may not agree, but I have found that religion progresses like a man
walks. It takes a step with the foot of heresy then the foot of
orthodoxy drags forward to catch up. Just compare the Old Testament
with the New Testament to see how God has been working to elevate man's
understanding and close the gap in their relationship.
Date 08-27-91 13:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Jim Taylor
JT> However, even if your concept of free will demands that the
JT> future be utterly
JT> unknowable, even to God, we can still see that God was betting
JT> on a "sure thing" here.
I have to agree that after the ordeal that God went through with Moses
and the people in the wilderness, God did learn that it was highly
probable that His son would be rejected by faithless people. I do
believe God could remember way back to Moses... that was only about
1,600 years. < grin >
Date 08-27-91 13:40:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject Fidonet Open Bible House
JW> Please sir, when posting the rules, keep it under 100 lines or
JW> break it up because I still haven't seen the entire listing.
JW> Somewhere it is getting truncated to 100 lines. The last lines
JW> I have seen are:
I don't know if it will help, but I have written a utility to chop up
message that are too long for the 100 line limit. If you want to try
it out, let me know and I will make it available to you. The name is
chop_up and it is being used here on my bbs and on about 10 Spitfire
bbs's that are on the Fidonet network. Chop_up is still being
'tweeked' but at this point it only fails on about 1 out of ever 1,000
messages. That sure helps get the great programming code posted without
losing essential parts.
Date 08-27-91 13:46:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject Holy Spirit
JW> As for Jesus being in submission to the Father, it is as if I
JW> was hired by my wife. She would be my boss/superior and I would
JW> be her worker/servant. This does not change the fact that the
JW> husband is the head of the wife _in the family_. Neither does
JW> it make my wife a better person than me.
It doesn't make the Husband the Wife though. I thought you were saying
that Jesus was God. I will agree that Jesus was employed by God.
Date 08-27-91 13:48:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject Jacob
JW> But Esau still has not _submitted_ to Jacob. Esau has accepted
JW> him. I do not see/read that Esau acknowledged any subordinate
JW> role.
Ok, but whatever degred of unity you do find between Jacob and Esau, you
do not find between Cain and Abel, or Jesus and John the Baptist. Had
John united with Jesus and started following and obeying, it would have
been very hard for the Jewish people to have crucified him.
What's going to happen when Christ returns ? Will he find faith ?
Date 08-27-91 13:53:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject Spirits Of The Dead
JW> They _were_ husband and wife (Genesis 2:25). Therefore did they
JW> not have God's blessing of marriage? Who else could have
JW> married them?
Who is going to bless Christ at the marriage supper of the Lamb ?
JW> They were entitled to have sexual intercourse
JW> (Genesis 2:24). The belief that they were immature and
JW> unqualified for the responsibilities of parenthood could rest on
JW> the fact that they did not know Good from Evil.
I simply will never be convinced that God would approve of Adam and Eve
having sexual intercourse before they were mature enough to be
responsible parents for HIS grandchildren. It is obvious that they
were still immature and not yet perfected. If they had been perfected
they would not have fallen.
JW> But then you would need to take the Mormon position that The Fall
JW> was necessary.
NO the fall was not necessary and it even grieved God. Grief indicates
disappointment. Disappointment is a result of plans/ideals not being
Date 08-27-91 23:15:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Cults: addition
MS> But you don't want to know God as a parent - you want Him as a
MS> grandparent!
Well I'm happy to see you have been reading my messages. You got me on
this one ! Now that you understand this, I can take your understanding
a step farther. You see all parents are supposed to be God incarnated
and the visible form of God to their children. So God is in the grand
parent position to me while my true parents are living on earth, then
when they pass away, I, with my wife, will be the visible form of God to
my children. Kinda puts a little more emphasis on good works doesn't
it ? Once you realize you are the messiah to your wife and children,
you know that if you go to hell you won't be alone.
Date 08-27-91 23:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Moon 2/2
MS> I could quote the parallel passages in Mark and Luke, but that
MS> would just belabor the point that Jesus went to the cross on His
MS> own will and the will of His Father.
So can you explain why Jesus ( and John the Baptist ) began his ministry
saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand ? Why did Jesus think the
Kingdom was coming so soon ? He didn't say people had to die to go
there. He didn't say 2,000 years from now. Jesus didn't fail, the
people simply chose to disbelieve him and they missed the boat !
Date 08-27-91 23:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Albert Burson
Subject Salvation
AB> I have been a non-believer for most of my life, and only
AB> now am I beginning to understanding that God really does
AB> exist. So I might be guilty of presumptuousness, but I
AB> wonder if Jesus were to return today, might he not find
AB> a new group of Pharisees, who like their legalistic
AB> brethern, insist upon obedience to the authority of the
AB> law or doctrine, and neglect the message that Jesus
AB> tried to give to us.
I can assure you that you are correct.
LUK 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless
when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Date 08-28-91 08:54:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> Notice that your analogy does NOT compare here. You surmise
LW> that another must continue what Jesus did not complete, yet the
LW> very verse that you quote tells you that Jesus was the LAST
LW> Adam. This very verse denies the need for a third Adam, the
LW> supposed position of Rev. Moon. The word *LAST* does not
LW> suggest a continuance, don't you agree?
I see your point, but do you know that there will be a second coming ?
Why should Christ come back if everything was taken care of the first
time ? Why did Jesus begin his misistry saying the Kingdom of Heaven
was at hand ? It is obvious something unexpected happened.
Date 08-28-91 08:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
LW> Jesus couldn't find a wife in 33 years? You must be joking.
He couldn't find 12 solid believers OR even 1 that would go to the
cross with him. Do you think is was easy to find a woman that would
take the responsibility to be the TRUE MOTHER of mankind ?
You have to realize the importance of True Mother, not only must she
fulfill the role of restored Eve and totally unite with Christ, but also
she is the first to person to separate from the fallen world to be fully
restored to God's side so that her children are born sinless.
Date 08-28-91 09:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.1 part 1/2
WC> Jesus was God incarnate in human flesh. Every devil that Jesus
WC> came across was terrified of Him. He had total control over
WC> them. They instantly obeyed His commands. That included Satan.
How frightened was Satan when he entered Judas and betrayed Christ ?
Date 08-28-91 09:05:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.1 part 1/2
WC> Apparently the only people we have a record of him teaching
WC> was Elisha who assumed his mantle when Elijah was caught up into
WC> heaven without having died first. The term used for this is
WC> raptured. The church will be caught up (raptured) to met with
WC> Jesus in the air before Daniel's 70th Week begins.
Is this the Pentecostal church ?
What are you going to do up there Walter ? What if you get hungry or
need to go to the toilet ? Won't your clothes eventually wear out ?
Do you just plan on floating and floating or will you be going to some
specific destination ? How about air ? After you rise a couple
miles it will start becoming very difficult to breathe.
Walter, your theology doesn't really address practical matters. It
doesn't really look ahead and think things through. AND it totally
overlooks important scripture like this: (EXTRA-BIBLICAL)
PSA 37:11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight
themselves in the abundance of peace.
MAT 5:5 Blessed [are] the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
So it appears that the saved, who are supposed to be the meek, are going
to be left behind at the rapture. Well I can only guess that your
doctrine has some kind of fix for this 'goof up' like the theory that
you will fly away for a while then come back when God has vaporized the
rest of us.
Actually if you were going to preach the rapture as a physical
departure from the earth, you would come closer to convincing me that
the evidoers ( like myself, I suppose ) would be the ones taken away.
PSA 37:9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the
LORD, they shall inherit the earth.
Date 08-28-91 09:30:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.1 part 1/2
WC> Elisha was not a reincarnated Elijah. Neither was John the
WC> Bap- tist a reincarnated Elijah. The Scripture do not teach
WC> reincarnation.
Don't believe in reincarnation.
God works to accomplish the total Dispensation for Restoration by
calling many individuals and giving each the portion of work that is
suitable for him. As the Dispensation progresses and a new central
person is chosen for a mission, God progressively broadens the scale of
the dispensation, expanding it from the individual level to the levels
of the family, the nation, and the world. A person who dies without
completing his mission must return and cooperate with a person on earth
who has the same type of mission and the same spiritual disposition.
From this mission-oriented viewpoint, the physical self of the person on
earth becomes the physical self for the returning spirit person as well.
In this sense, the person on earth becomes the "second coming" of the
returning spirit person. When viewed with spiritual eyes, the person on
earth could seem to be the reincarnation of the spirit person who is
cooperating with him.
For this reason in the Last Days many people will appear claiming to be
Elijah, Buddha, Confucius, or the Olive Tree. It would seem that the
theory of trans-migration, or reincarnation, is the result of
interpreting what is happening based on appearances, without knowing the
principles of returning resurrection.
Date 08-28-91 09:35:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.1 part 2/2
WC> Where in the Bible do we find a reference to the "Foundation
WC> of Faith?" or for the "Foundation of Substance?"
I have explained these terms several times. You must not be getting my
messages ? I'll go over it one more time:
Foundation of faith : the vertical relationship/connection to/with God,
The first of the TWO commandment Jesus said was the greatest; Love God.
Foundation of substance : the horozontal relationship/connection to your
brothers and sisters, The second of the TWO commandments Jesus said
was the greatest: Love one another.
Date 08-28-91 09:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.1 part 2/2
WC> John was certainly a special prophet of God but where in the
WC> Bible does it tell us that God had already prepared the chosen
WC> people to believe absolutely in John?
What do you mean that the Bible does not tell us that God had already
prepared the chosen people to believe absolutely in John ?
His father was the chief priest, much like the Pope is today for the
Catholoic church. And Zac did not speak for the 9 months prior to
John's birth. Can you imagine the Pope not being able to speak for 9
months ? Anyway it certainly had an influence on the people's
perspective of John:
LUK 1:63 And he asked for a writing table, and wrote, saying, His name
is John. And they marvelled all.
LUK 1:64 And his mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue [loosed],
and he spake, and praised God.
LUK 1:65 And fear came on all that dwelt round about them: and all these
sayings were noised abroad throughout all the hill country of
LUK 1:66 And all they that heard [them] laid [them] up in their hearts,
saying, What manner of child shall this be!
Date 08-28-91 09:48:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.1 part 2/2
WC> There is no record in Scripture that the people followed
WC> John the Baptist as if he were the Messiah. He had certainly had
WC> followers but the Bible does not tell us that the whole nation
WC> followed him.
Many people believed that John the Baptist was Christ.
Date 08-28-91 10:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject MOSES.10
WC> It is an interesting concept that man can establish a
WC> "heavenly foundation" when man is presently on the earth and not
WC> in heaven.
MAT 16:19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven:
and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in
heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven.
MAT 18:18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on
earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Date 08-28-91 10:02:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4
WC> That He is, Terry. But can you find a Scripture where it was
WC> God that initiated the building of the Temple?
Humm, well I'm runnig short of time today, but I thought God gave Saul,
then David, then Solomon the mission to build the temple ?
Date 08-28-91 10:04:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Moses.4
WC> Interesting enough, Terry, the church does not operate on a
WC> national level but on the individual level. Salvation is on the
WC> per- sonal level.
That's good to know. At least the Messiah won't have to overcome any
national opposition from the church when he returns.
Date 08-28-91 10:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Tongues part 6/7
WC> RS>Not for me. I'm saved by grace.
WC> Only when you have been obedient to the gospel will one be
WC> saved by grace.
So amazing that this is what I have been trying to teach you all along.
Now I see you posting what I have taught you. Makes me feel so good.
Date 08-28-91 11:47:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Cults: Addition
KK> No, I don't question how much you love God. I question how
KK> much you know him, or his road to salvation. Waiting
KK> for a return of a Messiah is NOT the way to Heaven. You
KK> can receive Him RIGHT NOW, TODAY! There is no need to wait
KK> for salvation, thats a deception. Don't quit reading your
KK> Bible, and listen less to outside sources (Man). Pray to
KK> the Father for knowledge and understanding. And you shall
KK> receive. See I know Jesus has prepaired a place for me, I'm
KK> saved right now. I'm waiting for the Messiah for our
KK> redemption, not salvation.
Good point. I have to agree. Let's get on with redemption.
Date 08-28-91 11:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Kevin Kitchen
Subject Jehovah'S Name Vs. R.
KK> > Well I have to disagree because you left off #6. Follow and
KK> Obey > MAT 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,
KK> shall enter into > the kingdom of heaven; but he that
KK> doeth the will of my Father > which is in heaven.
KK> Thats the same as #5. If the Lord is in control of your life
KK> you will follow and obey.
But that's the tough part though. I would like to hear from you how
you go about following and obeying the Lord. Your last message hit the
target. I'm writing messages to folks who I feel are already saved, it
is 'Redemption' that we need to be discussing.
Date 08-29-91 07:29:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Brothers and childrldre
MS> Terry, you got booted from that other conference because you
MS> showed a complete
MS> disregard for the rules of that conference.
What conference can have rules that you cannot post your view about
the topic of the conference. Censorship is a violation of the law. No
my friend, bigotry and prejudice is alive and well. How could you post
messages without allowing your beliefs to be conveyed ? You can't.
Date 08-29-91 08:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Cults: Addition
EM> Re: your interpretation of Heb 1:10 as an old man saying to his
EM> son "I did all this FOR you"
EM> Baloney!
EM> Read the verse again. God is telling Jesus that JESUS CREATED
If Jesus had created the heavens and the earth, why would God be telling
him ? Don't you think Jesus would have remembered this spectacular
event ?
Didn't you know that God the Father created the world ?
Date 08-29-91 08:56:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Moon
EM> How can you take your beliefs from a man who said something you
EM> openly admit you don't like?
I suppose it is because I *KNOW* it is good for me. If we only did what
we like to do, when we got sick, we wouldn't take medicine that tastes
bad would we ? And think about getting a shot in the rear end with a #5
nail filled with antibiotics that will zing your hiney for hours.
You obliviously know that Jesus said a lot of thing the people didn't
like to hear. You will find several examples of him fleeing afterwards
because they were angered.
Date 08-29-91 09:01:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Moon
EM> Where did Jesus say John the Baptist WAS Elijah?
Matt 11:14 and Matt 17:12
Date 08-29-91 18:41:00
From Terry Blount
To Dave Kenady
Subject Respect for god's word -2
DK> Now do you see it? No one can ever be made right in
DK> God's sight by doing what the law commands. For the more we
DK> know of God's law, the clearer it becomes that we aren't obeying
DK> them; His laws serve only to make us see that we are sinners.
Humm, You must not be a follower of Jesus. He said if thou wilt enter
into life, keep the commandments.
MAT 19:17 And he [Jesus] said unto him, Why callest thou me good?
[there is] none good but one, [that is], God: but if thou
wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
REV 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that
keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
God did not give man commandments to show us how dirty and unworthy we
are. God wants man to make the right decisions so we enter into a
relationship with Him rather than remain lost.
PSA 119:136 Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not
thy law.
Date 08-29-91 18:55:00
From Terry Blount
To Dave Kenady
Subject Respect for god's word -2
DK> But the fact of the matter is this: when we
DK> try to gain God's blessings and salvation by keeping his laws we
DK> always end up under his anger, for we always fail to keep them.
So should we Sin bravely so that Grace may abound ?
Once again it looks like you don't agree with Jesus:
MAT 16:27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with
his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to
his works.
Date 08-29-91 23:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Miriam Nathan
Subject The "jewish trinity"
MN> Nearly every doctrine in Christianity has some relationship to
MN> something Jewish.
Except the really weird idea held by Christians ( including Jw's, and
Mormons ) that God sent His only begotten son to be Murdered.
I don't think you will find ANY Jew who is looking forward to the coming
of Christ with a Hammer and Nail in their hand to fulfill the will of
Ohh, how about the theory of levitating to meet Christ in the
stratosphere ? That nonsense surely didn't come out of Judaism either.
Date 08-30-91 07:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Cults: addition
MS> As to the part of us being a messiah to our family members -
MS> where in the world did Moon dig that up, since it is certainly
MS> not in the Bible?
I still can't figure out your hostilty toward Rev. Moon, anyway he 'dug
up' his information from his personal experiences/encounters with Jesus.
Date 08-30-91 07:42:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Moon
MS> TB> So can you explain why Jesus ( and John the Baptist ) began
MS> his ministry
MS> > saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand ? Why did Jesus
MS> think the > Kingdom was coming so soon ? He didn't say people
MS> had to die to go > there. He didn't say 2,000 years from now.
MS> Jesus didn't fail, the > people simply chose to disbelieve him
MS> and they missed the boat !
MS> Because He was talking of the Spiritual Kingdom of God, not an
MS> earthly one like all the people were looking for.
But the purpose for the coming of the Son of Man was to do away with the
work of the Devil. Why wouldn't that include total restoration. You
make Jesus' ministry look like a mechanic that half way fixes your car.
Jesus came with the cure for sin, but the people would not unite with
him and take the medicine.
Fallen man does not like to do God's will:
ACS 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do
always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers [did], so [do]
ACS 7:52 Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and
they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the
Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and
St. Stephen's messages is right on target even today.
Date 08-30-91 19:22:00
From Terry Blount
To Philip Brown
PB> If you mean demons and angels, then the answer is yes, but
PB> if you you mean the spirits of people that died, then no. The
PB> spirits of dead people are either in heaven or in hades.
Except the one with Jesus in paradice... < grin >.
Date 08-30-91 19:39:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.3 part 1/3
WC> TB>In Matthew 4:1-10 we read that Satan tested Jesus through
WC> three TB>temptations. Satan's original purpose in attacking
WC> Jesus with TB>these temptations was not to test any external
WC> conditions or TB>Jesus's power to perform miracles, but was
WC> specifically intended TB>to prevent Jesus from accomplishing his
WC> purpose as the Messiah.
WC> You are partly correct, Terry. It would have destroyed God's
WC> plan for the salvation of men everywhere.
Thanks, maybe your influence is making a difference.
WC> TB>Because the Messiah comes to restore the world intended at
WC> the TB>time of creation
WC> The problem here is that you have missed the reason that
WC> Jesus came into the world. Why not attribute to Him the same
WC> purpose that the Bible does?
WC> I Timothy 1:15 This [is] a faithful saying, and worthy of all
WC> accepta- tion, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save
WC> sinners; of whom I am chief.
Yes but if the purpose for creation would have been fulfilled by an
obedient Adam and Eve, there wouldn't be any sinners to save.
I'm beginning to realize you don't understand the Ideal world that God
had in mind when He created His Children.
The Messiah did indeed come to establish the Ideal world God had
intended at the time of creation.
1CH 17:11 And it shall come to pass, when thy days be expired that
thou must go [to be] with thy fathers, that I will raise up
thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons; and I will
establish his kingdom.
WC> TB>which was not established because of Satan, from Satan's
WC> point of TB>view, the Messiah's fulfilling his purpose would
WC> mean Satan's TB>eternal destruction.
WC> You cannot find a Scripture that says that Satan himself
WC> will be eternally destroyed. You can find that he will be thrown
WC> into the lake of fire for all eternity at the end of the
WC> Millennial Reign.
I think the destruction of Satan means to destroy his kingdom. Maybe we
did not personally destroy Hussein, but his ability to pillage and rape
neighboring countries through the use of the massive military power is
WC> TB>Since the Kingdom of Heaven is based on The Principle
WC> The Bible never speaks of "The Principle." It does speak of
WC> many things but this term is not scriptural. What does the Bible
WC> say that the Kingdom of Heaven is?
MAT 22:2 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which
made a marriage for his son,
MAT 22:3 And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to
the wedding: and they would not come.
MAT 22:4 Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which
are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and
[my] fatlings [are] killed, and all things [are] ready: come
unto the marriage.
MAT 22:5 But they made light of [it], and went their ways, one to his
farm, another to his merchandise:
Do you realize the consequences of going your own way when the marriage
supper of the Lamb takes place ? I don't write to scare you but in
hopes you will see the advantage of attending the greatest event in the
history or the world.
MAT 25:1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins,
which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.
MAT 25:2 And five of them were wise, and five [were] foolish.
MAT 25:3 They that [were] foolish took their lamps, and took no oil
with them:
MAT 25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
MAT 25:8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for
our lamps are gone out.
MAT 25:9 But the wise answered, saying, [Not so]; lest there be not
enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and
buy for yourselves.
MAT 25:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that
were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was
MAT 25:11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord,
open to us.
MAT 25:12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you
MAT 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour
wherein the Son of man cometh.
Date 08-30-91 20:07:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.3 part 1/3
WC> TB>More specifically, the world which the Messiah must create is
WC> the TB>world intended at the time of creation
WC> Why MUST the Messiah create it?
Because it does not exist.∙God has no world, country, state, city,
town, village, or community He can call His own. Until just recently (
about 30 yrs ago ) God did not even have a family !
Why is it so difficult to understand that Satan established a world of
sin and suffering through a man AND a WOMAN. God needs a man AND a
WOMAN to establish His Ideal world of goodness. What kind of prince of
peace would not have a princess ? What kind of King of Kings would not
have a Queen ?∙ Any teaching that can't figure out such a fundamental
truth is seriously crippled.
Date 08-30-91 20:14:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.3 part 1/3
WC> Sorry, Terry, but when the new earth and the new heaven are
WC> created everyone will be the same including those resurrected
WC> from the dead. There will be no marriage then.
I see your point, you simply don't believe Rev 19:9.
Date 08-30-91 20:25:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Jesus.3 part 1/3
WC> TB>Thus, Jesus had to realize God's Three Blessings, and Satan's
WC> at- TB>tempt to prevent Jesus from fulfilling his purpose was
WC> through TB>three temptations that were based on the Three
WC> Blessings.
WC> This is extra-biblical. The Bible does not teach this. You
WC> can find no prophecy concerning Messiah that speaks of such a
WC> thing. Jesus IS JEHOVAH GOD. However, Jesus is God and He did
WC> not sin.
Did I say Jesus sinned ? What is your explanation of the three
temptations ?
WC> First of all, what is your scriptural reference that the
WC> stones were in Satan's possession and not just lying on the
WC> ground? Second, how could Satan tempt Jesus in the wilderness
WC> when you have already stated that this period was a separation
WC> from Satan.
This occurred at the end of his 40 day fast - which was the 40 day
conditional time period for the Separation from Satan for Jesus to take
over the mission of the faithless John the Baptist.
WC> There was no rock to restore, Terry. Jesus was the Rock and
WC> never needed to be restored to anything. He was God and as such
WC> created all things.
Humm, I thought even you believe Jesus came to save sinners ? What is
salvation ? To save someone is to restore them right ?
Salvation = Restoration
How can you save a drowning person without restoring them to a safe
location ? How can you save a sick person without restoring them to a
healthy state ? How can Jesus save sinners without restoring them to a
state of sinlessness ?
Do you mean we can be saved and just keep on sinning ? Somewhere we
must stop sinning and become perfect. Sin is any thought or action that
makes a common base with Satan. So it is necessary to separated from
Satan and totally unite with God's chosen champion. This way we can
live for the public purpose, rather than copying Satan and living for
only the individual self-centered purpose. That is the way to separate
from Satan. Do what Satan can't do... LIVE FOR OTHERS. Satan can only
sacrifice others for himself.
There are two ways that one may possibly find God. 1. pray fast and
look for God 2. become a person that God needs and God will come
looking for you. Read about God knocking someone off their ass if you
don't know what I mean. <grin> Acs 9:4
WC> But it was the real issue. Because Jesus was fasting and
WC> thus hungry He was also at a weak point (physically). Satan will
WC> always attack when a person is at his weakest.
Amen ! Well we do sometimes agree very strongly.
WC> TB>Therefore, we can understand that Jesus is the main temple
WC> and the TB>believers are the branch temples,
WC> You have no Scripture to support this statement. It is
WC> extra- biblical. Neither will the analogy hold. The Bible says
WC> that the believers are the body of Christ and that He is the
WC> head. You have no Scriptural precedent for you statement. The
WC> temple of the body is a reference that that is where God dwells
WC> as the Holy Spirit and applies only to believers.
JOH 15:5 I am the vine, ye [are] the branches: He that abideth in me,
and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for
without me ye can do nothing.
Date 08-30-91 20:50:00
From Terry Blount
To Les Wilcox
Subject JESUS.7
LW> >It is obvious something unexpected happened.
LW> Yes it is. It was unexpected because they were expecting
LW> Jesus in the wrong way.
Amen ! And it is happening again right now in our own time.
Date 08-30-91 20:51:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3
WC> Well, I have three witness from Scripture that God does not
WC> love one person above another. Scripture even declares that it
WC> is a sin to do so. Therefore, God does not esteem one person
WC> above another. It is the individual's response to God that makes
WC> the difference.
This is obviously phony bologna that came out of the Protestant
Reformation. You roots to Westley are all too obvious. This kind of
doctrine was simply invented to get people to join a non-Catholic
movement. So they had to scratch around and come up with something to
get folks to disobey the hierarchy of the church. Look at the results:
400 dominations of Christianity. If Christ is going to come to one of
your groups, the other 399 will be sorely disappointed. What if Christ
wants to send you a message ? At least the Catholics have the Pope, the
Mormons have a Prophet, and the Jw's have got someone (who knows where)
printing the Watchtower. I suppose God needs a secretary to contact
your people by sending out a memo to each and every individual ?
You better take my advice and throw out that anti-Catholic doctrine
taught by men with rebelious intent - in favour of the doctrine taught
by Christ:
MAT 10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall
receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous
man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous
man's reward.
Date 08-30-91 21:06:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3
WC> How was Cain supposed to force God to accept Abel's
WC> sacrifice when even God could not get Abel to do right?
If Abel didn't do it right, why did God accept it ? If Abel got his
offering accepted once, don't you think he could have done it again ?
Date 08-30-91 21:11:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3
WC> God does not favor one individual over another. See above
WC> Scrip- ture references. It is the individual response to God
WC> that makes the difference.
ISA 55:4 Behold, I have given him [for] a witness to the people, a
leader and commander to the people.
So why did God give the 10 commandments to the people through Moses ?
Maybe He should have sent a memo to them individually ?
Date 08-30-91 21:13:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3
WC> TB>in other words God's central figures like Noah, Moses,
WC> Abraham and TB>Jacob, are asked to sacrifice, fast, build boats,
WC> fight with an- TB>gels, and go to prison, etc for the sake of
WC> the people God is TB>trying to lead/reach through them.
WC> That sound correct. Now quote us a Scripture where God asked
WC> Abel to make such a sacrifice.
It sounds correct because it IS correct. The one thing fallen man MUST
learn to do is receive love through the person God chooses as His
central figure for the time. Satan fell because he could not receive
God's love through Adam. God was angry with the people because they
would not follow Moses. God was heartbroken because the people MURDERED
His son.
Date 08-30-91 21:17:00
From Terry Blount
To Walter Copes
Subject Restore.3
WC> TB>What's so strange about Zac having children by two women?
WC> Nothing at all provided the Bible tells us that is what
WC> happened. Yet we find nothing in Scripture to support such a
WC> position. Even less is there Bible support for ole Zac having
WC> illicit sexual relations with Mary when the Bible specifically
WC> declares in both the Old and New Testament that Jesus was to be
WC> born of a virgin.
You should take the time to find out the correct translation of this
scripture. I don't claim to have any linguistic skills, but even the
most fundamental christian books like EErman's handbook of the Bible
admits that the correct translation is simply 'young woman'. I think
you have posted messages that contained the interpretations, why don't
you start by checking it out for yourself.
Date 08-31-91 07:30:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject Creation
TB> Didn't you know that God the Father created the world ?
JW> And Jesus:
1 + 1 = 2 How many gods are their ? Do you see why some people
reject this Jesus is God theory ? We don't want to be guilty of
Date 08-31-91 07:33:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Cults: Addition
EM> Yes, of course God the Father created the world. That's the
EM> whole point of Hebrews 1:10, which says that JESUS created the
EM> world--which means they're
EM> one and the same.
EM> Your view of that verse is based on flimflam and nothingness,
EM> not the facts of the verse itself.
Jesus and God the fathere are NOT the same:
They don't know the same thing:
MAR 13:32 But of that day and [that] hour knoweth no man, no, not
the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the
Jesus was flesh and God is Spirit.
JOH 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship
[him] in spirit and in truth.
JOH 8:54 Jesus answered, If I honour myself, my honour is nothing:
it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he
is your God:
1TI 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and
men, the man Christ Jesus;
COL 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which
are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
JOH 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I
say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what
he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth,
these also doeth the Son likewise.
1JO 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the
Son [to be] the Saviour of the world.
2JO 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine
of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine
of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
Jesus, at most, being a man can only be half God:
GEN 1:27 So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
2CO 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of
them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious
gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine
unto them.
ACS 22:9 And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were
afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to
Date 08-31-91 07:37:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Is John the Baptist Elija
EM> Doesn't the Bible teach against reincarnation?
I don't know but I don't believe in reincarnation so it is not a
concern to me. When Jeus said that John is Elijah, I think he meant
that John had the same mission. There have been many presidents,
kings, popes, and sheriff's but that does not mean that the current ones
are the reincarnation of the past ones.
Date 08-31-91 07:41:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject Jesus.2 Part 1/5
JW> I like your reply, and I have no problem believing that God sent
JW> Reverend Moon to be another fallen man on this earth. I just
JW> have problems believing that he is the promised Messiah and that
JW> Jesus didn't get it right.
I understand your skepticism about Rev. Moon, but about Jesus.....
Well something went wrong. God didn't need to prepare a nation to
expect the messiah, then work all those miracles and give all those
revelations about him, just to get him murdered. How about meditating
on this for a while:
LUK 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and
stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have
gathered thy children together, as a hen [doth gather] her
brood under [her] wings, and ye would not!
This just doesn't sound like a person that is happy about the situation.
JW> TB> So why didn't he <John the Baptist> become Jesus' #1 man ?
JW> TB> When we read that the people who Jesus finally found to
JW> TB> support him had no idea that Elijah was supposed to come
JW> TB> before the Lord, it is VERY obvious they weren't nearly as
JW> TB> qualified as a man like John.
JW> In whose eyes was John more qualified? Ours, or God's?
Maby I did not make my point clear enough. Jesus should have been
supported to the fullest degree by people like John, St. Paul, etc.,
this would have allowed him to reach the people.
MAT 11:7 And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes
concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see?
A reed shaken with the wind?
MAT 11:8 But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft
raiment? behold, they that wear soft [clothing] are in kings'
MAT 11:9 But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto
you, and more than a prophet.
MAT 11:10 For this is [he], of whom it is written, Behold, I send my
messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before
MAT 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there
hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist:
notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is
greater than he.
Date 08-31-91 07:53:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Jesus.3 part 2/5
EM> How does this show that John the Baptist had messed up?
Mat 11:7 ff shows me that John lost faith in Christ. Is this what we
should expect of the Greatest Born of Woman ? Now we know how the
greatest born of woman could become the least.... The greatest born of
woman should naturally become the greatest ( or at least in the top 10
<grin> ) in the kingdom of heaven. But John finished dead last !
John was simply stupid. He thought that if he followed Jesus he would
decrease: John 3:30 If you can find anyone in this conference or
anyone that will enter a message in this conference that will tell me
that following Christ will cause someone to decrease then I'll
reconsider my opinion about John's success.
Date 08-31-91 08:00:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject Jesus.3 part 2/5
EM> First, you've abruptly changed subjects. Walter was talking
EM> about Jesus, you changed it to John the Baptist.
That's allowed. <grin> You how to define a boring person... he/she
is one that can change the conversation to what they want to talk about
faster than you can change it back to what you want to talk about. ha
ha he he ha I may be getting pretty boring.
EM> Second,....
EM> Note that that verse did NOT say they'd remain that way
EM> forever--JtB was eventually killed and went to heaven and was
EM> himself cleansed of the presence of sin. Jesus simply said
EM> that, FOR THE PRESENT, JtB was still on earth and was still a
EM> sinner, however good he might be relative to other men.
You sure are working hard to defend John. Any particular reason ?
He did lose faith in Christ after all the preparations God had put into
raising him up to support Jesus.
Date 08-31-91 08:05:00
From Terry Blount
To John Wildenthal
Subject Jesus.3 Part 2/5
JW> Walter was talking about Jesus, not John the Baptist here.
Well since this is the second message showing me my goof up, I'll admit
I could possibly have gotten confused ( How's that for admitting a
mistake ?) <grin> Actually, I was just testing everyone to see who was
reading my messages..... yeah that's the ticket. <blush>
Date 08-31-91 08:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Edward Murphy
Subject JESUS.7
EM> I'll just bring up one point you made, that God gave up the
EM> First Israel and focused on the second one (Christians). GOD
EM> NEVER GAVE UP THE FIRST ONE! God never gives up on ANYONE.
EM> (Read the parable about how a shepherd with a hundred sheep
EM> will take time off to reclaim just one that wanders off.)
EM> Jesus's message is to Jews and Gentiles ALIKE--Jews aren't
EM> higher nor lower.
It would help if you quoted me saying that God GAVE UP. If you read
the parable of the vineyard, you may realize that Judaism is no longer
playing first chair. If I did say 'gave up' it was a mistake, I should
have said:
MAT 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken
from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits
Date 08-31-91 17:09:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Brothers and childrldre
MS> Face it, Terry. You went against the posted rules and were
MS> called down on it. You weren't posting views - you were posting
MS> doctrines of your church.
So are you. When are you going to leave this conference ?
Date 08-31-91 17:10:00
From Terry Blount
To Mark Bassett
Subject Jesus.1 part 1/2
MB> I thought this whole thing you are going on about was
MB> unashamedly extra-scriptur...
When I agreed that my belief was extra-biblical it was with the
explanation that extra-biblical means you disagree. That's all. How
many people have had been bitterly criticised for their interpretation
of scripture, only to later have those views accepted. Do you recall
MAR 2:24 And the Pharisees said unto him, Behold, why do they on the
sabbath day that which is not lawful?
Let's look at the response of the people toward a man who was accused of
teaching an extra-biblical message:
JOH 5:16 And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay
him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.
JOH 5:18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not
only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his
Father, making himself equal with God.
Did Jesus really teach something that was extra-biblical, or was his
teaching misunderstood ?
When people accuse someone of teaching something extra-biblical, they
are making an attempt to accuse the person of going against the Bible.
Date 08-31-91 17:26:00
From Terry Blount
To Mike Stephens
Subject Jesus.2 part 1/5
MS> TB> Now it is your turn. Find one instance of John ever
MS> following Jesus and
MS> > taking instructions from him.
MS> John never followed Jesus because he was never called to.
MAT 11:7 And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes
concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see?
A reed shaken with the wind?
MAT 11:8 But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft
raiment? behold, they that wear soft [clothing] are in kings'
MAT 11:9 But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto
you, and more than a prophet.
MAT 11:10 For this is [he], of whom it is written, Behold, I send my
messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before
MAT 11:11 Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there
hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding